
  1. 澳大利亚仍是一个不断繁荣发展的市场。今年夏季,雷曼兄弟收购了该国衍生品及结构信贷产品方面的专业券商&GrangeSecurities,计划在5年内将这家券商转变为提供全面服务的投行。

    Australia remains a thriving market and this summer Lehman acquired Grange Securities , a specialist in derivatives and structured credit , which it aims to turn into a full-service investment bank within five years .

  2. 对于在账面上持有债务抵押债券(CDO)等复杂结构性信贷产品,银行也将面临更严格的限制,因为它们必须针对这些产品持有更多缓冲资金。

    Banks will face greater restrictions on holding complex structured credit products such as CDOs on their books , since they will be required to hold greater buffers of capital against them .

  3. 拥有大量美元的中国、日本和德国投资者没有直接把资金贷给次贷市场,却投资于债务抵押债券(CDO)等不透明的信贷产品。他们错误地以为,这类产品与美国国债一样安全。

    Dollar-rich Chinese , Japanese and German investors did not lend the money directly to the subprime mortgage market but they invested in opaque credit products , such as collateralised debt obligations , which they mistakenly deemed to be as safe as US government bonds .

  4. 首先,投资者已经找到了更直接的方式来表达他们对未来的看法,从交易所交易基金(ETF)出现全球性爆发,到利率和信贷产品深化。在央行对资产价格具有重大影响的当今世界尤其如此。

    First , investors have found more direct ways to express their views about the future , particularly in a world in which central banks have had such an important influence on asset prices - from the explosion in equity exchange traded funds globally to the deepening of interest rate and credit products .

  5. 人们开始意识到,很多点心债券其实是信贷产品,而不仅是外汇产品。

    People realised that a lot of dim sum bonds are credit products not just FX products .

  6. 但到了2005年,信贷产品已经变得非常复杂,定制化水平也非常之高,以至于大多数根本从未进行过交易。

    But by 2005 , credit products had become so complex and bespoke , that most never traded at all .

  7. 其中逾800亿美元是已然在缩减的不盈利资产,比如金融危机时代的美国抵押贷款和信贷产品。

    More than $ 80bn of this is unprofitable assets that are already in run-off , like crisis-vintage US mortgage and credit products .

  8. 历史上偏紧的新兴市场债务借贷利差有所扩大,但与大多数其他信贷产品相比幅度不大。

    The historically tight borrowing spreads on emerging market debt have widened somewhat , but modestly in comparison to most every other credit product .

  9. 然而传统的银行信贷产品、业务模式、风险控制方式等各方面不适应中小企业的自身条件,难以满足中小企业正常的资金需求。

    However , the traditional credit products , business model and risk control model do not suit SMEs appropriately for their requirement for fund .

  10. 并购贷款是商业银行向境内企业提供的用以支付并购交易价款的信贷产品。

    M A loan is a kind of credit service which commercial banks loans to domestic enterprises only for the payment of M A transactions .

  11. 虽然目前的情况没有一周前明显,但债市的观点也难以得到股票和信贷产品价格的认可。

    The bond market view is also hard to square with equity and credit prices , although less so than it was a week ago .

  12. 由于融资环境仍然宽松,而且投资者热衷于购买风险较高的信贷产品,因此维持上述债务负担的成本非常低。

    The cost of maintaining this burden is very low , as financing conditions remain easy and investors are eager to purchase risky credit instruments .

  13. 因此许多发展中国家,包括我国在内均效仿孟加拉银行的做法,并将小额信贷产品运用于扶植本国的中小企业。

    Therefore , many developing countries including China are following the practice of Bangladesh bank , and use the microfinance products to foster their countries ' SMEs .

  14. 他预测,在2013年,投资者对外围国家风险较高的资产将保持旺盛需求,但他表示,投资者未来必须更具体的分析他们所瞄准的信贷产品。

    In 2013 , he expects strong demand for riskier assets in the periphery but says investors will need to be more specific about which credits they target .

  15. 对于信贷产品同质化的我国商业银行来说,信贷产品创新受限,信贷业务的竞争力主要体现在各自的业务流程,因此,设计出良好的信贷业务流程,至关重要。

    Because the credit product is homogeneous and its innovation is limitative in our commercial bank , the competition of credit business lies in its business process reengineering .

  16. 选定了目标客户,还应配置合适的授信方案,包括授信额度、信贷产品和担保措施等。

    Then , after Selecting the target customers , we also should configure the appropriate credit scheme , including a line of credit , credit products and guarantee measures .

  17. 但是,目前农村信贷产品多集中在生产信贷方面,消费信贷产品屈指可数,也没有开办针对仪式的消费信贷,信贷供给与需求的缺口十分明显。

    Most of the current rural credit products concentrate on the productive credit , and no offer for consumer credit , the gap of credit supply and demand is very obvious .

  18. 格林斯潘表示,尚未清楚大型金融机构是否已经进行了所有的资产减记,包括评级较高的抵押支持信贷产品。

    Mr Greenspan said it was still not clear whether big financial institutions had taken all the writedowns they would need to take on higher rated tranches of mortgage-backed credit products .

  19. 它们迅速地购置那些不久后即被证明是有毒资产的结构性信贷产品;还将自身的业务连同管理糟糕的债务和股权投资过度地扩展到那些它们毫不擅长的领域。

    They scooped up structured credit products which later turned out to be toxic ; they also overreached themselves with badly managed debt and equity investments in regions where they had little expertise .

  20. 对结构性信贷产品涉猎有限的亚洲银行,总体上有着坚实的流动性和资金结构、良好的盈利和资本缓冲,以及从国内市场融资的渠道。

    Asian banks in general , had limited involvement in structured credit products , have sound liquidity and funding structures , good earnings and capital buffers as well as access to funding from domestic markets .

  21. 公司业务在基于银行的核心信贷产品之上,致力于为客户提供个性化、创新的金融服务

    " Corporate banking is built upon the backbone of the bank 's core credit products , to meet the needs of its corporate clients and provide them with individual and innovative financial services . "

  22. 再次,从信贷产品、贷款担保、资金规模、地方经济、企业自身的制约等角度,对信贷约束的具体因素进行分析。

    Thirdly , the paper analyzes the specific constraint factors of SMEs ' financing , which include the restrictions on credit product , credit guarantee , funding scale , local economic development and defect of SMEs .

  23. 通过开发适宜的信贷产品,不仅在融资方面对企业有帮助,在抵押资产评估方面也要与企业相适应,才能拓宽企业贷款的门槛。

    By developing the appropriate credit products , not only in the financiers to face enterprises help , on mortgage assets appraisal should be compatible with the enterprise , also can broaden the enterprise loan threshold .

  24. 最后,从河北省小微企业信贷产品的创新、改革信贷管理方法、完善商业银行客户经理制度三方面来引导商业银行的贷款行为。

    Finally , to guide the lending behavior of commercial banks from Hebei province Small and micro businesses credit product innovation , reforming the credit management method , improve the client manager system in commercial bank .

  25. 由于投身于结构性信贷产品和国际地产金融,以及海运业周期性下滑的影响,该行在金融危机期间亏损高达数十亿,预计在明年前才能实现盈利。

    It lost billions during the financial crisis with its exposure to structured credits and international property finance as well as the cyclical downturn in shipping and is not expected to be profitable until next year .

  26. 传统的信贷产品和风险控制手段在面对财务信息不透明、缺少抵押担保且随时可能倒闭的授信申请人时,显得苍白无力。

    When facing an opaque financial information , and the credit applicants who are lack of collateral and may collapse at any time , the traditional means of credit products and risk control look pale and weak .

  27. 信用风险相对于银行可以说是与生俱来的,并且随着金融市场深化和信贷产品的创新信用风险的计量越来越困难和复杂。

    Credit risk and bank were produced at the same time , with the promotion and innovation of the credit products of the financial market , the measurement of the credit risk becomes more and more difficult and complicated .

  28. 主要表现在信贷产品比较单调,适应性较差,在贷款额度、期限及利率等方面很难适应不同农户、不同经济主体在不同经济发展阶段上的需求。

    Mainly in credit products rather monotonous , poor adaptability , the loan amount , term and interest rate so it is difficult to adapt to different households , different economic agents in different stages of economic development needs .

  29. 本文首先阐明了商业银行信用风险的概念和特征,界定了信贷产品,介绍了我国商业银行信用风险管理的现状以及存在的问题。

    Firstly this paper has expounded the feature and concept of the credit risk of commercial bank , defined the credit products , and introduced the current situation of credit risk management of commercial bank of our country and existing problem .

  30. 并购市场的繁荣催生了并购贷款这种信贷产品,它的产生一方面推动了企业并购交易的发展,一方面成为商业银行新赢利点。

    The boom of M A market gave birth to M A loans . On the one hand it promoted the development of M A transactions ; on the other hand , it brings a new profit point to commercial banks .