
  • 网络credit creation
  1. KKR在近期一份报告中写到:我们认为这一机会是长期的,而不是周期性的,近年新兴市场的信用创造一直过大。

    We see this opportunity as secular , not cyclical , as credit creation in the emerging markets in recent years has been outsized , KKR said in a recent report .

  2. 这包括修复银行的资产负债表以释放信用创造。

    This includes repairing banks ' balance sheets to unblock credit creation .

  3. 电子货币对商业银行信用创造能力的影响

    Influence of Electronic Money on Credit Ability of Commercial Bank

  4. 现在,由于金融创新扩大了信用创造,货币政策不可避免地将受其影响。

    Now financial innovation expands credit creation , so it inevitably affects monetary policy .

  5. 金融经历了从融通资金到信用创造,再到转移风险的过程。

    The development of banking system experiences a process from credit creation to risk shifting .

  6. 因此以银信合作理财产品为例,探讨我国影子银行的信用创造机制。

    This paper takes bank and trust cooperation financial products as an example to explain the mechanism of credit creation of shadow bank .

  7. 第二章针对信用创造组织的风险问题,提出风险度量的一般化标准,并在标准上提出风险度量的一般化新表达法,将风险问题与概率统计融合。

    In the second chapter , the general criterion of risk measurement in allusion to the risk problem in the credit creation organization is presented .

  8. 我仍然不认为,政府可以不理会信用创造体系作为一个整体的运转方式(或者更确切地说,失灵方式)。

    I remain unpersuaded that government could ignore the way the credit-creation system as a whole works ( or , rather , does not ) .

  9. 从货币供给角度分析,电子货币的普及会对信用创造过程产生影响,使得信用乘数上升。

    Analyzing from the money supply angle , we think that the spread of electronic currency will influence the credit creation and make the money multiplier rising .

  10. ?第三,银行危机将使信用创造机制遭受严重破坏,经济发展正常需要的货币供给量无法得到保证。

    Thirdly , banking crisis will destroy the credit initiation mechanism and as a result the quantity of money supply necessary for economic development cannot be guaranteed .

  11. 由于资产证券化兼有风险转移创新、提高流动性创新和信用创造创新的功能,所以引发了金融市场多方面的深刻变革。

    Assets securitization has the function of risk transformation , mobility improvement and credit create , so it has caused the deep changes in many aspects of financial market .

  12. 第一章就信用创造组织风险问题的根源和研究背景以及国内外研究状况进行了综述。

    The first chapter of the paper summarizes the foundation and research background of the risk problems , and the situation of domestic and overseas research on the risk problems .

  13. 在政府试图抑制银行以正规手段进行信用创造时,急需资金的公司就只好将进口商品作为一种筹资手段。

    At times when Beijing tries to restrain formal yuan credit creation at the banks , cash-starved companies have resorted to importing commodities instead as a means to raise capital .

  14. 法定存款准备金工具是指中央银行通过规定或调整商业银行缴存中央银行的存款准备金比率,调节商业银行的信用创造能力以及货币供应量的措施。

    It means the central bank accommodates the credit creation and money supply of commercial banks by regulating or adjusting the deposit ratio at which commercial banks pay to the central bank .

  15. 那么,在一个政策可信性不可或缺的世界,如何应对关于财政可持续性、过度的信用创造,以及经济正常化所需时间的合理担忧?

    How then to respond to valid concerns about fiscal sustainability , excessive credit creation and the time it may take to return to normality in a world where policy credibility is essential ?

  16. 而后,指出两类信用创造组织的代表:保险公司与商业银行面对的各自有关风险问题及本文创新之处。

    Subsequently , the paper points out the respective correlative risk problem of the delegates of two kinds of credit creation organization : insurance company and commercial bank which confronted , and concludes innovation of the paper .

  17. 作为金融业的重要组成部分,非银行金融业是由证券公司、保险公司、信托投资公司等众多不具备信用创造功能的金融机构组成的金融分支体系。

    As part of the financial industry , the non-bank financial sector is a branch of financial system composed of financial institutions with no credit creation function such as securities , insurance and trust and investment companies .

  18. 中央银行、信用货币创造与存差&兼对近年中国人民银行货币操作行为的分析

    Central Banking , Credit Money Creation and the Spread between Deposits and Loans

  19. 本文首先从信息经济学和博弈论理论出发,探讨了工程担保资格审查的经济学意义是修正了市场的信息不对称状态,为建立和完善建筑市场信用机制创造了条件。

    In this paper , the significance of construction surety bond prequalification is analyzed from the point of view of information economics and game theory . It helps to remove asymmetry of information in construction market and develop a more perfect credit mechanism .

  20. 在法国,信用卡公司创造EMV的部分原因是电话垄断既低效又昂贵,令人恼火。

    In France , card companies created EMV in part because the telephone monopoly was so maddeningly inefficient and expensive .

  21. 风险管理参与银行价值创造,文化与技术的结合将为信用卡行业创造更多新的机会。

    Risk lunwen114Management participating banks value creation , culture and technology for the credit card industry to create more new opportunities .

  22. 本文首先回顾了现代信用货币的创造过程,分析了现代社会经济条件下货币的供给渠道,为后面的分析奠定了基础。

    At the beginning , this paper reviewed the creating process of the modern credit money , analyzed the channel of money supply .

  23. 建立良好的政府信用,为企业信用创造良好的外部环境;

    Establishes the good government credit , of Government . government ; What is Good ?

  24. 商业银行作为经营货币这一特殊商品的企业,具有信用中介、支付中介、信用创造和金融服务等四大基本职能。

    Commercial banks as a special commodity business of carrying on money , credit intermediaries , to pay an intermediary , credit creation and financial services to the four basic functions .

  25. 政府应该在构建信用政府的基础上,为企业信用文化建设创造良好的外在环境;

    The Government should foster a good external environment for the construction of entrepreneurial credit culture while constructing a credit government ;

  26. 交易信用是市场经济体系的重要构成内容,交易信用既是创造商机的工具,又是制造风险的源头。

    Being an important component of market economic system , transaction credit sets the tool for creating business opportunities , as well as the source of making risk .

  27. 钱业的中介信用由此转变为银行中介信用,信用中介功能,尤其是信用创造货币功能得以全面彰显,这恰是近代商业银行与传统金融机构根本的区别所在。

    Money credit intermediation industry was resulted into a bank intermediation of credit , credit intermediary function , especially the creation of the currency function of the credit be fully demonstrate that this is precisely the modern commercial banks and traditional financial institutions do not produce the difference .

  28. 信用是一种经济运行,信用执法要从运用市场管理工具,规范信用执法人做起,从而推动市场信用秩序,创造信用的文化。

    Credit is a kind of economic operation . Execution the law with credit should start with using market management tools and standardizing the executor of the law , therefore , to improve market credit order and create credit culture .

  29. 因此,我们必须依靠法律来约束信用关系中各方面的行为,尽快建立和完善失信惩罚机制,加大失信者的成本,为我省社会信用体系的建设创造良好的外部环境。

    Therefore , the activities of credit relation should be controlled by law , punitive system for loss credit should be set up and perfected , and a better external environment should be formed for our social credit system .