
  • 网络reputation system;the credit system
  1. 我国C2C电子商务信用体系构建研究

    Study on Building the C2C E-commerce Credit System in China

  2. 在国内,由于信用体系建设和相应的电子商务法律法规等条件不够完善,C2C网上交易中存在较多的风险,有必要对这些风险因素加以调查研究。

    In domestic , the credit system construction and the corresponding electronic commerce laws and regulations are not well built , therefore , there are many risks existing in the C2C on-line transaction , it is necessary to investigate these risk factors .

  3. 税收信用体系建设与建立征信国家

    Construct Credit of Tax System and Set up Credit Inquiry Nation

  4. 浅析电信市场信用体系的构建

    Briefly on the construction of credit system of the telecom market

  5. 建立健全社会信用体系若干问题的探讨

    Discussion about Some Problems of Establishing a Sanity Social Reputation System

  6. 读者信用体系构建探索

    A probe into the construction of the credit database of readers

  7. 信用体系与征信:概念与基本框架

    Credit System and Credit Rating : Concept and Basic Framework

  8. 建立个人信用体系发展个人信贷

    To Establish Individual Credit System , To Develop Individual Loan

  9. 经济领域的信用体系建设探讨

    Exploration on the Establishment of the Credit System in Realm of Economy

  10. 加强信用体系建设,建立健全奖惩机制;

    Construct the credit system , perfect the rewards and punishments mechanism ;

  11. 关于构建中国保险业信用体系研究

    Research on the Construction of Insurance Credit System in China

  12. 金融业个人信用体系的构想

    On Conception of the Personal Credit System in the Field of Finance

  13. 论我国政府信用体系的建设

    The Discussion about Government Credit System Construction of Our Country

  14. 三是完善企业信用体系的建设。

    Second , improve the construction of enterprise credit system .

  15. 我国道路客运市场信用体系构建研究

    Study on Credit System of Road Passenger Transportation in China

  16. 人才信用体系是社会诚信系统的重要组成部分。

    Employment credit system is an important part of social credit system .

  17. 社会信任结构与社会信用体系建设研究

    Social Trust Structure and Social Credit System Construction Study

  18. 营造诚信环境打造诚信品牌&食品安全信用体系建设宣传活动在京举行

    Building Good Faith Environment , Making Good Faith Brand

  19. 浅析我国人才信用体系的构建

    Study on Construction of Employment Credit System in China

  20. 自然人破产制度对构建个人信用体系的意义

    The Meaning of Natural Person Bankruptcy in the Establishment of Personal Credit System

  21. 北京如何打造社会信用体系

    Ways to Create the Social Credibility System in Beijing

  22. 这些因素有:法律环境、人力资源、社会信用体系。

    These factors include : laws environment , human resources , social credit system .

  23. 加快信用体系建设促进商业银行健康发展

    Quicken the comprehensive construction of credit system , promote the healthy operation of banks

  24. 关于构建我国社会信用体系的研究

    Study on Society Credit System Construction in China

  25. 我国信用体系的建构与政府职能

    Construction of Credit System and Government 's Function

  26. 社会征信体系是社会信用体系的基础和核心。

    Social credit information system is the base and core of social credit system .

  27. 从委托代理理论角度为信用体系建立提供理论依据。

    From the perspective of principal-agent theory provide theoretical basis for establishing credit system .

  28. 中小企业融资与信用体系建构

    The Building of the Financing and Credit System of the Middle and Small-Sized Enterprises

  29. 构筑政府信用体系推进法治政府建设

    Establishing Government Credit System and Promoting Law Construction

  30. 论档案行政管理部门在社会信用体系建设中的作用

    Discussion on the roles of archive administration in the construction of social credit system