
xìn tuō cái chǎn
  • trust estate;trust
  1. 建议提高投资者对不动产证券化的参与,采取尽快培养专门人才,放宽信托财产的投资标的,明确政府职责等措施,培育和完善不动产证券化环境。

    To foster and improve REITs environment , the paper suggests the following measures : encouraging participation of investors to REITs , training qualified specialists , relaxing the investment objective of trust estate , and clarifying the function of government , etc.

  2. 遗嘱信托制度的具体内容包括:遗嘱信托的关系人,遗嘱信托的信托财产,以及遗嘱信托的设立、变更、终止。

    The content includes the relative parties and trust estate of Testamentary Trust , and the establishment , change and termination of Testamentary Trust .

  3. 他在遗嘱里为孩子们建立了信托财产。

    By his will he created trusts for his children .

  4. 用益乃信托财产所有权。

    Usus eat dominium fiduciarium .

  5. 信托财产起源于英国,其前身为英国13世纪所流行的用益权(Use)。

    Trust Property originated in Britain , formerly of the 13th century British popular usufruct ( Use ) .

  6. 某一B2B固定提供增值服务由保证产品质量,确认的采购员和卖主信誉,供应的信托财产服务,并且通信的行业信息。

    Some B2B firms provide value-added services by guaranteeing product quality , certifying buyer and seller credit worthiness , supplying escrow services , and communicating industry information .

  7. 第四部分:信托财产的回复和归属。

    Part IV , The recovery and ownership of trust property .

  8. 这财产不是我的,这是信托财产。

    This property is not mine , it is a trust .

  9. 受托人必须受益人管理信托财产。

    The trustee must manage the trust property for the beneficiary .

  10. 受托人对信托财产不实施任何积极行为的信托。

    A trust in which the trustee performs no active duties .

  11. 他想为他的信托财产揽到最好的交易。

    He wanted to secure the best deal for his trust .

  12. 他21岁时继承了财产.信托财产的指定继承人

    He entered on his inheritance when he was 21 . trust remainder

  13. 受托人收入将只归咎于信托财产授予者。

    Trustee income will be attributed only to settlors of a trust .

  14. 明确的信托财产公示制度由大陆法系的日本率先确立。

    Japan took the lead in the specific trust property publicity system .

  15. 由信托财产的独立性看信托公示登记制度

    The Independence of Trust Assets and the Trust Demonstration & Registration System

  16. 信托财产的独立性可以产生直接和间接的法律后果;

    Independence of trust property can produce direct and indirect legal effect ;

  17. 他在遗嘱里为子女安排好了信托财产.他在遗嘱里为孩子们建立了信托财产。

    In his will he created trusts for his children .

  18. 中国信托财产所有权归属分析与建构

    Analysis and Reconstruction on the Internal Structure of Trust Ownership in China

  19. 儿子继承父亲的财产。信托财产的指定继承人

    A son inherits from his father . trust remainder

  20. 受托人向受益人预付来自信托财产的资金的权力

    Power of a trustee to advance fund from a trust to a beneficiary

  21. 第二部分是信托财产独立性的法理基础。

    The first part is the trust property and the trust property independence .

  22. 信托财产法律问题研究

    A Study on the Legal Issue of Trust Property

  23. 信托财产的制度安排是实现信托功能的关键。

    The regulation of trust property is essential to the function of trust .

  24. 他为子女安排好了信托财产。

    He set up a trust for his children .

  25. 论信托财产制度在中国的本土化

    On Localization of Trust Property System in China

  26. 信托财产的同一性,是指信托财产的范围不仅限于委托人当初交付信托的财产,凡在信托管理中所取得的一切财产也均构成信托财产。

    Identity that means all property produced from trust management belong to trust property .

  27. 有向D-回路信托财产的管理方法的变更,可分为单独变更、合意变更、声请法院变更。

    Directed D - Circuit Change by court .

  28. 其中,信托财产的独立性是信托财产的一个重要特征。

    And then , the independence is a very important character of trust property .

  29. 信托财产所有权归属问题研究

    Attribution of the Ownership of Trust Property

  30. 信托财产所有权性质之再思考

    Reconsideration on the Character of Trust Property