
  • 网络the trustee
  1. 信托受托人制度的法律思考

    Legal Thought on the Trustee System in a Trust

  2. 因此,从理论上完善我国信托受托人制度具有重要的现实意义和长远意义。

    So , perfecting the trustee system of trust of our country theoretically has important realistic meaning and long-term meaning .

  3. 香港体育学院信托基金受托人委员会

    " Committee of Trustees , Hong Kong Sports Institute Trust Fund "

  4. 信托给予受托人合法财产权的信任,以便其为他人管理财产并承担涉及财产及受益人的义务。

    The confidence reposed in a trustee when giving the trustee legal title to property to administer for another , together with the trustee 's obligation regarding that property and the beneficiary .

  5. 对于统筹基金来说,基金管理者即各地的社会保险经办机构为委托人,信托公司为受托人,成立一个信托关系,其中受益人为全体养老保险的缴费者。

    For the fund , a trust relationship is established between fund managers , agencies of the social security all over the countries as the principals and the trust company or social security fund as the trustees , whose beneficiary are all of the payers for the pension insurance .

  6. 本文将从信托目的、信托期间、指定受托人、监察人四个方面去探讨目的信托之特有属性。

    This article will probe into the character of purpose trust focusing on the following four aspects : purpose , duration , designated person , enforcer .

  7. 全文共分三个部分:第一章对信托的沿革及英国法上信托受托人、受益人的权利性质进行了考察与分析。

    This Article is consisted of three parts as set forth bellow : The first chapter of this article mainly introduces the development of trust in English law and analyses the right held by trustee and beneficial as well .