
  • 网络e-education;Informationized Education;Informatization Education
  1. 随着信息化教育的发展,网络平台教育逐渐成为辅助书本及课堂教育的一种新型教育形式。

    With the development of E-education , the network-platform education has become a new education form which assists the book-and-classroom form of education .

  2. 作为应用型本科大学信息化教育的重要实践环节,多媒体互动网络学堂系统的开发充分运用了现代教育技术。

    As an important practice stages in e-Education of the applied university , the development of multimedia interaction network school system has managed modern education techniques fully .

  3. CAI的概念及技术在信息化教育中的新发展

    The New Development of CAI 's Concept and Technology in e-Education

  4. 文章阐述了Blog的概念,Blog在信息化教育实践中的应用以及如何创建Blog。

    The article is described the concept of blog , blog application in informational education of practice and how to create blog .

  5. 信息化教育的发展对CAI的概念、技术、理论、模式以及评价诸方面都带来很大的冲击,CAI也因而在近几年里有了很大的发展。

    The development of e Education has presented CAI with serious challenges on the aspects such as concept , technology , theory , mode and evaluation . As a result , CAI has had rapid advances in recent years .

  6. 随着信息化教育的发展,CAI的基本模式在传统模式的基础上又有了很大程度的扩展,并形成了传统与现代相整合的发展态势。

    With the development of e Education , CAI 's basic modes extend largely based on those traditional modes . Therefore , a developing state , which is featured by the integration of traditional and modern modes , is formed .

  7. 高校图书馆是信息化教育的重要基地。

    University library is an important base of information literacy education .

  8. 信息化教育中教师角色及能力探析

    Exploration of Teachers ' Role and Their Ability in Information Education

  9. 现代教学媒体的选择是实现信息化教育的重要一环。

    Modern Educational media is a dey link in realizing informational education .

  10. Blog:信息化教育中简便有效的学习工具

    Blog : Simple and Effective Learning Tool in Informational Education

  11. 信息化教育对教学模式提出了新的挑战。

    Informative education makes a new challenge to teaching models .

  12. 信息化教育的教学模式与教学设计研究

    Research on Teaching Model and Teaching Design of Informational Education

  13. 社区信息化教育中的学习过程的设计与研究

    Design and Research of the Process of Study in the Community Informatization Education

  14. 走近教育信息化教育信息化与师范生的信息能力

    Approach to Education Informatization Education Informatization and Informative Ability of Teacher-training School Students

  15. 信息化教育是当代社会教育改革的一个重要课题。

    Information education is an important problem of the contemporary society education reform .

  16. 采用现代信息化教育提高少数民族的文化素质

    Improving Cultural Quality of Ethnic Minority Regions by Developing Education of Modern Informatization

  17. 交通信息化教育综合实训平台的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of the Integrated Training Platform in Traffic Information Education

  18. 其结果必然形成一种全新的教育形态&信息化教育。

    The reform will result in a brand-new form of education – informationalized education .

  19. 论现代信息化教育的质量管理

    On Quality Control of Modern Education Informatization

  20. 大学英语教师的信息化教育技术能力及其培养

    College English teachers ' ability to integrate IT in education and training of the ability

  21. 知识经济与信息化教育

    Knowledge Economy and IT in Education

  22. 当今世界信息化教育的主要趋势是网络化教育。

    The main trend of Today 's international information education is education based on the network .

  23. 前期大量资金的投入,基本完善了信息化教育基础设施的建设。

    A large number of capital investment has perfected the construction of facilities of information education foundation .

  24. 自动答疑系统是当前信息化教育发展的热点。

    An auto - answering system is a very promising research field of the development of information education .

  25. 当今科学技术的突飞猛进促使远程教育逐渐成为信息化教育行业一个重要的分支。

    With the rapid development of science and technology distance education is becoming an important branch of Information Education .

  26. 回归算法在三峡库区教师信息化教育评价体系中的应用

    The Application of Regression Algorithm on the Evaluation System of Teachers ' Informative Education in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  27. 为学生提供合适的信息资源是提高研究性学习的教学质量与效率的关键,信息化教育模式下,如何把个性化的信息推荐给学生显得尤为重要。

    Providing the students with appropriate information resources is the key of raising the quality and efficiency of research learning .

  28. 刍议思想政治教育发展趋势&工业化教育向信息化教育转折的历史原因

    On the trend of ideological and political education & Historical reasons for the transformation from Industrial education to Informational education

  29. 建立课程学习网站是信息化教育资源建设的一种有效形式,具有资源丰富,自主性强、交互性好的特点。

    One efficient form is to set up the course studying web , which is full of resources , freedom and interaction .

  30. 随着信息化教育的逐步实施,校园信息管理系统的建设成为很重要的一环。

    With the information education gradually putting into effect , the construction of campus information management system has become an important link .