
  1. 因此,信息就是信息,它既不是物质,也不是能量。

    Therefore , information is information , not material , nor energy .

  2. 控制论创始人维纳曾经指出:信息就是信息,不是物质,也不是能量,信息有它自己的特征。

    The founder of cybernetics Willa once pointed out that information was just information , it wasn 't a substance or energy , and it had its own feature .

  3. 信息处理就是信息的采集、加工、传送等过程,通常分为选择与分离和识别与分类的信息处理。

    Information processing is information collection , processing , transmission and other processes . Information processing typically includes selection separation and identification classification .

  4. 信息就是力量,信息领域将来是未来的战场。

    Information is power ; the information domain is the future battlefield .

  5. 在信息化时代,信息就是财富,信息就是生产力。

    In the information age , information is wealth , information is productivity .

  6. 对企业组织来讲,这个信息系统就是管理信息系统。

    For the business organization , this information system is the management information system .

  7. 这种被动的信息获取行为就是信息偶遇。

    This passive information behavior is Information Encountering .

  8. 网络信息侵权就是因信息在互联网环境下的传播而产生的棘手法律问题。

    Tort of online information is a thorny legal issue arising from the communication of information online .

  9. 摘要会计信息系统就是管理信息系统中的财务管理子系统,专门用于会计业务处理。

    Accounting information system is a finance management sub-system of management information system , and is used for accounting business processing .

  10. 从用户角度看信息可视化主要就是信息提供的可视化,也就是信息服务界面的可视化。

    In user 's view , information visualization mainly is visualization of information providing , or interface visualization of information service .

  11. 对于人类社会而言,信息就是知识,信息能就是智能,在知识和智能之间存在某种转换关系。

    In human society , information is knowledge and informational energy is intelligence . There is a transformation of knowledge and intelligence .

  12. 信息分析就是以信息为研究对象,根据拟解决的特定问题的需要,搜集相关信息进行分析研究,并得出有助于解决问题的新的信息的过程。

    The information analysis is the procedure that , in request of the giving issue , collects and analyzes the related information to obtain the new information which helps to solve the problem .

  13. 而信息就是在所共享信息的背景下被传达出来的。

    Information is conveyed against a background of shared information .

  14. 会计信息消费者行为就是会计信息消费者在一定的消费心理支配下,对会计信息这种特殊商品所采取的选择、评价、购买和使用的一系列行为活动。

    The behavior of accounting information consumer is a series of activities that are dominated by consumption anticipation .

  15. 而信息资源共享就是实现信息资源有效开发利用的重要手段。

    And information resources sharing would be an important way to realize the efficient exploitations and utilizations of information resources .

  16. 通过实证的比较分析,确定了我国国债市场的信息透明度,也就是信息不对称性的强弱程度;

    The first is that the paper comes forth conclusion of the degree of information asymmetry in Chinese national debt market .

  17. 噪声是指错误的信息,具体来说就是信息在传播的过程中受到干扰发生变形扭曲的现象。

    Noise means the wrong message , specifically means the distortion of information in the course of the dissemination due to interference .

  18. 地理信息服务就是在空间信息传播的过程中为不同的用户提供优质的、满足需求的空间信息产品。

    Geographical Information Services is , in the transmission process of spatial information , to provide high-quality , meeting-demand spatial information to different clients .

  19. 而信息积累课程就是开发信息资源,训练学生写什么的教学活动&这是作文教学要解决的主要矛盾之一。

    Information accumulation is the teaching activity of developing information resource and training the students how to write . That is the main problem which composition teaching must work out .

  20. 因此,显然,最快的接收任何地方信息的方式就是将信息发给这个处理器,他会及时地送回并且超早地送达,

    So of course , the fastest way to get a message anywhere was to send it to this guy , who would send it back in time and get it there super early ,

  21. 所谓个人信息权,就是指信息主体对本人个人信息所享有的支配、处分、排除他人侵害以及依法取得赔偿的权利。

    The so-called right of personal information is information that the personal information my personal information subject to the domination enjoyed by , disposition , and the exclusion of others against the right to compensation according to law .

  22. 及Wiener信息定义的逆:信息就是信息,信息是物质、能量、信息的标示。

    Invert of Wiener 's information definition : information is logo of matter , energy and message .

  23. 人类的发展进入了信息社会的时代,信息社会就是信息和知识将扮演主角的社会。

    The development of human society entered the era of information society , the information is information and knowledge will play the role of social .

  24. 世界已经迈进信息时代的门槛,信息就是商机,信息就是财富。

    As the world has entered an information era , information means business opportunities and wealth .

  25. 笔者认为从信息技术视角出发,信息犯罪就是以信息法益,即信息管理秩序为客体的,或者说严重危害信息管理秩序的,应当受刑法处罚的行为。

    The author thinks in information technology perspective , information on information law benefit crime is that information management order as the object , or serious harm information management order shall be subject to criminal punishment , the behavior .

  26. 词典在记录语言时,除了要收录描述语言的信息外,还要收入描述客观世界的信息,也就是百科信息。

    Apart from the information that describes language , dictionaries also incorporate information that reflects the objective world , i.e. encyclopedic information .

  27. 网络安全问题一直都是研究的热门话题。信息被窃取、篡改和伪造,因而保护信息就是为了为信息提供保密性、完整性,并提供身份验证。

    The protection to the information , which is easy to be peeked , modified and counterfeited , is to offer secrecy , integrity and source verification .

  28. 对信息关注与认同的含义和表现方式进行了论述,探讨了信息效应的建设原则,阐明了信息注意力就是信息效应的反映和信息价值的认同。

    This paper discusses on the meanings and expression forms of the information attention and identification , probes into the principles of the construction of the information effect , and expounds that the information attention is the reflection of the information effect and the identification of the information value .