
xìn rèn wēi jī
  • crisis of confidence
  1. 当时这个政党在其支持者中正遭受信任危机。

    The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters .

  2. 但他接着说,AOL受困于信任危机。

    But , he adds , AOL was beset by a crisis of confidence .

  3. 雇主和雇员之间出现了信任危机。

    There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees .

  4. B2B电子商务中网络信任危机影响因素的研究高校学生危机事件创伤的易感因素分析

    Factors Affecting Trust in B-to-B Electronic Commerce The Study of College Students ' Stress Susceptibility under the College Crisis

  5. 在遭受信任危机重创的金融市场,聘用具备cfa资格的人士能够帮助恢复客户信任。

    In financial markets blighted by a crisis of confidence , employing CFA holders can help restore client trust .

  6. 网上信任危机限制了消费者进行在线交易,提高消费者对在线公司的信任度是促进中国B2C电子商务发展的重要途径。

    Online trust crisis restricts consumers to online business ; as a result increasing online company trustworthiness is an important approach for developing B2C electronic commerce in china .

  7. 然而,随着用户需求的不断增多,BPM软件系统变得越来越复杂和难以控制,所导致的事故也频频发生,出现了前所未有的信任危机。

    However , with the increasing user needs , BPM software systems become more complex and difficult to control , which leads to frequent accidents and thus unprecedented trust crisis .

  8. 由于近日曝出了libor操纵事件等银行业丑闻,加上银行的盈利能力遭遇考验,银行业遭遇了信任危机。

    The dual impact of recent banking scandals , including the LIBOR affair , and struggling profitability has led to a crisis of confidence in the sector .

  9. UFO目击事件高发期,连同越南战争和水门事件,政府部门产生了严重的信任危机。

    Periods of high numbers of UFO sightings , have corresponded to a number of crises in government faith , among them the Vietnam War and Watergate .

  10. 世界上绝大多数的域名ODR网站的裁决获得了当事人的认同,域名ODR网站已走出了信任危机。第四章ODR的缺陷。

    With ruling gained recognition , Most of the world ODR domain name website is going out of the crisis of confidence . Chapter ⅳ: the defects of ODR .

  11. 投资者的宽慰可以理解。今年头5个星期,Salesforce的股价因市场对软件服务(Saas)企业的前景突现信任危机而下跌逾30%。

    Relief is understandable . In the first five weeks of the year , Salesforce 's stock fell more than 30 per cent amid a sudden crisis of confidence in the prospects of " software as a service " - or SaaS - companies .

  12. 艾滋病谣言的社会渊源:道德恐慌与信任危机

    Social Origins of AIDS Rumors : Moral Panic and Trust Crisis

  13. 社会信任危机:一项经验研究&突发事件引发群体行为的社会学分析

    Social Trust Crisis : Sociology Analysis in Group Actions from Emergency

  14. 但是,对于企业来说,有些信任危机事件是无法避免的。

    However , some crisis is unavoidable for the company .

  15. 儒家诚信观念与网络信任危机

    The honesty concept of Confucian school and network trust crisis

  16. 让我们看一看这场信任危机的几种表现。

    Let us look at how this crisis of confidence manifests itself .

  17. 家族企业信任危机与劳动关系信任调整

    Trust Crisis and Labor Relations Trust Adjustment in Family Firm

  18. 但随着社会经济的发展而导致的信任危机的情况也层出不穷。

    However with the development of social economy , trust crisis emerges .

  19. 医患矛盾冲突加剧,医患双方出现了严重的信任危机。

    Doctor-patient conflicts intensified degree of mutual trust between doctors and patients .

  20. 工党获胜后所面临的信任危机是相当严重的。

    The crisis of confidence which greeted labour 's victory was considerable .

  21. 但是这一事件可能会转变为消费者的信任危机。

    But it could turn into a consumer trust problem .

  22. 信任危机的经济伦理学分析

    Analyzing the Trust Crisis from the Perspective of Economic Ethics

  23. 信任危机的消弭和信任关系的重建是一项宏大的系统工程。

    The elimination of trust relationship is the systematic project .

  24. 你们之间出现过信任危机或者嫉妒心理吗?

    Have trust or jealousy ever been issues between you ?

  25. 我国供应链企业间的信任危机分析

    A Study on Trust Crisis between Inter-Firm in Supply Chain in China

  26. 这样的造假带来了严重的公众信任危机。

    Such fraud poses a serious public crisis of confidence .

  27. 召回事件使丰田汽车公司和产品陷入了严重的信任危机,因为丰田,日本精益求精的制造业,光环消褪殆尽。

    The recall incidents made Toyota fall into serious crisis of confidence .

  28. 你就写了“依然存在信任危机”。

    You just wrote " still has trust issues . "

  29. 当前信任危机的阐释与消弭

    The Explanation and Solution of the Present Credit Crises

  30. 信任危机引发对诚信的思考

    " Trust crisis " causes the thinking of sincerity