- 网络Agreement On Safeguards;safeguards

Under the special safeguard mechanism , WTO Member countries can apply safeguard measures in response to surges in imports from China on less restrictive conditions than those under the current WTO Agreement on Safeguards .
In case of sharp increase of import causing the serious injure or the threatening of serious injure on the domestic industry , WTO members can invoke the emergency actions according to GATT XIX and WTO Agreement on Safeguards .
There exists conflict between the American " Article 201 " and the " Safeguard Measures " of WTO .
Agreement of Safeguard Measurement of WTO offers some means to protect industry safety of its members , and also leads to the dispute of safeguard measures .
China was in the process of drafting safeguard legislation in accordance with Article 29 of the Foreign Trade Law and the Agreement on Safeguards .
The " Anti-dumping Agreement " and " Guarantee Measure Protocal " are the system tool of the important domestic industry protection under World Trade Organization 's rule .
Safeguard measures are one of the allowed trade restrictions in WTO Agreement .
Most WTO members keep their own safeguards regulations basically comply with Agreement on Safeguards .
In this issue , the safeguard measures mainly refers to " Agreement on Safeguards " of WTO and " Article XIX of GATT 1994 " .
Chapter Two respectively from the material and procedural factors and specific implementation , analyzes the Agreement on Safeguard Measures and the Regulation on Safeguard Measures of the People s Republic of China .