
yǐn tuì
  • retreat;reclusion;resign;privatization;retire from office;go and live in seclusion;vanish;retire from political life
隐退 [yǐn tuì]
  • [privatization] 一个人退出社会生活,尤其是政治生活,走向个人生活圈子的倾向,它通常产生于对复杂的社会活动感到无意义或对它缺乏理解之时

  • (1) [vanish]∶隐没;逐渐消失

  • 往事早已从他的记忆中隐退了

  • (2) [retire from office]∶退出政治生活,隐居起来;退隐;引退

  • 称病隐退

隐退[yǐn tuì]
  1. 首相拒绝对他准备隐退的谣传做任何评论。

    The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor he had planned to resign .

  2. 他劝尼克松对付政敌、及时隐退;

    He advised Nixon how to deal with his enemies , and when to resign ;

  3. 面对要求其隐退的压力越来越大,她会屈服吗?

    Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire ?

  4. 《纽约时报》发文谈及你的隐退,文中对你大加赞扬。

    The New York Times has this very laudatory article about your retirement

  5. 该剧由一名志在复出的著名隐退女演员主演。

    The play starred a well-known retired actress who was intent on a come-back .

  6. 她过着隐退的生活,既不访客,也不见客。

    She lives in retirement , neither making nor receiving visits .

  7. b叙述者的处理&包括叙述者的隐退、叙述视角的限制和元叙事等;

    B , the skills of the narrator which include the absence of narrator , the limitation of narrator 's view and Meta-narrative ;

  8. 2004年,正当红的格温妮丝·帕特洛从好莱坞隐退,专心照看自己的两个孩子Apple和Moses。

    In2004 , Gwyneth Paltrow retreated from Hollywood life to spend time with her two children , Apple and Moses .

  9. 尽管逐渐淘汰IPv4可能还需要一段时间,但到那时候,IPv4互联网就可以隐退了。

    At that point , the IPv4 Internet can be retired , although the final phasing-out may take some time .

  10. 至于比伯是否真的会收起麦克风,只有时间能告诉我们答案,但是,宣布隐退绝对会给这位歌手即将于圣诞节上映的传记电影《Believe》一点额外宣传。

    Whether Bieber will actually hang up his mic for good , only time will tell . But the timing of his announcement will undoubtedly give the singer a bit of extra publicity , just in time for the release of his new movie , " Believe , " which opened worldwide on Christmas Day .

  11. 所以我在测试了8和8Plus近一个星期之后,得出了这样的结论:8s感觉像一首天鹅之歌。换句话说,它们代表了苹果的第一代iPhone的柏拉图式理想,是永恒隐退之前的最终精炼。

    So here 's my conclusion , after nearly a week testing the 8 and 8 Plus : The 8s feel like a swan song - or , to put it another way , they represent Apple 's platonic ideal of that first iPhone , an ultimate refinement before eternal retirement .

  12. 作为一位音乐会推广人,他曾经请回已隐退的猴子乐队(Monkees)进行了一场超级成功的全球巡演,也曾说服林戈·斯塔尔与他的全明星乐队展开巡演。

    As a concert promoter , he brought the Monkees out of retirement for a wildly successful World Tour , and he convinced Ringo Starr to hit the road with his all-starr band .

  13. 他把自己隐退在书房中去写一本书。

    He sequestered himself in his study to write a book .

  14. 艾米莉·狄金森:解构传统的隐退艺术人生

    Emily Dickinson : An Artistic Reclusive Life of Deconstructing Traditional Conventions

  15. 他决定隐退,云游四方,度过余生。

    He decided to drop out and spend his life travelling .

  16. 2005年,王菲与李亚鹏结婚后便选择隐退。

    Wong withdrew from the limelight after she married Li in 2005 .

  17. 社论会提出要求,他要么宣布放弃信仰,要么从公共生活中隐退。

    Editorials would demand that he either recant or retire from public life .

  18. 她说她从政坛隐退还为时过早。

    She said her retirement from politics was premature .

  19. 艾米莉·狄金森:隐退人生的三重超脱

    Emily Dickinson : A Trilogy of Transcendence in Seclusion

  20. 作弊渐渐从公众生活中隐退了。

    Cheating more and more retired from public life .

  21. 她隐退二十年后又东山再起。

    After a quietus of twenty years she returned .

  22. 他明确表示自己不会从现在的政界隐退。

    He made it clear that he was not resigning from active politics .

  23. 精英艺术:神的诞生与隐退

    Elite Art : Deity 's Birth and Death

  24. 他打算从活跃的生活中隐退,但命运却做了不同的决定。

    He intended to retire from active life , but fate had decided otherwise .

  25. 如果不能,我们将如何使它隐退呢?

    How can we get rid of it ?

  26. 第四章无奈的隐退。

    Chapter IV is about the helpless retreat .

  27. 像你这样的车怎么会在鼎盛时期隐退了呢?

    How could a car like you quit at the top of your game ?

  28. 因为宗教原因而从社会上隐退的人。

    One retired from society for religious reasons .

  29. 通过比较研究,我们发现:他们一个进取,一个隐退;

    We can conclude through comparative research that one is enterprising , the other retiring ;

  30. 从一个职务上辞去或隐退。

    Resign or retire from a position .