
  • 网络insurance sales
  1. 所有的保险销售代理人必须获得许可证的国家,他们在销售保险计划。

    All insurance sales agents must obtain licenses in the States in which they plan to sell insurance .

  2. 如何对保险销售团队进行有效的管理是现代保险企业不断探索的问题。

    How insurance sales team for the effective management is the modern insurance enterprises to continue to explore problems .

  3. 该公司开展了保险销售业务。

    The company branched out into selling insurance .

  4. 例如,通过Internet销售汽车的公司使用的Automobile类的行为可能与保险销售公司使用的Automobile类完全不同。

    To a company that sells automobiles over the Internet , the Automobile class may have entirely different behaviors from the Automobile class a company that sells insurance uses .

  5. 个人寿险营销作为人寿保险销售最有效的方法,在全世界已经有超过100年的历史,寿险代理人最高的荣誉组织MDRT(MillionDollarRoundTable)早在1927年就已经成立了。

    In the world it has more than 100 years of history . MDRT ( Million Dollar Round Table ) was established in 1927 for the supreme honor of life insurance agent .

  6. 然后以实际的移动保险销售系统为背景,提出了一种支持移动性、频繁断接性和数据一致性的移动事务模型RH-MT。

    Basing on it , we propose a general mobile transaction processing model named RH-MT which supports the mobility , frequent disconnection and consistency of mobile transaction .

  7. 我的理想不是成为一个中层阶级保险销售员。

    My dream wasn 't to be a mid-level insurance salesman .

  8. 保险销售中介与保险产品价格形成的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of Insurance Intermediation and Formation of Insurance Commodity Price

  9. 其原因可能是人寿保险销售的产品的特殊性以及本次调查样本的限制。

    It might because of the features of insurance products and the sample limitations .

  10. 我国保险销售的委托-代理特征及对策研究

    Research of the characteristics and strategies in China 's insurance principle-agent problem The Sales Bible

  11. 政府加强对保险销售人员的管理。

    China tightens management of insurance salespeople .

  12. 2003年我在北京平安保险销售精英大会上发表演讲。

    I was delivering a speech at the Ping An Insurance Achievers Congress in Beijing in2003 .

  13. 一名保险销售代理人正在和一名农夫谈话,试图向他推销一份人寿保险。

    AN INSURANCE agent was talking to a farmer , trying to sell him a life insurance policy .

  14. 巴斯夏9岁时成了一名孤儿,从事过经商、耕种和保险销售。

    Orphaned at the age of nine , Bastiat tried his hand at commerce , farming , and insurance sales .

  15. 文中分析了保险销售从业人员分别与投保人和保险商间的双重委托-代理问题,建立简要模型分析了在无穷视野下,保险销售从业人员履行最大诚信义务并付出高努力行动的约束条件。

    The author also studies the dual principal-agent problems between the insurance salesperson with the applicant and the insurer separately , and constructs a simple model with an infinite horizon to analyse the conditions on which the insurance salesperson performing the duty of the utmost good faith and work hard .

  16. 参议员约翰?克里(JohnKerry)已经提议对保险公司销售的高价值的保险计划征税

    Senator John Kerry has proposed a tax on the costliest health plans sold by insurance companies .

  17. 保险行业销售经理胜任素质模型的构建

    Insurance Sales Manager Competency Model

  18. 1998年,中国的经济尚未腾飞,保险产品销售的基础也很薄弱。

    In 1998 the Chinese economy had yet to achieve lift-off and sales of insurance products were at a low base .

  19. 本文从费率厘定、强制保险以及销售方式等方面提出深化我国的汽车保险制度改革。

    The paper suggested that we should deepen our reform in auto insurance in such respects as rates ? compulsion insurance and selling styles .

  20. 汽车保险电话销售是随着汽车工业和信息技术快速发展而发展起来的一种新的汽车保险销售渠道。

    Telesales of motor car insurance , as a new insurance selling channel , is developed currently with the increasing development of motorcar industry and information technology .

  21. 银行作为保险产品销售的重要渠道,合作模式已从代理协议为主逐渐向资本合作、金融集团模式发展。

    Banks as an important channel , sales of insurance products , cooperation mode is mainly from the agent agreement to capital cooperation , financial group development mode .

  22. 本文主要以保险公司销售员为主要研究对象,虽然样本来自不同的6家保险公司,但这6家公司来自同一城市。

    This paper focuses on sales person from insurance company as the subject . Although the samples are from six different insurance companies , they are from the same city .

  23. radian和mgic等抵押保险公司通过销售违约保护产品,有助于缓和市场的动荡。

    Mortgage insurance providers such as radian and mgic help smooth the bumps in the market by selling protection against default .

  24. 呼叫中心在保险业交叉销售中的应用

    The Application of Call Center in Cross-selling of Insurance Industry

  25. 综合性金融保险集团交叉销售战略探讨

    An Exploration on the Cross-selling Strategy of Comprehensive

  26. 保险公司通过销售保单在不断地获得资金收入的时候,理赔也在不断地发生着。

    Insurance companies continued access to capital by selling insurance policies , claims also occur .

  27. 重组平安人寿团体保险在业务销售、客户支持与服务上的作业流程;

    Pingan Life group insurance reorganization in marketing , customer support and services , operational procedures ;

  28. 负责及时准确处理所有应收/应付款、工资、保险报告、销售税/薪资税报告等事宜。

    Responsible for the accurate and timely processing of accounts payable / receivable , payroll , insurance reports , and sales tax / payroll tax reporting .

  29. 当前,中国保险业实现销售的主要手段仍然是以代理人即保险代理公司拓展业务为主,柜台销售为辅。

    At present , the primary means of insurance sales is insurance agency corporation to expand their business ; the secondary is counter sales in china insurance industry .

  30. 传统的依靠业务人员直接推销保险单的销售模式显得势单力薄,保险产品单一,同业间模仿率高,创新性不足。

    Rely on traditional direct marketing business of insurance sales model is weak , and insurance products of a single , industry imitation of a high rate , lack of innovation .