
  • 网络theory of juristic act of real right
  1. 事实上,有学者坚持胡果创立了物权行为理论。

    In fact , some people insist Hugo find the theory of juristic act of real right .

  2. 物权行为理论是德国民法理论的基础,在我国却长期处于被否定的地位。

    The theory of Juristic Act of Real Right is the basis of German civil law , but it has been negated in China for a long time .

  3. 物权行为理论有关问题探讨

    Research on the Theory of Juristic Acts of Real Rights

  4. 物权行为理论的再思考

    Reflection on the Theory of Juristic Acts of Real Rights

  5. 物权行为理论在我国的可行性研究

    The feasibility of the theory of property act in China

  6. 物权行为理论与不当得利

    The Theory of Real Right Act and Illegal Profit

  7. 物权行为理论基础问题浅谈

    Basic Theoretical Issues on Juristic Act of Real Right

  8. 对此,物权行为理论并未提供有效的解决策略。

    While , the theory juristical act does not provide any useful strategy .

  9. 物权行为理论若干问题探析

    Analysis of Some Questions about the Theory of Juristic Act of Real Right

  10. 物权行为理论与民法制度构造

    Theory of Juristic Act of Real Right and Construction of the Civil Law System

  11. 再论我国物权行为理论体系的科学构建

    On Establishing the Scientific Theory System of Juristic Act of Real Right in China

  12. 表达与实践:中国现实场景下的物权行为理论

    Expression and Practice : the Theory of Juristical Act in the Realistic Background of China

  13. 浅析物权行为理论

    An Analysis of the Property Act Theory

  14. 物权行为理论基础概念的逻辑区分

    The Logic Division of Basic Concepts for the Theory of the Juristic Acts of Real Right

  15. 物权行为理论对物权变动模式有着决定性的影响。

    The real right behavior theory has the decisive influence to the real right change pattern .

  16. 对于物权行为理论,较长一段时间内基本都是持否定态度的。

    Regarding the ARR Theory , there has been a negative attitude for a relatively long period .

  17. 自物权行为理论创立以来,该理论引起了广泛的争论。

    The Real Right Behavior Theory , ever since it was proposed , has invited wide debates .

  18. 我国现行民事立法、司法是否承认物权行为理论?

    Whether or not the theory of real right act is acknowledged by civil legislation and judicature in china ?

  19. 与其对物权行为理论修补,不如顺应法律发展的潮流,舍弃这一理论。

    We should discard this theory complying with the legal development current but not patch the real right behavior theory .

  20. 物权行为理论对建立、完善我国公示制度具有理论和实践意义。

    The act in Rem is both theoretically and practically necessary in building and perfecting the law system in China .

  21. 由于论述需要,其中还穿插介绍了物权行为理论的内容。

    In addition , We introduce the content of the theory of juristic acts of real rights for the discussion .

  22. 物权行为理论在保护第三人利益方面则较善意取得制度具有明显的优越性。

    The theory of real right behavior has apparent advantages over bona fide acquisition in the protection of third party interests .

  23. 大陆法系国家根据其对物权行为理论的接受程度选择了不同的立法例。

    The mainland legal system countries have chosen different vertical legal regulation according to the receptivity of real right behavior theory .

  24. 无因性的存在,使物权行为理论的价值受到挑战。

    The existence of unreason principle makes the value of the theory of the juristic acts of real rights be challenged .

  25. 这些理论主要是物权行为理论和买卖理论中的相关理论。

    These theories are the theories of juristic act of real right and some related theories in the theories of sale contract .

  26. 此“任督二脉”的概念、区别、存在的理论基础及效力认定,均为物权行为理论的展开。

    Their concepts , differences , theoretical foundation and determination of validity are development of the theory juristic act of right in rem.

  27. 物权行为理论中的区分原则是研究效力区分原则的基础。

    The distinguishing principle in the theory of the real right act is based on research the effectiveness of the principle of distinction .

  28. 物权行为理论本身存在严重缺陷,因而我国物权立法不应采纳这种理论。

    Real right behavior theory has serious defect , so the real right legislation of our country should not accept this kind of theory .

  29. 物权行为理论保护恶意第三人的观点是对德国民法关于第三人规范的误解。

    It is a misunderstanding to German civil law to hold the viewpoint of juristic act of real right protecting mala fide third party .

  30. 但区分负担行为与处分行为并不等于承认和接受物权行为理论,物权行为理论不适合中国现实。

    But distinguishing act of disposition and act of debt does not mean accepting real right act theory because this theory does not accord with the reality of China .