
  • 网络Safety;a safety device;cutout;insurance device
保险装置 [bǎo xiǎn zhuāng zhì]
  • [safety device] 可以使设备不出危险和免受损失的装置

  1. U型矿车保险装置的改进

    The improvement of the safety device of U model mine car

  2. 我安了个可以切断能量源的保险装置

    I built in a safety to cut their power source .

  3. 电磁驱动型MEMS安全保险装置关键技术研究

    The Core Technology Research of MEMS Safety Device Driven by Electromagnetic Field

  4. 随着MEMS技术的发展和广泛应用,MEMS引信安全保险装置的发展非常迅速,在一些引信类型中必然将取代传统的机械式安全保险机构。

    With the development and wide application of MEMS technology , MEMS fuze safety device is developing very quickly . It tends to replace the traditional mechanical fuze safety device in large field .

  5. MEMS引信安全保险装置的出现解决了这一问题,它比传统引信保险装置小很多,使得常规引信有更多的空间容纳多传感器探测电路和主装药,提高了弹药的精确度和杀伤力。

    The MEMS fuze safety device can satisfy the requirement perfectly . It is much smaller than traditional one , therefore the fuze can have more space for the multi-sensor detection circuit and the main charge , and the fuze accuracy and destructive power will be greatly improved .

  6. 固体火箭发动机安全保险装置设计综述

    Review of Designing the Safe-and-arm Device for Solid Rocket Motor

  7. 在设备完善的保险装置中保存。

    They shall be kept in perfectly equipped safes .

  8. 外交政策方面则不存在这样的保险装置。

    No such fail-safe device exists for foreign policy .

  9. 保险丝起着保险装置的作用。

    The fuse acts as a safety device .

  10. 只有在拆除相应的保险装置后才能连接或断开电气连接。

    Connect or disconnect the electrical connections only after removing the corresponding safety devices .

  11. 起重机吊钩断绳保险装置简介

    Rope rupture safety devices for crane hooks

  12. 他的车刚装了预防刹车失灵的保险装置。

    He has just installed a safety device for his car in case of break failure .

  13. 浅谈摩托车车架U型矿车保险装置的改进

    A Brief Talk on Motorcycle Frame The improvement of the safety device of U model mine car

  14. 球磨机润滑系统保险装置的改进和使用效果

    Improvement for the Safety Guard of Ball Grinding Mill Lubrication System and its Effectiveness in Practical Use

  15. 发生意外事件时核武器的自动保险装置会自动解除动员。

    A fail-safe device in a nuclear weapon to deactivate it automatically in the event of accident .

  16. 安全保险装置是用于保护“要害系统”安全性的器件。

    This paper discusses the MEMS ( Micro Electronic Mechanical System ) safety device which is constructed by drivers , discriminator and energy-coupling element .

  17. 顶部可配置移动葫芦车(手拉或电动),抽屉底部设有滚轮轨道,承载后依然能用很小的力自如地拉动,附加定位保险装置,安全可靠;

    The mould rack was equipped with idler wheel rail on the bottom and the sliding shelf panel could be freely pulled out when loading .

  18. 在构成所述作业梯主体的每二段梯身的铰链连接处,设置铰链保险装置。

    A hinge safety device is arranged at the hinge connection part of every two sections of ladder bodies on the operation ladder main body .

  19. 仿真结果表明变转动惯量球转子延期解除保险装置工作正常,延期保险距离能够达到预期的战术技术指标。

    The simulation results indicate that the delay arming of the ball-rotor with variable moment of inertia works normally and the distance of delay arming satisfies the prospective tactical technical requirements .

  20. 他省去了至少二关键保险装置,即防止风帆扭屈在风的顶锥和防止无法控制的下潜的逆风行驶线。

    He omitted at least two key safety devices , namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind , and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives .

  21. 这种安全保险装置,可以弥补结构硅酮胶存在老化问题的不足,消除隐框玻璃幕墙所存在的安全隐患。

    The safety device can make up the insufficiency of the aging problem of structural silicone adhesive and eliminate the existing safety hazards of the glass curtain wall with a concealed frame .

  22. 这个珠宝商一年内被偷窃两次后才决定安装特别的保险装置,这是一个贼去关门的事例。

    The jeweller had been burgled twice in a year before he decided to install extra security devices , but it was a case of locking the stable door after the horse has bolted .

  23. 锅盖部分和锅身部分设有锁定或松开内盖(9)和内锅(6)的锁定机构和开合盖安全保险装置;

    The lid and the pan body are provided with a locking mechanism to lock or open the inner lid ( 9 ) and the inner pan ( 6 ) and a device assuring the safety of opening and closing the lid .

  24. 伸缩式保险杆装置及其控制

    Stretching Out and Drawing Back Safety Rod Device and Its Control Unit

  25. 自动保险机械装置.机动车保险杠及其零件

    The fail-safe mechanism bumper and parts thereof , of the motor vehicles

  26. 本实用新型公开了一种定量供电自动保险开关装置。

    The utility model discloses a fixed quantity power supply automatic safety switch device which is suitable for the fixed quantity power supply of a room .

  27. 鄂式破碎机液压调整、保险和起动装置设计方案的探讨

    On the general design of hydraulic adjustment , safety , and starting device in the jaw crusher

  28. 采用碟刹和抱轨刹以及安全防下滑装置的三保险刹车制动装置,保证了运输机安全运行。

    The braking devices consist of disc braking , rail-holding braking and anti-decline devices can ensure the safety operation of the transport . 3 .

  29. 实现并验证电子保险/解除保险装置的方法

    Methods For Achieving and Verifying Safety of Electronic Safe-Arm Devices

  30. 引信安全系统不是引信中一个独立的子系统,也不能简单地等同与引信中的保险与解除保险装置(机构)。

    The fuze safety system is not just an absolute sub-system in fuze , and is not equivalent to safety and arming device .