
  1. 本文试图就机动车辆保险经营效益低下的原因进行剖析,并提出整合保险资源是解决车险效益问题的途径。

    This article analyzes the main reasons for low profitability of this type of insurance and arrives at the conclusion that insurance resources consolidation is the way out for this problem .

  2. 其经营的盈亏,直接影响到财产险公司及保险行业的经营效益和健康发展。

    The operational efficiency of vehicle insurance has been directed impact on the operational efficiency and healthy development of the insurance company and insurance industry .

  3. 私营养老保险基金通过分摊率的竞争,可以大大提高养老保险的经营效益。

    Private endowment insurance funds , through the share rate competition , can greatly increase the operational benefits of endowment insurance .

  4. 责任险与狭义的财产保险相比具有保险标的不够明确、风险难以控制等特征,其风险管理水平将直接影响保险公司的经营与效益。

    Because of the subject of insurance is not sufficiently clear and the risk is difficult to be controled for Liability insurance compared to property insuranc , the level of its risk management will directly affect the operation and efficiency of insurance companies .