
  1. (四)保密专利的解密;

    Any declassification of secret patents ;

  2. 当有一项发明被创造出来时,发明者可以采取三种可能的行动:他可以通过出版把成果公布于世,也可以保密,或取得专利。

    When an invention is made , the inventor has three possible courses of action open to him : he can give the invention to the world by publishing it , keep the idea secret , or patent it .

  3. 需要保密的,由国务院专利行政部门按照保密专利申请处理,并通知申请人。

    Where the invention for which a patent is applied for is required to be kept secret , the Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall handle it as an application for secret patent and notify the applicant accordingly .