
lǐ yǔ
  • slang;slang expression
俚语 [lǐ yǔ]
  • [slang; slang expression] 粗俗的口语。常带有方言性

俚语[lǐ yǔ]
  1. 他往往用许多我以前从未听说过的俚语。

    He tends to use a lot of slang expressions that I 've never heard before .

  2. “brass”是“money”一词的俚语。

    “ Brass ” is slang for “ money ” .

  3. 这本书教你如何理解西班牙俚语。

    The book teaches you how to understand Spanish street talk .

  4. 剧中充斥了大量俚语对话。

    The play was full of slangy dialogue .

  5. 俚语往往很快风行起来又很快不再风行了。

    Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly .

  6. 年复一年,这些俚语中的一些证明是十分有用的,因而逐渐进入了上流社会。

    Year by year a few of these slang terms prove so useful that they graduate into respectable society .

  7. 这是一句俚语,它用来形容某事以非常缓慢而深思熟虑的方式进展。委员会进展缓慢,不急于对我的请求作出决定。7Slowlybutsurely稳扎稳打地

    The committee is moving at a snail 's pace and is no hurry to make a decision on my request .

  8. 在英国,你可能会听见人们使用俚语用法的well、dead、mega来代替very或者really。

    In the UK , you may hear people use the slang terms " well " , " dead " or " mega " instead of " very " or " really " .

  9. 这里的score原本是一个犯罪领域的俚语,指“作案成功后得来的赃物”,当然,这里是已经“洗白”的用法。

    The word score is here used as a laundered version of a criminal slang term that means " goods or money obtained illegally , esp. as the result of a successful crime . "

  10. Barbequestopper(字面意思为“使烧烤活动中断的事情”)是一个澳大利亚俚语,指波及范围很广、对当下有深远影响且颇具争议性的话题讨论,即“热门话题”。

    Barbeque stopper , Australian slang , refers to a topic of constant and widespread conversation which is controversial and of contemporary significance .

  11. QT3.14是用数学俚语指代某个可爱又迷人的家伙,这里的QT其实就是cutie(可爱)的缩写,而3.14则代表pie(招人喜欢的人),与该数字原本代表的数学概念Pi(圆周率)同音。

    QT3.14 is mathematics slang for cutie pie , that is , a cute , attractive person . QT means cutie , and 3.14 means pie ( with same pronunciation with Pi ) .

  12. 一般来说,没有人喜欢自己腰间有那一圈赘肉的。Muffin-top这个说法2003年作为俚语出现在澳大利亚,后来在各个英语国家均被接受。

    Muffin-tops are generally considered undesirable . Muffin-top originated as Australian slang in mid-2003 , but has since become popular in other English-speaking countries .

  13. “赏叶人”在英语中也可以称为leafer,是新英格兰地区的俚语,常指游客在秋天慢慢开车穿过美国东北部地区,透过车窗欣赏每年的叶色变换。

    A " leaf peeper " , or " leafer " , is the New England regional slang term for a person , usually a tourist , who drives very slowly throughout the north-east portion of the United States during autumn while looking out the windows of their car at the annual foliage1 color change .

  14. “避男期”是一个口头俚语,指女性在经历了一场很糟糕的恋爱之后躲起来,一段时间内都不会找新男友的状态。

    Guybernation is a slang term used to describe how a woman would go into hiding because of a relationship with a guy that went bad , she is said to be in guybernation when she is taking time off from looking for another guy .

  15. 在一个世纪略多一点的时间里,longtimenosee已经由一句洋泾浜英语变为根深蒂固的美式英语俚语。

    Long time , no see has gone from pidgin English to entrenched , American English slang in little over a century .

  16. nose[英俚]做暗探,告密探听信息干涉他人事情与nose有关的俚语

    nose for information nose into other 's affairs

  17. meter提取met变形mensmendadj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;<俚语>非常好的

    immense [ i'mens ] extremely large in size or degree slang extremely good

  18. 我明白了,hip在这里是个俚语。意思是很棒,很时髦。

    LL : " Hip " is a slang word that means something is really cool and neat .

  19. thenick一词是俚语,意为‘班房’。

    ` The nick ' is a slang term for ` prison ' .

  20. 英语俚语中通常用Eyecandy这个词来指代在视觉上颇具吸引力的人或者能够吸引人眼球的视觉效果,我们暂且译为养眼花瓶。

    A common slang term for visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention is eye candy .

  21. “Nite”有时被看成是“night”在俚语中的讹用。

    " Nite " is sometimes considered a slang corruption of " night " .

  22. 本文讨论英语俚语(slang)的性质、范围及其与习用语(idiom)的关系。

    This paper discusses the character , range and relation to the English idiom .

  23. 我的孩子们最近学会了一个令人担心的法语俚语词:bim(发音与英语的beam相似)。

    MY kids have recently picked up a worrying French slang word : bim ( pronounced beam ) .

  24. 词汇专家查尔斯·芬克说,一本1874年出版的俚语词典解释了throwinthetowel这句短语。

    Word expert Charles Funk says an eighteen seventy-four publication called the Slang Dictionary explains throwing in the towel .

  25. Awesome是个非常常见的英语为母语人士常用的俚语,在全世界都很盛行。

    Awesome is a very common slang used by English speakers all around the world .

  26. 使用即时通讯工具发送有关工作的信息时,不要使用俚语以及IM上的缩写,要用合适的英语。

    When sending instant messages regarding work , keep slang and IM acronyms at bay and use proper English instead .

  27. GI是形容二战美军的俚语,最初代表“政府颁发”二字(GovernmentIssue),用指军队的规章制度或设备。

    The term GI – the slang term for American soldiers in that war – originally stood for " Government Issue ," referring to military regulations or equipment .

  28. 我的孩子们最近学会了一个令人担心的法语俚语词:bim(发音与英语的“beam”相似)。

    MY kids have recently picked up a worrying French slang word : bim ( pronounced " beam " ) .

  29. excuse:借口hot:[俚语]极好的,呱呱叫的date:[美国口语](异性的)约会对象别再给我借口,Serena一定要有最棒的男伴。

    Blair : No more excuses . Serena must have the hottest date ever .

  30. 成长于英语环境之中,后来又学习了sheng俚语,正是这种以斯瓦希里语为基础的俚语赋予了他无限活力。

    He grew up speaking English ; a later adoption of Sheng , a slang based on Swahili , energises him .