
  1. 优势文化的传播扩散、精英分子的大力推进以及日本的民族性在这一时刻所表现出来的灵活顺应倾向是整个社会飞跃性的发展根本原因。

    Preponderant culture spread widely and elites made great efforts to promote Japan and Japanese nationality which were fundamental reasons of high-speed development of the whole society .

  2. 而优势文化代表性的缺失、文化势能定位的倒置以及文化交流环境差等因素是造成这种弱效果性的主要原因。

    It was lack of superior culture representative meaning , changed places of the cultural potential artificially and bad setting of cultural exchange that made the effect weak .

  3. 自近代以来,由于西方资本主义的飞速发展,西方体育以一种优势文化的姿态不断侵袭着各国的传统体育,中国尤甚。

    Due to the quick development of the western countries from the pre-modern time , western sports have turned to threaten and invade the traditional sports in all the other countries , especially in China .

  4. 她们与死者迈克尔·富里(传统爱尔兰文化的象征)一道对男主人公加布里埃尔(英-爱优势文化的象征)进行贬抑和阉割,致使其瘫痪、麻木并最终变成活死人。

    With the collusion of the three women characters ( symbols of Irish corrupt customs ) and the dead Michael Furey ( Symbol of the Gael culture ), the hero Gabriel , the representative of Anglo-Irish Culture , is suppressed and castrated and at last becomes a live dead .

  5. 分工、比较优势与文化产业发展

    Labor-division , Comparative Advantage , and Culture Industry Development

  6. 技术优势≠文化霸权&对《试论互联网控制权的走向》一文的几点质疑

    Technologic Advantage ≠ Cultural Hegemony : Several Queries about the article Tendency of Internet Governance

  7. 广西优势历史文化资源开发与旅游文化课程建设研究

    Development of Guangxi 's Historical and Cultural Resources and Research of the Course of Tourist Culture

  8. 发挥文化优势打响文化品牌&关于加强中国与东盟钢琴艺术文化交流的思考

    Exploit Cultural Disadvantages and Popularize Cultural Features ideas on strengthening cultural exchanges in China-Asean piano arts

  9. 在实证分析中提出了山西的资源禀赋和政治禀赋两大优势是文化产业成为山西主导产业的基础。

    Empirical analysis presents that Shanxi ' two major advantages , resources talent and political talent cultural industries , are the basic of the whole economy .

  10. 诉诸于差异化的自然资源优势与文化优势的特色产品在区内外市场取得了不俗的表现。

    The specialty products that rely on the diverse natural and cultural resources have made outstanding achievements in the market in and out of the region .

  11. 这些优势和文化帝国主义背后的政治经济利益相结合,使网络文化帝国主义成为网络发展带来的社会负效应之一。

    The combination of these advantages to the economical and political benefits of the cultural imperialism leads to a negative effect to the Internet 's development .

  12. 广东省具有工业结构相似度比较低、政策及区域合作、地缘、人缘优势及文化背景相似等优势;

    Guangdong province is provided with the advantages of low similarity of industrial structure , favorable policy , geographical convenience , good human relations and similar culture background etc ;

  13. 宗族内部的凝聚力,源于同居共财的经济生活与保持优势的文化传统。

    The centripetal force of the clan lies in its economy which is characterized by the clan men 's living together in a family and sharing their possessions , and it advanced cultural tradition .

  14. 我国社会的发展面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战,我们有着丰厚的国家社会资本,我们有着明显的政治优势与文化优势,我们一定能抓住机遇、战胜挑战,我国具有强大的发展潜力。

    Our country is facing the opportunity and the challenge . We have the rich country social capital , the obvious political superiority and the cultural superiority , so we can hold the opportunity and defeat the challenge .

  15. 河北省作为东部省份,虽然经济总量居全国前列,但产业结构比较落后,因此具有发展比较优势的文化产业成为带动我省产业结构调整、促进经济发展的重要突破点。

    As an eastern province , Hebei is behind others as far as the industrial structure , although it gets high economic total amount . So the cultural industry with its developing comparative advantages becomes the important breaking-through point to the economic development .

  16. 大力推进文化资源的优化整合、科学保护和有效开发,坚持整合方略、保护方略和开发方略的统一,从而促进我国文化资源优势向文化产业优势和新经济优势的转变。

    Promoting better conformity , scientific preservation and effective development of cultural resources , adhering to the unification of general plans of conformity , preservation and development will promote the transition from China 's advantages of cultural resources into the advantages of both cultural industry and new economy .

  17. 作为中原经济区的主体,河南以其特有的区位优势、文化优势以及潜在的人力资源优势,应该也必将在中原经济区建设的进程中担当排头兵和主力军的重任。

    As the main body of the Central Plains Economic Zone , Henan , with its unique geographical advantages , cultural benefits , and potential advantages in human resources , should act as the vanguard and main force in the process of building of the Central Plains Economic Zone .

  18. 利用图书馆资源优势推广农村文化信息化建设

    The use of library resources to promote rural culture information construction

  19. 论福建侨乡优势与地缘文化

    On the superiority and geoculture of overseas Chinese hometown in Fujian

  20. 弘扬历史文化优势打造强势文化品牌

    Promote Historical and Cultural Superiority , Create Outstanding Cultural Brands

  21. 比较优势:湖南文化产业创新战略的立足点分析

    Comparative advantage : an analysis of Hunan culture industry innovation strategy foothold

  22. 基于竞争优势的企业文化构建

    The Construction of Enterprise Culture Based on Competition Advantages

  23. 主场优势与主场文化的构成要素&NBA文化的社会学分析

    Constituents of the Guest Advantage and the Guest Culture & Sociological Analysis of NBA Culture

  24. 文化资源的产业化是将西部地区文化资源优势转化为文化产业优势,并发挥其经济价值的主要途径。

    Industrialization is the way to transform the resource advantages into industrial advantages , and realize its economic value .

  25. 中国文化的强项、优势是人文文化;

    The advantage or strong point of Chinese culture is human culture while the disadvantage or weak point is science .

  26. 如何将文化资源优势转化为文化资本优势是当前中国文化和文化产业发展中面临的重要问题。

    How to transform Cultural resources into cultural capital is the important issues in the development of Chinese culture and cultural industries .

  27. 具体来说,地方高校要结合自己的学科专业优势和地域文化背景,选定特色栏目的主题。

    To be more specific , local university must choose the theme of the column by integrating its own subjects and cultural background .

  28. 对于网络化电视产业而言,其主要核心资源优势首先是文化内容产品(形成虚拟产品信息流),其次是未来掌握的消费者个体数据库(消费者信息流)。

    As for the network television industry , its mainly core resources of cultural content products is followed by individual consumers database of the future .

  29. 其次,探讨了竞争优势与企业文化的功能,和两种功能的相互强化与相互补充,再次重点论述战略优势理论与企业文化理论在企业管理应用中的交互作用。

    And mutual strengthen and complement of two functions . The third . Emphasizes on the interaction of two theories in the practice of enterprise management .

  30. 底蕴深厚的道教文化资源是崂山旅游业发展的重要资源优势,道教文化应该成为景区的旅游开发主题。

    The Taoism culture becomes main theme of Laoshan mount tourism . In recent years , the study and development of Taoism culture makes great progress .