首页 / 词典 / good

  • Zu;a kind of sacrificial utensil;meat-chopping block
  • 古代祭祀时放祭品的器物:~豆(a.“俎”和“豆”,都是古代祭祀用的器具;b.祭祀,崇奉)。

  • 切肉或切菜时垫在下面的砧板:刀~(刀和砧板)。

  • 姓。

  1. 第二部分论述《三云筹俎考》的成书背景、主要内容、史料来源和史料价值。

    The second part discusses the book background , leading contents , historical sources and historical value of " San Yun Chou Zu Kao " .

  2. 中国驻巴黎的旅游业官员称,越来越多的中国游客因为对这座城市怀有不切实际的期待而产生受骗上当之感;与此同时,他们还成了无良盗贼的俎上鱼肉,这些盗贼专挑他们下手,因为很容易就能看出他们是亚洲人。

    while also being victimized by brazen thieves who target them because they are easily identifiable as Asian , Chinese tourism industry officials here say .

  3. 首先,小说文献内容丰富多样,志人小说、志怪小说、杂俎小说并存。

    The first novel literature content is bountiful , remembers the person novel , to record strange or supernatural events the novel , mixed ancient sacrificial utensil novel coexisting .

  4. 今地下出土的晚商金文及殷墟甲骨文资料可证商纣俎醢酋长侯伯并祭祀先王完全是历史事实。

    It was completely confirmed to be a historical fact that the Shang King Zhou had chopped the dukes and earls by the unearthed oracle-bone and bronze inscriptions of the Shang dynasty .

  5. 其次是《神皋杂俎》的研究现状和价值,第一是归纳出已有资料的类别,分为整理类、文学评论类和数字资源。

    Second is the " shen gao za zu " research status , the first is summarized the existing material category , divided into sorting type , literature review class and digital resources .
