
  • 网络benjamin
  1. 其次是便雅悯与哈述,对着自己的房屋修造。

    After him repaired Benjamin and Hashub over against their house .

  2. 属便雅悯支派的有拉孚的儿子帕提;

    From the tribe of Benjamin , Palti son of Raphu ;

  3. 便雅悯人却不肯听从他们弟兄以色列人的话。

    But the Benjamites would not listen to their fellow Israelites .

  4. 这是便雅悯人按着宗族所得的地业。

    This was the inheritance of Benjamin for its clans .

  5. 便雅悯支派有基斯伦的儿子以利达。

    Of the tribe of Benjamin , Elidad the son of Chislon .

  6. 以色列人上到米斯巴,便雅悯人都听见了。

    The Benjamites heard that the Israelites had gone up to Mizpah .

  7. 但,约瑟,便雅悯,拿弗他利,迦得,亚设。

    Dan , Joseph , Benjamin , Naphtali , Gad and Asher .

  8. 于是便雅悯人看出自己被击败了。

    And the children of Benjamin saw that they were stricken down .

  9. 利未人中有几班曾住在犹大地归于便雅悯的。

    And of the Levites were divisions in Judah , and in Benjamin .

  10. 这都是犹大和便雅悯的坚固城。

    These were fortified cities in Judah and Benjamin .

  11. 在便雅悯有以拉的儿子示每;

    Shimei the son of Ela , in Benjamin ;

  12. 便雅悯在民中跟随你。

    Benjamin was with the people who followed you .

  13. 便雅悯的长子比拉,次子亚实别,三子亚哈拉。

    Benjamin fathered Bela his firstborn , Ashbel the second , Aharah the third .

  14. 琐拉,亚雅仑,希伯仑。这都是犹大和便雅悯的坚固城。

    And zorah and Aijalon and hebron , walled towns in Judah and benjamin .

  15. 犹大和便雅悯都归了他。

    So Judah and Benjamin were his .

  16. 扫罗来自便雅悯支派,他是以色列的第一个王。

    He was from the tribe of Benjamite and was the first king of israel .

  17. 便雅悯人也出来迎敌,就被引诱离城。

    The Benjamites came out to meet them and were drawn away from the city .

  18. 便雅悯的儿子是比拉,比结,耶叠,共三人。

    The sons of benjamin ; bela , and becher , and jediael , three .

  19. 又过便雅悯地,还没有找着。

    Then he passed through the territory of Benjamin , but they did not find them .

  20. 这以上录名的城,在犹大,西缅,便雅悯三支派的地中,以色列人拈阄给了他们。

    From the tribes of Judah , Simeon and Benjamin they allotted the previously named towns .

  21. 便雅悯人死了的、有一万八千。都是勇士。

    Eighteen thousand men of Benjamin came to their death , all strong men of war .

  22. 第二日,以色列人就上前攻击便雅悯人。

    And the children of Israel came near against the children of Benjamin the second day .

  23. 他们就往前走。将到便雅悯的基比亚,日头已经落了。

    So they went on , and the sun set as they neared Gibeah in Benjamin .

  24. 便雅悯人却不知道灾祸临近了。

    The fighting was so heavy that the Benjamites did not realize how near disaster was .

  25. 他俩一直彼此相爱,并生下约瑟和便雅悯。

    Their marriage was a love-match which lasted through many years and produced Joseph and Benjamin .

  26. 代上12:16又有便雅悯和犹大人到山寨大卫那里。

    Then some of the sons of Benjamin and Judah came to the stronghold to David .

  27. 在便雅悯的基比亚,扫罗的守望兵看见非利士的军众溃散,四围乱窜。

    Saul 's lookouts at Gibeah in Benjamin saw the army melting away in all directions .

  28. 于是,犹大和便雅悯众人,三日之内都聚集在耶路撒冷。

    Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered themselves together unto Jerusalem within three days .

  29. 诗80:2在以法莲便雅悯玛拿西前面施展你的大能、救我们。

    Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh , stir up Your power And come to save us !

  30. 你去告诉所罗门的儿子犹大王罗波安和住犹大,便雅悯的以色列众人说

    Say to Rehoboam son of Solomon king of Judah and to all the Israelites in Judah and Benjamin