
qiáo shēnɡ
  • overseas Chinese students in China;children of overseas Chinese born abroad
  1. 方言习得规律与港澳侨生普通话学习

    On Dialect Acquisition and Putonghua Teaching in Hongkong and Macao

  2. 本人保证未具侨生身分且不具中华民国国籍。

    I guarantee that I do not have the overseas Chinese status and do not hold a Republic of China passport .

  3. 有关侨生校外工作许可之申请,应向主管机关行政院劳工委员会职业训练局办理。

    Overseas compatriot students should apply to the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training , Council of Labor Affairs , Executive Yuan for off campus work permits .

  4. 在整个救济归国难侨的过程中,粤、闽、滇、桂等省在中央的指导与支持下,对于归国难侨、侨生以及国内的侨眷采取了积极的救济措施。

    Guided by the central government , Guangdong , Fujian , Yunnan and Guangxi provinces took active measures to relieve these returned refugees , students and their family dependents .

  5. 未具中华民国国籍之华裔外国籍人士得选择依本办法申请入学或经教育部以侨生身分分发,唯限选择其一。

    Overseas Chinese who are not of R.O.C.nationality may choose to apply either to the University for foreign student admission , or to the Ministry of Education for overseas Chinese student admission .