
  • detective film;detective movie;detective story
  1. 《防弹衣》:社会侦探片的一次成功的审美探索

    " Bulletproof Suit " & a Successful Aesthetic Exploration of Detective Film

  2. 我也不喜欢侦探片。

    I don 't care for a detective film .

  3. 那部新放映的侦探片受到了好评。

    That new detective show has been getting good reviews .

  4. (哇,那可能是一部侦探片,我非常喜欢看。)

    Wow . It maybe a detective movie . I like very much .

  5. 此外还有欧美的侦探片和谋杀片。

    Besides , there were also European and American detective or murder films .

  6. 我比较喜欢侦探片,你呢?

    I prefer detective story , and you ?

  7. 此地的影片千篇一律:有战争片、西部片和侦探片。

    The movies here are the same : war stories , westerns , and mysteries .

  8. 有些人喜欢惊险片,而有些人则喜欢侦探片和爱情片。

    Some people like adventure movies while others love detective movies and love stories , etc.

  9. 科涅克国际侦探片电影节

    Cognac International Festival of Detective Films

  10. 我看过的最有趣的电影是一部侦探片。

    The most intriguing film I have ever seen is a film based on a detective story .

  11. 【侦探片】你要每一分钟都不落的看,错过一点信息就可能理解错情节。

    You have to watch every minute . If you missed some information , you might misunderstand what 's happening .

  12. 侦检一体化:刑事侦查程序构造之最优化设计《防弹衣》:社会侦探片的一次成功的审美探索

    The Optimization in the Structure of Criminal Investigation Procedure Results in the Integration of the Public Security Organs and the Procuratorial Organs ; " Bulletproof Suit " & a Successful Aesthetic Exploration of Detective Film

  13. TheLittleThings《蛛丝马迹》导演约翰·李·汉考克(曾执导《大梦想家》和《弱点》)在1993年编写剧本时,《蛛丝马迹》原本是一部当代新黑色侦探悬疑片。

    The Little Things was a contemporary neo-noir detective mystery when John Lee Hancock ( Saving Mr Banks , The Blind Side ) wrote the screenplay back in 1993 .

  14. 当中国导演刁亦男开始拍摄他的第三部作品——《白日焰火》(BlackCoal,ThinIce)时,他的目标是拍出一部讲述普通人故事的侦探悬疑片。

    When Chinese director Diao Yinan began shooting his third feature film , his goal was to make a detective story involving ordinary people .

  15. 现在电视中毫无意义的智力竞答节目和引进的侦探系列片太多。

    There are too many inane quiz shows and imported detective series on television these days .

  16. 本文以经典好莱坞的侦探类型片《唐人街》的剧本前十页为例,分析经典好莱坞电影中的人物塑造。

    Let 's take the detective film Chinatown as an example to analyse the character modelling in classical Hollywood films .

  17. 在该片摘夺柏林电影奖之前,刁亦男说:如今中国的变化很大,我当时就想拍一部描绘当代中国生活的侦探悬疑片,创作一部真正代表新现实的影片。

    ' China today is greatly changing , ' Mr. Diao noted prior to Berlin . ' I wanted to make a detective film depicting life in contemporary China ' and to ' create a true representation of our new reality . '

  18. 《白日焰火》是一部侦探悬疑片,故事发生在九十年代末的东北,以闪回的手法逐渐揭示情节,讲述一名侦探调查一个工厂小镇上发生的一起谋杀案。

    Black Coal , Thin Ice ' ( Bairi Yanhuo , or ' Daytime Fireworks , ' in Mandarin ) is a detective mystery , set in cold northern China during the late 1990s , that unfolds through flashbacks , telling the story of a detective investigating a trail of murders in a factory town .

  19. 她是一部受欢迎的侦探电视系列片的编剧之一。

    She 's one of the scriptwriters on a popular TV detective series .