
  1. 中国银行湖南省分行供应链金融风险控制研究

    The Study on the Risk Control of Supply Chain Finance of Bank of China Hunan Branch

  2. 然后,本文重点考察了中国银行湖南省分行供应链金融风险管理情况。

    And then , the paper analyses the risk management of the Supply Chain Finance of Bank of China Hunan Branch .

  3. 第三部分主要从市场与法律风险的控制、信用风险的控制和操作风险的控制四个方面对供应链金融风险的应对策略进行了分析。

    The third part is mainly analyzed the specific strategies of market risk , legal risk , credit risk and operational risk control .

  4. 最后,本文提出了完善中国银行湖南省分行供应链金融风险控制的三点具体措施。

    Finally , this paper points out three specific measures to improve risk control of Supply Chain Finance of Bank of China Hunan Branch .

  5. 然而国内商业银行对供应链金融风险的认识还不足,只看到了供应链金融带来的巨大收益,忽视了供应链金融潜在的风险。

    However , domestic commercial banks do not have a deep understanding to the risks of Supply Chain Finance . They merely see enormous financial gains from supply chain industry , but neglect the potential risk .

  6. 第三、基于商业银行供应链金融风险管理控制的实际操作而引申出的大量案例分析,对于商业银行进行链金融业务的开拓、风险识别和控制,具有很强的现实意义。

    Thirdly , based on a large number of commercial banks financial risk management case and supply chain financial practice , it has a strong practical significance to commercial banks to develop financial services and risk identification and control .

  7. 前人在研究供应链金融风险的时候,一般都是采用定性的方法去分析,使用定量分析法或者将二者结合使用的学者较少。

    Predecessors generally based on qualitative methods in the time of analyzing the supply chain financial risks . Even though some scholars have used quantitative methods of analysis , the general analysis is relatively simple and the method does not have the versatility .

  8. 最后,文章试着从商业银行自身和宏观层面两方面提出了完善和管理供应链金融风险的对策和建议,希望可以对我国供应链金融的发展提供一定的参考与应用价值。

    Finally , the article from two aspects of commercial bank itself and the macro level tries to put forward to countermeasures and the suggestions of managing supply chain financial risk , hope to provide certain reference and application value to the development of supply chain finance in our country .

  9. 本文选用Logistic实证模型建立供应链金融信用风险的评价模型,这将对于银行在控制供应链金融的信用风险上有较大的帮助。

    This paper chooses Logistic empirical model building supply chain finance credit risk evaluation model , which will for banks in control supply chain finance credit risks have great help .

  10. 基于朴素贝叶斯的供应链金融信用风险预测分析

    Supply Chain Finance Credit Risk Forecast Based on Plain Bayes

  11. 供应链金融市场风险控制套期保值方法研究

    An Approach Based on Hedging to Control Market Risk in Supply Chain Finance

  12. 目前,国内外学者关于供应链金融的风险研究主要集中在信用风险等封闭条件下的风险,对于供应链金融的国家风险几乎无人研究。

    At present , domestic and foreign scholars mainly put emphasis on the supply chain financial risks in the closed condition such as the credit risk . Almost nobody cares about the country risk .

  13. 因此质押率作为关键控制变量,对于控制供应链金融业务风险促进自身发展至关重要。

    Therefore , as a core issue , it is important to set impawn rate not only for the risk control of supply chain finance but also for promotion of the development of the business .

  14. 第四章按照指标选取的原则,在第三章得到供应链金融信用风险四个方面影响因素的基础上选取指标,构建了供应链金融信用风险评估指标体系。

    In chapter four , according to the principle of indicator selection , an index system SCF credit risk evaluation was built on the basis of SCF credit risk influencing factors in four aspects got in chapter three .

  15. 第三章主要是对供应链金融信用风险的识别进行分析,分别从三个不同的供应链融资模式进行了讲解,即:应收账款模式、存货质押模式、预付账款模式。

    The analysis of how to recognize the financial credit crisis of supply-chain are the core element of chapter three , in this chapter , the explanation of supply-chain financing mode are outlined in three points respectively : receivable mode , inventories pledged mode , prepaid receivables mode .

  16. 金融危机背景下的供应链金融业务的风险应对机制&以仓单质押贷款业务为例

    The Risk Based on Financial Crisis of Supply Chain Financial Services Coping Mechanisms

  17. 供应链金融创新中下侧风险规避银行的贷款额度分析

    Loan limit analysis of DOWN-RISK-AVERSE bank based on Supply Chain Financial Innovation

  18. 这些问题主要集中在银行对供应链金融中存在的风险认识不足,操作环节风险管理不够谨慎和授信额度管理存在漏洞等方面。

    These problems mainly origin from insufficient risk awareness of Supply Chain Finance , flaws in operational risk management and management of line of credit and so on .

  19. 对于线上供应链金融来说,信用风险渐渐向操作风险转化,是否能有效的管理操作风险直接关系着线上供应链金融的运营状况和未来发展。

    For online supply chain finance , credit risk gradually is converted to operational risk , whether operational risk management is effective or not is directly related to operational status and future development of the online supply chain finance .

  20. 第四章就根据前三章的铺垫为供应链金融建立适合其业务的供应链金融信用风险评估指标体系。

    The data of chapter four are based on the third chapter to establish rational assessment target system of business financial credit crisis .

  21. 伴随着我国供应链金融的不断发展,供应链金融存在的风险也逐渐暴露出来并受到人们的广泛关注。

    Along with the continuous development of supply chain finance , the risk of supply chain gradually exposed and lead to a widespread concern .

  22. 第四部分,通过对比供应链金融和传统银行融资的差异,揭示操作性风险是供应链金融的主要风险,并分别对上述三类主要的供应链融资模式所蕴含的操作性风险进行分析。

    The forth part points out that operational risk is the key risk of supply chain financing , compared with traditional bank financing . The operational risk of three major financing modes referred above will also be analyzed respectively .

  23. 然后,本文抓住对供应链金融企业授信额度与传统企业授信的不同,建立相应的基于风险控制的授信额度模型,以此加强对供应链金融风险的控制。

    Then , this article focuses on the difference between Supply Chain Finance credit line and traditional credit line . And a model of credit line is set up to strengthen the risk control of Supply Chain Finance .

  24. 论文的最后提出了供应链金融在我国发展的整体性策略和建议,主要包括三个方面:改善供应链金融服务,加强风险管理,完善供应链金融的营销网络。

    This essay also provides overall suggestions and strategies for the development of Supply Chain Finance , which are : perfect the service system ; enhance risk control ; improve Supply Chain Finance marketing network .