
  • 网络Supply Chain Inventory Management;vendor managed inventory
  1. VMI是比较先进的供应链库存管理模式,SOA是一种构建分布式系统的方法,这些系统以服务的形式把应用功能提供给最终用户使用。

    VMI is more advanced inventory management , SOA is used to construct distributed system .

  2. 供应链库存管理的EOQ技术

    The EOQ Method in the Inventory Management of the Supply Chain

  3. 目前,协同商务模式下多层次CPFR(CollaborativePlanningForecastingandReplenishment,CPFR)控制与优化研究是供应链库存管理中一个热点问题。

    Today , study on the control and optimization for multiple levels CPFR ( Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment , CPFR ) under collaborative commerce model is an important issue of supply chain management .

  4. 近年来,供应商管理库存(VenderManagedInventory,VMI)作为一种国际上前沿的供应链库存管理模式得到了越来越多企业的认可和采用。

    In recent years , Vender Managed Inventory ( VMI ) has been recognized and adopted by more and more enterprises as a new kind of supply chain stock management mode in the world .

  5. 模型的构建过程中,本文从CPFR、VMI、JMI等现代库存管理模式引入木材供应链库存管理中。

    This paper introduce CPFR , VMI , JMI , and other modern inventory management model into inventory management of wood supply chain in the process of model .

  6. 实践证明,供应商管理库存(VMI)是一种先进的供应链库存管理模式,它能有效地降低库存,减少成本,改善缺货,提高服务水平。

    Practice shows that Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ) is an advanced supply chain inventory management model , it can effectively decline inventory , reduce cost , improve to be out of stock and raise service levels .

  7. 为了解决这个问题,供应商管理库存(vendormanagedinventory,VMI)应运而生,它是一种在科技高度发达、信息技术发展迅速、市场竞争环境激烈变化的时代背景下产生的新型供应链库存管理模式。

    To solve the problem , Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ) came into being , which is a new supply chain inventory management model arising in the context of a highly developed science and technology , rapidly developed information technology , and changed intense market competitive environment .

  8. 供应商管理库存(VMI)已成为供应链库存管理的重要研究方向,通过供应商直接管理其客户的库存,降低了双方的成本,取得了良好的效果。

    Vendor managed inventory ( VMI ) has become an important research trend to manage the inventory in the supply chain . The Supplier manages his customer 's inventory directly , and this reduces the cost and has a good result .

  9. 供应链库存管理(SCIM)是对从原材料开始到最终用户这个整个合作组织网络的库存的计划和控制的集成。

    Supply chain inventory management ( SCIM ), which is the main concern of this dissertation , is an integrated approach to the planning and control of inventory throughout the entire network of co-operating organizations , from the source of supply to the end user .

  10. 信息共享对供应链库存管理的价值分析

    Value Analysis of Information Sharing in Supply Chain Inventory Management

  11. 牛鞭效应下的供应链库存管理研究

    The Research about Bullwhip Effect Mangement of Supply Chain Inventory

  12. CPFR&供应链库存管理技术的新趋势

    CPFR & A New Trend of Collaborative Supply-chain Inventory Management

  13. 供应链库存管理的问题与策略

    Problems and Strategy of Inventory Management in Supply Chain

  14. 供应链库存管理中的风险问题研究

    Study on the Risk in Supply Chain Inventory Management

  15. 混合多层供应链库存管理的研究及应用

    Inventory Management & Control for Multi-layer Hybrid Supply Chain

  16. 供应链库存管理的几项措施

    Measures to Improve the Supply Chain Inventory Management

  17. 多级库存管理是从全局的角度实现了供应链库存管理的优化;

    Multi-grade Management realizes the optimization of the supply chain inventory management from full view ;

  18. 一种新的供应链库存管理策略&供应商管理用户库存

    Vendor - managed Inventory in Supply Chain

  19. 最后给出了几点关于如何有效提高供应链库存管理的措施建议。

    At last , we given some advice how to reduce the cost in supply chains management .

  20. 文章还介绍了几种供应链库存管理模式,并对他们的主要思想,优缺点做了比较。

    The paper also introduce some supply chain inventory management model and compare their advantage and defect respectively .

  21. 系统分析了几种供应链库存管理策略,提出网络化库存管理的新策略。

    Then explained several kinds of supply chain stock control tactics , has proposed the networked stock control new tactics .

  22. 库存成本与顾客服务水平之间的权衡是供应链库存管理中的一个主要内容。

    The tradeoff between inventory cost and customer service level is attached much importance in Supply Chain Management ( SCM ) .

  23. 本论文在先进的供应链库存管理理念的基础上,介绍了库存管理与控制的相关方法,并通过企业的例证分析来验证了这些库存控制方法在使用中的实际价值和作用。

    Through the example of the enterprise analysis , it verifies the actual value and role of inventory control methods in use .

  24. 然后提出了现代供应链库存管理存在的问题,采用系统化的方法进行了深入地分析,并指出了问题相互之间的关联性以及问题产生的根源。

    It also puts forward the present issues of inventory management in the issues relevance and the resources the issues come out .

  25. 在供应链库存管理中,往往都是由客户承担缺货所带来的各种损失。

    In inventory management of supply chain , it is usually assumed that the losses resulted by stock-outs are afforded by the clients .

  26. 联合库存管理作为一种先进的供应链库存管理模式在西方国家得以深入研究并应用。

    Being a kind of advanced management pattern of supply chain , JMI has been studied and applied in stock in western country further .

  27. 总结了网络环境下供应链库存管理的特点,给出了网络化库存管理信息系统的设计思路。

    Thirdly , the features of networked inventory management are concluded , and the approach of design of networked inventory management information system is provided .

  28. 通过对传统供应链库存管理存在问题的分析,提出要采用多级库存管理模式。

    Through the analysis of the inventory management problem in the traditional SC , proposing the multi-echelon inventory control model was advised to adopt in ASCM .

  29. 该研究不仅丰富了库存控制理论的内容,拓宽了库存控制模型的应用空间,也在一定程度上为企业实施闭环供应链库存管理提供了科学依据。

    It enriches the content of the theory of inventory control , widens the area which can use the inventory decision based on the closed-loop supply chain strategy .

  30. 在实际的制造类企业供应链库存管理中,企业决策者往往希望同时实现多个管理目标,兼顾各个方面的利益。

    In the actual manufacturing enterprises ' supply chain inventory management , enterprise decision makers always want to realize multiple management targets and taking into account various interests .