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zhí nü
  • niece;brother's daughter
侄女 [zhí nǚ]
  • [niece] 兄弟或同辈男性的女儿

侄女[zhí nü]
  1. 玛丽把她最珍视的财产——一个小书架,留给了她的侄女。

    Mary left her most precious possession — a small bookcase — to her niece .

  2. 我侄女是个高中毕业生。

    My niece is a high-school graduate .

  3. 在一次家庭的汽车旅行中,她的姨妈黛德拿出了一本《哈利波特》,作为给她侄女的一个惊喜。

    On a family car trip , her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter , as a surprise for her niece .

  4. 例句:我侄女礼拜五晚上要来过夜。

    My niece is sleeping over on Friday night .

  5. 我母亲的侄女是我的表妹

    My mother 's nieces are my cousins .

  6. 他爱上了将军的侄女波琳娜——一个控制欲极强的年轻女子,她总像操纵木偶的大师一样操纵着他。

    He falls in love with the General 's niece , Polina — a manipulative young woman who pulls his strings .

  7. 后者是约翰·F·肯尼迪的侄女、加利福尼亚州长阿诺·施瓦辛格之妻。

    Kennedy 's niece and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger 's wife .

  8. 后来我发现,他妻子原来是Mary的侄女,这对我是个新闻。

    Then I discovered , what was news to me , that his wife was Mary 's niece .

  9. Marilyn现在就开始设计我侄女的结婚礼服。

    Marilyn , you 're going to design my niece 's dress .

  10. 10月28日日记君又有好消息了哦我和Portia又添了个侄女叫Perry

    October 28th , Journal . I have great news.Portia and I had a new niece name Perry

  11. 【英文原文】Essenceofthings——事物的本质我想知道为什么侄女Charlotte为什么要回到学校去修哲学硕士学位,于是问她,“你要这种学位做什么?”

    Wondering why my niece , Charlotte , was returning to college to get a master 's in philosophy , I asked , " What can you do with a degree like that ? "

  12. 在录像的众多人中有一个人有一点点幼齿那个人当然就是你的小侄女Eva真的么

    One of the people to be honest person I ask to do the video tape , was a little bit immatura and that of couse you niece , Eva who we take tape from , really ?

  13. 她不是2岁就是5岁她是个小宝贝她2岁2岁半我不常见她但是问题是这就是我侄女Eva

    she 's either 2 or 5 , anyway she 's precious.and so , she 's 2,2 and a half , I don 't see her often.but the thing is when I do , that 's Eva right there

  14. 安多尔侄女的一个女儿桑科(AlyssaSenko)喜欢拼图和精美的玩具。

    Alyssa Senko , 11 , a daughter of Mr. Andol 's niece , admired the puzzles and slinky toys .

  15. 据TMZ报道,茱莉亚·罗伯茨的侄女、22岁的艾玛7月7日在蒙特利尔因和男友打架被逮捕,她还把26岁的男友彼得斯打出血了。

    The 22-year-old niece of actress Julia Roberts was taken into custody on July 7 in Montreal after getting into a fight with her beau that left 26-year-old Peters bloody , according to TMZ .

  16. Upal年轻的侄女与一位英国客人和三位斯堪的纳维亚客人坐着拖拉机赶到这里。

    Upal 's young niece has arrived in a tractor , with one British and three Scandinavian visitors .

  17. 1979年6月,时任美国总统吉米·卡特(JimmyCarter)携家人访问日本。他的女儿埃米(Amy)和铃木镇一的侄女铃木裕子(HirokoSuzuki,才能教育研究会的现任会长)一起参加了一堂集体课。

    In June 1979 , when President Jimmy Carter visited Japan with his family , his daughter Amy had a group lesson with Mr. Suzuki 's niece , Hiroko Suzuki ( the current president of the Talent Education Research Institute ) .

  18. 我侄女的小刀生锈了,虽然它是新的。

    My niece 's knife rusty , because it is new .

  19. 我侄女爱上了一个加拿大小伙子。

    My niece has lost her heart to a young Canadian .

  20. 阿姆斯特朗开始对他那奇怪的、引人注目的侄女,爱娃的保护工作。

    Armstrong starts work guarding his strangely compelling niece , Eva .

  21. 她侄女的帽子由带桃红色的花装饰。

    Her niece 's hat was decorated with some pinkish flowers .

  22. 告诉她我侄女星期五给她寄了一张毕业照片。

    Tell her my niece sent her a graduation picture friday .

  23. 我一般周日都要给我的侄女讲故事。

    I usually read the funnies to my niece on sunday .

  24. 他在大马士革时每天都给他侄女打电话。

    He has a niece he calls every day in damascus .

  25. 史密斯太太说她侄女的前途被毁了。

    Mrs. Smith said that her niece 's prospects were ruined .

  26. 皮普钦太太的侄女贝林霞吃冷猪肉。

    Mrs Pipchin 's niece , Berinthia , took cold pork .

  27. 这世上没有比我的侄女更好的汽水摊销售员了。

    There is no better salesperson for lemonade than my niece .

  28. 我想你在跟我们负责人的侄女约会?

    I thought you were dating our sponsor 's niece ?

  29. 正好,我的侄女想买这辆汽车。

    Fortunately , my niece wanted to buy the car .

  30. 我们需要女孩,但是每个人我的侄女继续有男孩。

    We need girls but everyone of my nieces keep having boys .