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zuō sǐ
  • To die;seek death;take the road to ruin;look for trouble
作死 [zuō sǐ]
  • [seek death] 找死;自寻死路

作死[zuō sǐ]
  1. 好死不如赖活。(宁愿作活的懦夫也不作死的英雄。)

    Better a Live Coward Than a Dead Hero .

  2. 才不,他漫不经心地说,她认为我已经改了名,叫作死浑球。

    Nah , he said casually . She thinks I changed my name to Motherfucker .

  3. 这位姑娘是神枪手。(不能译作死射手)

    The girl is a dead shot .

  4. 因此基督死了,又活了,为要作死人并活人的主。

    For to this end Christ both died , and rose , and revived , that he might be Lord both of the dead and living .

  5. 一位健身狂人日前上传了自己在巴西一处海滩上空倒挂悬崖的惊人照,向人们展示了他如同搓衣板一样的腹肌。大家起初纷纷赞叹他的勇敢,但也觉得这一行为很“作死”。

    The amazing sight of a fitness fanatic working out his washboard stomach by dangling upside down over a Brazilian beach was initially seen as a daring act of stupidity .