
  1. 其介入批评的方式主要有三种:组织文学评奖与策划作品研讨会;包装文坛新秀与缔造畅销书神话;炒作文学事件与制造文坛热点。

    There are three major involvement ways : to organize literature awards and engineer planning seminars ; to package literary rookie and create a myth of best-selling book ; to fabricate literary events and create literary hot spot .

  2. 这是一种重游,是对那三天对于我的作品的研讨会的重游,但总之,它在研讨会初的名称,更准确一点。

    This is a revisiting . It 's a revisiting on the occasion of that three days symposium about my work , but above all , it 's more accurately titled as it was in the preceding of that symposium .