
  1. 中联设备作业距离短,作业温度控制好,施工时烟气小,更环保。

    Equipment operating in conjunction short distance , operating temperature control , and construction of flue gas in small , more environmentally friendly .

  2. 对500kV线路带电作业安全距离的探讨

    A Discussion on Safety Distance of 500 kV Live line Works

  3. 确定500kV线路带电作业安全距离的最大过电压

    Determination of Max. Overvoltage in Live Line Work of 500 kV Lines

  4. 500kV托源线和源安线带电作业安全距离的探讨

    Probe into the Safe Distance of the Hot-line Operation for 500 kV Line

  5. 500kV同塔双回紧凑型线路的带电作业安全距离

    The Research of Safe Distance for Live Working on 500 kV Compact Double Circuit Transmission Line

  6. 简要介绍了现行《安全工作规程》中500kV带电作业安全距离3-6m规定由来,并用统计法核算了过去的一些试验数据。

    The paper briefly introduces the origin of 3 6 m safety distance of live line work on 500 kV lines stipulated in ( Electric Safety Operation Regulations ), and some testing data by statistical method .

  7. 前后作业海域距离中国西沙群岛中建岛和西沙群岛领海基线均17海里,距离越南大陆海岸约133至156海里。

    The two locations of operation are 17 nautical miles from both the Zhongjian Island of Chinas Xisha Islands and the baseline of the territorial waters of Xisha Islands , yet approximately 133 to 156 nautical miles away from the coast of the Vietnamese mainland .

  8. 关于带电作业最小接近距离的规定

    Regulations about Minimum Approaching Distance under Live-line Operation

  9. 机器视觉具有丰富的感知信息,对于水下机器人作业及近距离信息感知具有重要作用。

    Robotic vision has a rich sense of information that plays an important role in underwater robot operations and proximity information apperceived .

  10. 渔船作业避让的安全距离

    On the safe distance to avoid collision for vessel engaged in fishing

  11. 针对高电压环境下,当电介质中掺杂有金属导体时,提出一种带电作业机器人绝缘安全距离的分析方法。

    This paper presented a method of calculating the insulating safety distances for hot-line working devices at high voltage when dielectric is adulterated with conducts .

  12. 本文开发了一种井下的自动报警系统,来解决从主干通道到采煤作业面这一距离上的通信空白。

    The development of a working automatic warning systems to address access to the trunk from coal mining operations in the face of this distance communication gaps .

  13. 函数型动作的作业时间与起重机类型和作业距离有关,用统计回归分析方法,拟合得到了起重机作业时间与两个坐标距离的关系算式。

    About the second type , the functional relationship between operation time and the two coordinate distances is developed by means of regression methods .

  14. 这些缺陷或危险因素主要表现在无效等待时间过长/住院流程中的无价值作业或重复作业导致的走动距离过长以及住院流程标准不规范、资料信息失误等。

    These defects or risk factors are mainly embodied in the invalid waiting for a long time , may cause the individual patient deterioration or delay ; hospitalization flow without value or repetitive operations in walking distance is too long and the hospitalization process standards , information error .