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  1. 她马上开始给亲戚朋友们打电话。

    She immediately started ringing round her friends and relatives .

  2. 他很替勒诺小姐难过,孤零零的一个人,离家乡这么远,心里想着在现在这一刻她的亲戚朋友们正欢天喜地地涌向巴黎的街道。

    He felt sorry for miss lenaut , alone , so far from home , thinking of her friends and relatives joyously flooding the streets of Paris at this moment .

  3. 这些庆典活动帮助Wayne的家人和其他亲戚朋友们关系更为紧密。

    The celebrations helped his family connect with other relatives and friends .

  4. Murray教授表示,许多农村家庭接纳了失去家园和工作的亲戚朋友。

    Professor Murray says many rural families have relatives and friends who lost homes and jobs .

  5. 不管你是远方的客人,还是自己家里的亲戚朋友,XX人十分热情,好客。

    No matter you are dear guests , or their home 's relatives , XX people very enthusiastic , hospitality .

  6. 比如道奇(Dodge)和现代汽车(Hyundai)就推出了“众筹”项目,旨在帮购车人从亲戚朋友那里筹集资金来支付首付。

    Dodge and Hyundai have launched crowdfunding programs geared to help buyers round up contributions from friends and family toward down payments .

  7. 一名Facebook前员工的妻子说,因为她丈夫在Facebook上班,许多亲戚朋友就把对Facebook的不满发泄到她丈夫身上。

    The spouse of a former Facebook employee said that her husband was the recipient of many complaints about the site from friends and family , just because he was employed by the company .

  8. 至少我相信亲戚朋友们的话是真的。

    At least I believe so friends and relatives is true .

  9. 耳聋使他断绝了与亲戚朋友的交流。

    His deafness cut him off from his family and friends .

  10. 不同的食物和亲戚朋友捎来的邮件和礼物。

    Different food and mail and gifts from our family and friends .

  11. 和我们的亲戚朋友到户外去玩。

    Is spend time outdoors with our friends and family .

  12. 到来的亲戚朋友们,请留下姓名。

    The arrival friends and relatives , please leave behind your name .

  13. 亲戚朋友都好,任何知道亚当的人。

    With friends , with anyone who ever knew adam .

  14. 他对待亲戚朋友总是很好。

    He was always good to his friends and family .

  15. 在这种葬礼上亲戚朋友汇聚一堂…

    it 's where someone 's family and friends gather ...

  16. 各位亲戚朋友,我们去大教堂吧。

    Dear friends and relatives , let 's go to the cathedral .

  17. 你有没有亲戚朋友的在我公司就职?

    Do you have any friends or relatives working in our company ?

  18. 我们家总是满屋子亲戚朋友。

    We 'd always have a house full of family and friends .

  19. 这也是个很好的和亲戚朋友们相聚的好机会。

    It is also a good chance to meet with friends and relatives .

  20. 照片:不同时期的全家福,亲戚朋友,单位同事。

    Photos : Family photos : different times , whole family , friends .

  21. 孙良没有亲戚朋友。

    Sun Liang had no relative and no friends .

  22. 但也有一个罕见的例外,就是亲戚朋友。

    It is your cousin , your brother , maybe even your aunt .

  23. 去拜访一下不常看到的亲戚朋友;

    Visit friends or relatives you don 't get to see very often .

  24. 与其在家中款待亲戚朋友,倒不如去拜访他们。

    You are better off visiting friends or relatives than entertaining at home .

  25. 送给亲戚朋友,也不失为上佳礼品。

    To the relatives and friends , but also be a good gift .

  26. 亲戚朋友或许不理解你的需求。

    Friends and relatives may not understand your needs .

  27. 那个家伙是他家庭,亲戚朋友的一种耻辱。

    That guy is a discredit to his family and relatives and friends .

  28. 《早饭》前来帮忙的亲戚朋友们,也要先吃饭。

    The breakfast The relatives helping in the wedding needs a meal first .

  29. 你会发现,亲戚朋友可能不了解你的需求。

    You will find that friends or relatives may not understand your needs .

  30. 我鼓励亲戚朋友去阅读和加入虚拟品牌社区。

    I encourage relatives and friends to read and join the on-line brand community .