
  • 网络Architectural design;design of architecture
  1. 其次,对统一建模语言(UML)及并发对象建模与体系结构设计方法(COMET)进行了简单的介绍。

    Second , the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) and the Concurrent Object Modeling and Architectural Design Method ( COMET ) are simply introduced .

  2. 体系结构设计是系统设计的基础。

    Architectural design is the foundation of system implementation .

  3. 基于现场总线的嵌入式Internet服务器体系结构设计

    Design of server architecture based on Embedded Internet and field bus

  4. 一种基于Web的分布式预警体系结构设计构想

    A Design Conception of Distributed Alert System Based on Web

  5. 基于J2EE的WEB服务体系结构设计

    A Design of WEB Service Systematic Structure Based on J2EE

  6. 并行PC:一种以交换网络为中心的新型PC体系结构设计

    Parallel : design of a novel PC architecture for switching network centric

  7. 基于Web技术的RA系统的体系结构设计

    Design of RA system infrastructure based on web technology

  8. 集群环境下并行GIS的体系结构设计

    Cluster-based Architecture Design of Parallel GIS

  9. 基于UML的C~4ISR体系结构设计过程

    An UML-based Designing Process of C ~ 4ISR Architecture

  10. 将业务流程模型转换为UML,以便进行体系结构设计和应用程序开发

    Transform a business process model into UML for architectural design and application development

  11. 石油装备制造企业PDM系统的体系结构设计和产品选型。

    The systematic structure design and selection of PDM system for PEME .

  12. 实际的设计和体系结构设计过程,或者各种UML图,这些内容超出了本文的范围。

    Actual design and architecting process or UML diagrams are beyond the scope of this article .

  13. 基于KQML的Agent通信体系结构设计

    Design of an Agent Communication Architecture Based on KQML

  14. Web服务注释是Java语言将如何发展的一个例子,它提供了应用程序体系结构设计和应用程序部署之间一个重要的联系。

    Web service annotations is one example of how the Java language is evolving , providing a crucial link between application architect and application deployment .

  15. 组织的IT方面喜欢SOA,因为SOA可以促进基于松散耦合、开放标准的体系结构设计原则。

    The IT side of the organization likes SOA because it promotes loosely coupled , open standards-based architecture design principles .

  16. 体系结构设计包括多层服务的划分和EJB体系的选择。

    As to system structure design , multi-tried application architecture and EJB technology is considered .

  17. 最后在系统体系结构设计和关键技术研究的基础上,实现了Windows客户端虚拟网软件子系统的原型系统,并就进一步的研究工作提出了几点建议。

    Based on the plan and theories , the thesis mainly implemented a prototype of Windows client VPN software and gives some suggestions on future .

  18. 可信计算机系统评测准则对基于可信主体DBMS体系结构设计的影响

    Influence to Design of Trusted Subject DBMS Architecture by the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria

  19. 分析讨论了UML在系统设计中的应用,给出了体系结构设计、数据库设计等重点环节的设计方法和重点实施步骤。

    The application of UML in system design is researched , and the design method and process of these key links are described .

  20. 会议管理系统是采用B/S架构,MVC软件体系结构设计模式,Oracle作为后台数据库开发设计。

    Conference Management System uses B / S design pattern , MVC software architecture . Oracle is used to manage data .

  21. 基于TMN架构的网管平台的体系结构设计

    Architecture design of NMS platform based on TMN

  22. 本文就总线结构、指令系统、存储系统、流水线、寻址方式等几个方面对一个嵌入式DSP处理器μDSP的体系结构设计进行了详细的阐述。

    Design of the embedded DSPs ' architecture was described at this aspects : bus structure , instruction system , memory system , pipeline and addressing mode , etc.

  23. 在本文中,我们讨论了总体体系结构设计原则,以及使用IBM中间件开发安全且可配置的多租户应用程序的相关技术。

    In this article , we looked at the overall architectural design principles and related techniques of developing a secure and configurable multi-tenant application by using IBM middleware .

  24. 以UML为建模语言,利用体系结构设计的思想,对组合夹具计算机智能组装系统进行了系统分析、系统设计。

    This paper introduces how to analysis and design the intelligent modular fixture assembly system based on the software architecture and use UML as the modeling tool .

  25. 针对SOA进行了体系结构设计的ESB最初可能会忽略很多这样的服务需求,因为服务会在充实SOA的过程中变得明显起来。

    An ESB being architected for an SOA can initially ignore many of these service requirements , because they become apparent as the SOA is fleshed out .

  26. 首先,是实验教学平台的体系结构设计,作者在三层B/S体系结构基础上,采用一种B/S体系结构与C/S体系结构结合的新的体系结构。

    Firstly , on the base of the B / S system , the author adopted a new system that was made of the B / S system and the C / S system in the experiment-teaching platform .

  27. 本论文在完成体系结构设计的同时,介绍了实现PCI总线接口及PCI总线卡应注意的技术问题。对继续进行PCI总线的研究提供了良好的基础。

    Finally , this dissertation discusses several key issues in designing and implementing PCI Bus Controller and PCI Bus Card , which provide favorable condition to continued researches .

  28. 系统是否根据模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller)体系结构设计以使多用户界面成为可能?

    Has the system been designed according to a Model-View-Controller architecture to make multiple user interfaces possible ?

  29. 具有开放、分布式、不协作、异构、无中心控制等特点的Internet复杂巨系统的管理、容量规划、新一代网络体系结构设计与分析和性能预测都离不开对网络行为的充分理解。

    Internet has become a complex gigantic system that has open , distributed , uncooperative , heterogeneous , non-center-control characteristics . To manage and scheme Internet , and design new generation network architecture and anal-yse and performance forecast is need to perceive network behavior .

  30. 另外,该工具提供丰富的建模和体系结构设计及发现功能,超过典型的集成开发环境(IDE)所具有的特征。

    In addition , the tool goes beyond the features of a typical integrated development environment ( IDE ) by providing rich modeling and architectural design and discovery capabilities .