- 名parachorium

Researches have shown that thelytoky in E. formosa is caused by Wolbachia and this mode has become its stable reproductive way .
An Ecological Study of Interaction between Black Bean Aphid , Aphis Fabae Scopoli , and Its Mycetocyte
Effect of temperature on the abundance of mycetocytes in Aphis fabae Scopoli ( Aphididae , Homoptera ) and body size of their hosts
These results implied that the symbiote should play an important role in change of virulence of BPH population to resistant rice varieties .
Some changes in the ultrastructure of symbiotic algae occurred . Symbiotic algae from anemone starved for 3 days contained some dividing cells and had more mitochondria than that from starved anemones for 45 days and 280 days . The latter algae contained some lipid grains .
Elevated CO2 can markedly affect the symbiosis relationship between YLES and BPH through the bottom-up forcing on BPH physiological metabolism . 3 .
And there were significant differences in YLES width or length between females and males .
N-transfer from groundnut to rice was evident but no co-relation between biological nitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer was found in this experiment .
Wolbachia is the intracellular symbiotic bacterial that infects a wide range of arthropods and nematodes , it is transmitted to offspring through the cytoplasm of eggs .
Wolbachia are the endosymbiont of many insect pests , which have evolved various mechanisms for manipulating reproduction of their hosts to enhance their transmission , including induction of reproductive incompatibility , parthenogenesis and genetic male feminization .