
  • 网络Volume weight;Dimensional Weight
  1. 大体积重晶石混凝土结构施工

    Construction of mass baryte concrete structure

  2. 由此抽象类派生出要描述的三个类,在这三个类中都具有求表面积和体积的重定义版本。

    This abstract class derived to describe the three classes in the three classes have a surface area and volume of seeking re-definition version .

  3. 结果脑损伤后单位体积湿重脑组织含钙量变化不明显,钙调素含量及磷酸二脂酶活性分别在损伤后即刻及12小时明显升高。

    Results The brain Ca2 + content was not change at unit volume of fresh cerebral tissue , CaM content and PDE activity rose significantly at that time and 12 hours of the brain damage .

  4. 体内建立裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型,喂服吲哚美辛3mg/(kg·d)共4周,隔日测瘤结节体积及鼠重,评价吲哚美辛的抑瘤效果。

    Transplanted tumor models were established with BALB / c nude mice and were treated with indomethacin at 3 mg / ( kg · d ) for 4 weeks .

  5. 复制CNE-2Z-H5细胞裸鼠移植瘤模型,观察姜黄素对移植瘤的体积、瘤重的影响,计算抑瘤率。

    Duplicating the model of CNE-2Z-H5 cells implanted tumor in nude mice , then observe the effects of the different doses of curcumin on the growth of implanted tumors .

  6. 厚大体积防辐射重混凝土施工技术

    Construction technology for massive , anti-radioactive heavy concrete

  7. 检测各组裸鼠移植瘤体积、瘤重和肝、肾功能、血常规变化。

    Tumor volume and weight were measured ; liver and renal function and blood routine test were performed .

  8. 苗期低温诱导处理,根系的生长受到抑制,尤其12叶后表现明显,烟苗没有根系的快速生长阶段,根系体积和鲜重远远小于对照,使生殖发育阶段提前到来。

    Induced by low temperature at seedling stage , the growth of tobacco roots was inhibited especially after the 12th leaf .

  9. 然而体积大重量重是背投系统致命的弱点,系统厚度和质量也是衡量背投系统实用性的重要指标。

    Whereas , the large volume and heavy weight are fetal to the system , which are crucial factors to evaluate it .

  10. 果实鲜重的增长与果径、体积、干重、含水量、水溶性总糖的增长均呈板显著正相关;

    There was a very significant positive correlation between the increase of fresh fruit weight and the increase in diameter , size .

  11. 单铃种子数通过铃容重和铃体积对铃重的间接效应较大,故其净效应居首位。

    However , the net effects of seeds per boll were the most remarkable , due to its indirect effects via boll density and boll volume .

  12. 合理选择材料,控制配合比,调整钢筋以及优化施工方法,可确保厚大体积防辐射重混凝土的质量要求。

    The quality requirement of the massive , anti-radioactive heavy concrete was ensured by proper selection of material , control of mixture ratio , adjustment of reinforcement and optimization of construction methods .

  13. 染褐煤尘大鼠肺体积、湿重、干重和胶原蛋白含量增加,病理检查可见到煤尘灶、肺气肿、网状纤维和胶原纤维轻度增生。

    Although coal focus , reticular fibre hyperplasia , collagenic fibre hyperplasia and emphysema were found in the lungs of the rats exposed to brown coal dusts , the fibre hyperlasia was slight .

  14. 无论供氮量高低,供氮一侧均能诱导根系生长发育,表现为供氮一侧侧根长、根表面积、根系体积、根重等明显高于无氮侧,但是根系直径明显变细。

    Lateral root length , root surface area , root volume and root biomass were induced in section supplied nitrogen fertilizer , whereas root diameter decreased by localized supply of nitrogen no matter how much nitrogen used .

  15. 明显促进了K4的侧根长度,增加了侧根数,根体积和根干重。

    Promoted the length and the number of the lateral root , volume and dry weight of root previously .

  16. 随着微小航天器的发展,其对器件轻量化的要求越来越高,传统的MEMS百叶窗等热控器件因其体积大、质量重、结构复杂等特点而难以应用于微小卫星。

    With the development of the small spacecraft , there is a growing demand to reduce its weight . Traditional thermal controller parts like MEMS shutters are difficult to meet the requirements because of their heavy quality and big volume .

  17. 由于存在着体积大、重量重等固有的严重缺陷,CRT器件也一直受到众多新型平板显示器件的严峻挑战。

    However , CRT has been met with some severe challenge from many new flat - panel display devices because CRT has some serious defects such as a greater bulk and a heavier weight and so on .

  18. 测量两组裸鼠肿瘤体积及肿瘤湿重,肿瘤组织行免疫组织化学染色观察微血管密度(MVD),光镜下病理学检查。

    The administration totals 6 . The gross volume and humid weight of tumor were measured , the microvessel density ( MVD ) of tumorous tissues was observed using immunohistochemistry and pathological examination was conducted with light microscope .

  19. 试验结果表明:环剥和GA3促进了果实的生长发育,果肉细胞体积、果实鲜重、干重、纵径、横径均显著增加。

    Ml - 1 GA 3.The result showed that fruit growth were promoted , cell volume of flesh , fresh weight , dry weignt , length and diameter of fruit were much higher than controls ;

  20. 生产上通过调节密度、选用品种等措施也主要是通过增加籽粒体积而提高粒重。

    Measures of adjusting planting density and selecting varieties etc.

  21. 子粒体积变化与干重变化趋势一致。

    The kernel volume has the same trendline of change with dry matter of kernel .

  22. 两组试材体积约数与粒重的极显著高度正相关的相关程度是一致的。

    The volume and granule weight of the two series test materials are very higher compatibility .

  23. 现有的气体抓捕网体积大、质量重、功能单一的缺点。

    The present gas catching net has the disadvantages of large size , heavy weight and single function .

  24. 传统的曲柄连杆式往复泵存在体积大、重量重、压力和流量脉动等问题。

    There is a large size , heavy weight , pressure and flow pulsation problems in the conventional crank-type reciprocating pump .

  25. 但是目前常用的干式真空泵体积大,质量重,而且转子的平衡性不理想。

    However , at present the VP is of huge volume and high weight , and the rotor is of bad balance .

  26. 国内某一大型炼钢工程钢结构制造中采用了大量的箱型柱(梁)结构,由于该构件的体积大、单件重、质量要求高。

    A large quantity of box columns ( beams ) were used in the steel structures for a large steelmaking plant in China .

  27. 履带式爬楼梯装置对楼梯损坏大,且体积大、质量重,通常不适于家居使用。

    Tracked stair climbing devices are had big damage to the stairs , bulky , heavier , and not very suitable for domestic use .

  28. 但是常见的低频换能器存在体积大、重量重的缺点,给实际的应用带来很多的不便。

    But common low-frequency transducer exist the faults of big volume and heavy weight , given to the actual application in a lot of inconvenience .

  29. 传统的电力校表台由模拟功放向待校电表及标准表提供校表电流,造成系统效率低、体积大、重量重。

    The traditional power meter calibrating system usually has the shortcomings of low efficiency and large volume due to its standard voltage and current source rely on the analog amplifier .

  30. 由于传动链长,运动控制复杂,导致扫描仪的体积大、重量重、运动精度低,不便于便携操作。

    The transmission chain was long , meanwhile the motion control was very complicated , and so the scanner had the large volume , heavy weight and low moving precision .