
  • 网络business negotiation;Negotiation;BusinessNegotiation
  1. 从而实现企业与企业之间信息发布、交易磋商、合同洽谈、合同签订、合同追踪、订单签订等业务流程。

    The system can implement information release , trade negotiation , contract negotiation , underwriting and tracing , orders underwriting and other business processes between enterprises .

  2. 口头表达能力良好,书写流畅,熟悉外贸交易磋商流程和商务函电写作;

    Oral communication ability , good writing and fluent , familiar with foreign trade consultation process and business letter writing ;

  3. 在《华尔街日报》(WSJ)首次报道了围绕最新交易的磋商之后,卡夫股价在盘后交易中跃升近20%。

    Kraft shares jumped nearly 20 per cent in after-hours trading after the Wall Street Journal first reported the deal talks .

  4. 预约正是交易双方在磋商谈判的过程中达成的一种特别的合意,它是交易双方为固定谈判成果,为促成将来本约的订立而订立的协议。

    Parties to the transaction in consultation appointment is reached during the negotiation of a special agreement , it is a fixed outcome of the negotiations for the parties to the transaction , to bring about the future of this agreement is entered into the .