
  • 网络Penny Stock
  1. 投资那些低价股会让你输得精光。

    You 'd lose your shirt investing in penny stocks .

  2. 低价股一直是诈骗犯们行骗的好去处。

    Penny stocks have long been a haven for fraudsters .

  3. 但是在我们的商业中,希望是个错误。它替代了理智,替代了严谨–尤其当你的股票成为低价股的时候。

    But hope is a mistaken emotion in our business . It'supplants reason , It'supplants rigor dollarstocks .

  4. 从来没有公司宣布自己的股票是低价股。

    No company ever set out to have a low-dollar-amount stock .

  5. 如今,这些企业的股价多数已跌回低价股水平。

    Most of those companies are now back trading at Penny levels .

  6. 购买了大量的低价股,而不是少量的高价股。

    Buying large amounts of low-priced stocks rather than smaller amounts of higher-priced stocks .

  7. 但是,如果情况并非如此,高价股在市场价值指数中的权重将会高估,而低价股则会低估。

    But if they are not , market-value indices will tend to overweight expensive stocks and underweight cheap ones .

  8. 这部电影是想还原那位低价股操纵大师有趣甚至是有意义的人生。

    It 's meant to be an entertaining , even meaningful representation of the penny-stock maestro 's life and times .

  9. 第五章分析了流动性的逆规模效应和价格效应,得出了小盘股、低价股的流动性比较好;

    The fifth chapter examined the reverse scale effect and price effect of liquidity , concluded that the less the outstanding shares , the better the liquidity ;

  10. 按照股价大小将股票分组后发现:最小报价单位增加将导致低价股的价差和深度变大,交易金额减少;

    Grouped by the prices level of stocks , the increase of tick size will lead to the increase of the spread , and depth , and decrease trade volume in the high-price group ;

  11. 实验结果表明,股价对股票选择时间没有显著影响,但对被试体验到的冲突强度有明显影响,被试选择高价股时感受到的冲突强度显著高于选择低价股时感受到的冲突强度;

    The results showed : ( 1 ) There was no significant effect of share price levels on decision time , but a significant effect on the degree of conflict that subjects felt . The subjects felt much higher conflict when choosing from the stocks with higher share price ;

  12. 在国有公司的运营中,私分国有资产,徇私舞弊低价折股、出售国有资产,串通拍卖国有资产现象比较严重并造成国有资产的大量流失。

    In the operation of state-owned companies , the phenomena of distributing state-owned assets privately , crime of fraudulent practice and converting stock by low price , selling state-owned assets , colluding to auction state-owned assets are very sincere and lead to a great deal of loss of state-owned assets .

  13. 套利者、可以通过受让低价非流通股控制上市公司,在这之前购入低价的普通股,在重组公布时抛售套取利润,或者在重组成功后通过再融资套取利润。

    An arbitrator can gain extra profit by buying the common shares at a relatively low price , and sell them at a high price before the news that acquisition happens or through stock financing .