
  1. 于是,塔克尔决定采用高/低价格策略,更通俗的说法是“亏本销售定价策略”。

    Instead , she decided to use a high-low strategy , which is generally known as loss-leading .

  2. 提出银联应坚持不收货币兑换费的低成本价格策略,争夺跨境转接业务、提高商户交易量。

    CUP should stick to no currency exchange fees , low-cost pricing strategy to get more cross-border transfer businesses , to increase business volume .

  3. 低价格保证策略是零售商的一种整体价格宣传策略,对树立零售商低价格水平形象以吸引消费者有重要影响。

    Low price guarantee ( LPG ) is a kind of price strategy aimed to form a retailer 's price image and has important effect on consumers .

  4. 并据此采取合适的国际营销组合策略,如实施品牌策略、采取低成本价格策略、增加销售渠道、加强促销力度等,从而提升自身在国际文化市场上的竞争力。

    And based on their market positioning , they can make appropriate international marketing mix strategies , such as establishing brand images , making low-cost pricing strategies , enhancing distribution channels , and strengthening promotional force , in order to enhance their competitiveness in international market .

  5. 以出口为导向,采用低价格、低利润策略的中国电动工具生产企业在2008年的世界金融危机中损失惨重,许多企业濒临倒闭边缘。

    In the world financial crisis of 2008 , lots of Chinese electric tool manufacturers suffer a great loss , some of them even bankrupt , for their output-oriented strategy and " low price and low profit " policy .