
  • 网络Transmission medium;transmission media
  1. 随着Internet和机器人技术的飞速发展,将Internet作为操作者和机器人之间的数据传输媒介,建立了Internet环境下的机器人遥操作平台,增强了遥操作机器人系统的开发性和灵活性。

    With the rapid development of Internet and robotics technology , and Internet as a data transmission medium between the operator and the robot , a teleoperation platform based on Internet has been established .

  2. 然而作为IP语音传输媒介的IP网络目前存在着各种安全隐患,网络上的IP数据包极有可能被黑客截获,造成话音丢失或被窃听。

    However , as the VoIP transmission medium , IP network currently exists a variety of security risks . It is that IP data packets on the network is very likely being stolen by hackers , resulting in a serious consequence that part of voice is lost or tapped .

  3. ESB平台将充当提供者和使用者之间的传输媒介。

    The ESB platform will act as a transport medium between producer and consumer .

  4. 电力线通信(Powerlinecommunication)简称PLC技术,它利用广泛存在的电力线作为传输媒介,传输数据、图像、语音以及其他多媒体信号的一种通信方式。

    As a kind of communications , power line communication uses the ubiquitous power line as transmission media to transmit data , image , voice and other multimedia signals .

  5. 网络控制系统(NetWorkedControlSystem,NCS)是以网络为信息传输媒介的分布式控制系统,是控制领域发展的必然趋势。

    Networked Control System ( Networked Control System , NCS ), a special distributed control system using network as communication channel , is an inevitable trend in control area .

  6. 通过对各种传输媒介、移动设备、安全协议软件优缺点的分析和对比,提出了一种基于ARM平台、SSL安全协议的通过Internet网络传输的监控数据传输系统。给出了理论模型和具体实现方案。

    This paper propose a private monitoring data transfer system by Internet , which based on ARM platform and SSL network protocol , and give the theoretical model and practical realization .

  7. 很多分布式系统是以Internet为传输媒介,而Internet是一个开放的、松散的和不安全的网络,因此基于分布式系统的传输安全方案的研究越来越为人们所重视。

    Many distributed systems take Internet as the transmission media , but Internet is an open , loose and unsafe network , therefore more and more people attach importance to the research for the distributed system-based transmission safety entire plan .

  8. 以带有收发器的高性能FPGA为控制核心,光纤为传输媒介,完成高速数字接收、基带处理与数据稳定传输。

    The system taking the large-capacity high-speed FPGA with data transceivers as the control core , fiber as the data transmitting medium , completes high-speed data acquisition , baseband processing and data transmitting .

  9. 以光纤作为有线制导导弹的传输媒介,是因为光纤具有尺寸小、重量轻、强度高、衰减低、带宽大等优点,能够传输信号超过N公里。

    Missiles can be guided by optical fiber , only an optical fiber has the combination of small size , lightweight , strength , low attenuation and bandwidth needed to transmits signals a long distances range or more .

  10. 以SIP协议为基础,分析了在远程教育应用中的多种网络结构,提出了一种适用于多区域、多种传输媒介的混合式网络结构。

    Based on the session initiation protocol ( SIP ), this paper analyzes some kinds of network structures applied in system , and proposes a mixed network structure for the multi-domain and multi-transmission-medium E-education system .

  11. 另一主要研究部分是CAN总线作为井下传输媒介的主要结构和工作原理,以及CAN总线与RFID与PC机的连接及信息传递方式。

    Another main research part is the main structure and the principle of work of the CAN main line takes the mine shaft transmission medium , as well as CAN and RFID and PC connection and information transmission way .

  12. 最近电力线通信受到人们的普遍关注,PLC用电力线网络作为高速数据的传输媒介,向用户提供互联网接入等服务创造出巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    PowerLine Communication technology is catching our attention greatly now , which uses the power line as a communication media to create a high speed data channel and supply services such as high speed Internet access , and create great economic and social profit .

  13. 无线局域网(又称WLAN)主要指以无线信道作传输媒介的通信网局域网络,用户可通过笔记本电脑、智能手机等终端随时随地接入互联网和企业网,获取信息、娱乐或进行办公。

    Wireless Local Area Network ( WLAN ) is a local area network using radio to communicate . Someone can get the information and entertainment from the internet and work in the enterprise network by notebook or smart-phones .

  14. 系统以计算机的数字可视化接口(DVI)输出作为数据源,以千兆以太网作为传输媒介,将计算机中的视频图像实时动态的显示在LED大屏幕上。

    With the digital visual interface as a data source and Gigabit Ethernet as the transport media , this issue designs a scanning control system which can display the computer images on a large LED screen by real-time .

  15. CAN总线接口采用协议控制芯片SJA1000,配以收发器82C250。以太网接口采用以太网控制器RTL8019AS作为物理层传输媒介。

    CAN-BUS interface adopts protocol control chip SJA1000 plus receiving and sending chip82C250.Ethernet interface adopts Ethernet controller RTL8019AS as physical transmission media .

  16. 在深入研究LED大屏幕显示系统结构和灰度实现、伽马校正等工作原理的基础上,提出了采用DVI接口作为数据源、千兆以太网作为传输媒介、FPGA作为主控芯片的总体设计方案。

    On the basis of the structure of the large screen display system and the principle of gray realization , gamma correction , the overall design was proposed , with DVI interfaces as the data source , Gigabit Ethernet as the transmission medium , FPGA as the master chip .

  17. 就高校有线电视网络要实现的功能,从频率配置、传输媒介、网络结构等方面,讨论了网络升级与改造的目标是要建成双向HFC网,并阐述了升级改造应注意的问题。

    Based on the functions of CATV networks in colleges , the paper discusses the building of bi-directional HFC network in terms of spectrum arrangement , transmission medium and network configuration , which is the aim of CATV networks rebuilding , and also elaborates some matters needing attention .

  18. 在DVB-C系统中,由于传输媒介的性质比较单一、固定,因此信道的传输环境与理想加性高斯白噪声信道比较相近,较适合理论分析和研究。

    In the DVB-C system , due to the nature of the transmission medium single , fixed , therefore the transmission channel environment compared with the ideal additive white Gaussian noise channel similar , it is suitable for analysis and research .

  19. 论文介绍一种新式的工控网设计方案:主站与从站间采用BITBUS总线为传输媒介,各从站与远程站采用电力载波和同轴电缆互为备份信道。

    This article introduces a new plan of industrial control network : selecting BITBUS as transmission media between master station and slave stations , both slave stations and remote stations connected by power carrier and coaxial cable as back-up signal channel .

  20. 数字电视的发展与传输媒介

    Development of Digital TV and It 's Transmission Media

  21. 以人体本身作为传输媒介,也称之为人体通信。

    The human body itself as a transmission medium , also called human body communication .

  22. 同时,论文还可为传输媒介在实际运营环境中的使用提供指导性建议。

    Simultaneously , this paper can also provide guiding advices for actual use of transmission mediums .

  23. 传输媒介不需要了解控制字符或启动任何控制动作的一种传输方法。

    Transmission where the transmission medium does not recognize control characters or initiate any control activity .

  24. 所谓虚拟专用网是指以建立私有、快捷、安全的网络为目的,以连接广泛的公共网络为传输媒介,以加密认证为主要安全措施构筑起的虚拟的专用网络。

    By encryption and authentication , VPN is to build private , fast and safety network through Internet .

  25. 分块常常发生在传输媒介混合在一起的环境中,比如兼有以太网和令牌环网的网络。

    Fragmentation often occurs in environments that have a mix of media such as Ethernet and Token Ring .

  26. 低压电力线载波通信以低压电力线为传输媒介的特点使其在信息传输中有着广阔的应用前景。

    Low voltage power line communication has a bright future as it takes the power line as transmission medium .

  27. 自由空间光通信是以激光作为信息载体,是一种不需要任何有线信道作为传输媒介的通信方式。

    Free-space laser communication with laser as information carrier is a communication method which does not need any wired channel .

  28. 光纤既是光信号的传输媒介,又是温度信息的传感媒介。

    The fiber is not only the signal transmission medium , but also the sensor of temperature information as well .

  29. 网络教学,是指以网络为依托、以多媒体信息为传输媒介的开放式、远程化的教学系统。

    Network teaching is an open , distant teaching system which depends on the internet and transfers the multi-media information in it .

  30. 探讨了低压电力线作为信息传输媒介的现状、研究意义以及存在的主要问题;

    Discusses the major existing problem , research meaning and the present situation of information transformation medium based on low voltage power line .