
  • 网络The Accounting Field
  1. 知识经济扩大了会计领域,会计学呈现综合化发展的趋势。

    Knowledge economy widens the accounting field and accounting tends to develop in a synthesized way .

  2. 在会计领域能够满足经验和教育背景的要求、并通过考试获得注册公共会计师称号。

    Those in the accounting field can earn the Certified Public Accountant designation by meeting experience and educational requirements and passing an exam .

  3. 因此,中国加入WTO必将给我国会计领域的方方面面带来严峻的挑战,这无疑会给我国会计市场带来影响和冲击。

    So , China 's entering into WTO will absolutely bring severe challenges for the whole accounting field in China , which will undoubtedly influence and impact on the domestic accounting market .

  4. 在我们国家迈入WTO之门时,社会各方面都经历了一场与国际接轨的改革,同样的变革也发生在会计领域。

    At the time of China entering WTO , the whole society is experiencing a great reform to link with the international world , the reform also is seen in the field of Accounting .

  5. 信息集成应用使会计领域呈现出越来越多的实时特征,从而使实时会计的理论及其技术载体实时AIS逐渐成为研究和应用的重要方向。

    In the integrated application of information , it takes on more and more realtime characteristic in the area of accounting , so the theory of realtime accounting and it 's technical carrier of realtime AIS become the important trend in the research and application .

  6. 在中国,关于非洲文献资料的匮乏,尤其是在会计领域相关资料的匮乏,促使我研究并向大家介绍在西非经济联盟和西非货币区域内得以应用的西非会计系统(SYSCOA)。

    The scarcity of literature on Africa in China , especially in the area of accounting , encouraged me to make a contribution to the dissemination of the Western African accounting system ( Syscoa ) practiced in the West African Union Economic and Monetary Zone .

  7. 企业价值评估是传统会计领域之外的一项特殊工作。

    Business valuation is a special task beyond the traditional accountancy .

  8. 财务舞弊行为已经逾越会计领域,成为一个社会问题。

    Financial fraudulent behavior has been a social issue beyond accountant field .

  9. 针对会计领域的这一变化,西方理论界和实务界都在积极应战。

    The western theory all positively is accepting a challenge .

  10. 成本问题是经济、管理和会计领域永恒的主题。

    Cost is an eternal topic of economy , management and accounting .

  11. 创业板市场的建立,将为我国资本市场带来巨大影响,也会给会计领域带来冲击。

    Establishing Securities market will bring great changes to capital market and accounting .

  12. 造成这一恶果的原因是多方面的,既有会计领域外部的因素,也有会计领域内部的因素。

    These reasons include both the exterior and the interior factors of accounting fields .

  13. 收益的计量和报告,一直被视为会计领域的核心内容。

    The measurement and reporting of income is always the focus of accounting field .

  14. 创业板市场对会计领域的影响

    The influence of securities market on accounting

  15. 商誉性质问题一直是会计领域的热点和难点。

    The nature of goodwill has been a hot and hard topic in the realm of accounting .

  16. 公允价值与盈余管理问题是近年来会计领域一个富有挑战的热点问题。

    Fair value and earnings management is a challenging hot topic in the accountant fields these years .

  17. 为了正确评估于企业价值创造,在管理会计领域出现了许多绩效评估指标。

    In order to evaluate enterprise value correctly , people created many performance indicator in management accounting .

  18. 摘要计算机技术在会计领域的运用,对会计电算化教学产生了深远的影响。

    The use of computer technology in accountancy field has a far-reaching effect on the computerized accountancy teaching .

  19. 盈余管理是二十世纪八十年代中后期西方国家会计领域中的一个重要课题。

    Since the 1980s , earnings management has been an important issue to accounting research in the western countries .

  20. 电子商务作为新经济的增长点,正引起会计领域的根本性变革。

    As the increasing focus of new economy , electronic accounting is leading the fundamental transformation in the accounting field .

  21. 当前,会计领域中凭证和财务报表的不诚信行为,已经严重危害了市场经济的健康发展。

    The current fraud behavior of voucher and financial statement in the accounting area has endangered the development of market economy .

  22. 目前我国会计领域存在严重的会计信息失真现象。企事业单位会计信息失真主要表现在三方面。

    At the present in our country , there are some phenomena of false account information in the field of accountancy .

  23. 平衡计分卡作为管理会计领域最尖端的成果之一,在绩效评估领域已经被广泛应用于企业绩效评估。

    The Balanced ScoreCard which is broadly used in performance appraisal for corporation is one of the top productions in Management Accounting .

  24. 毕业生有可能参与经济调研,还有机会进入银行业,保险业,会计领域及政府政策制定机关。

    Graduates not only engage in economic research , but also enter careers in banking , insurance , accounting , and government policy-making .

  25. 在全球会计领域内,制定连贯、协调、内在一致的财务会计概念框架作为整个财务会计的概念基础和理论指导的思想已经根深蒂固。

    Creating a coherent , coordinated , consistent financial accounting conceptual framework as the conceptual base and theory guidance of financial accounting is deep-rooted .

  26. 财务总监通常在财务、会计领域发挥作用,内部审计则涵盖企业经营管理的各个方面;

    The chief financial officer usually gives play to the finance and accounting , the internal auditor covers all aspects of the enterprise operation ;

  27. 该刊物涵盖了所有的会计领域,包括审计、税收、财务会计、管理会计和电算化。

    Included are publications on all phases of accounting , including auditing , tax , financial accounting , managerial accounting , and microcomputer applications .

  28. 摘要随著科技的发展,网络化和电子化的财务报表越来越广泛地应用于会计领域。

    With the development of science and technology , the financial reports forms by means of network and electronics are widely applied in accounting area .

  29. 目前,我国会计领域的改革无论是政府管理部门还是理论界、实务界的专家、学者都将目光投向了政府会计。

    At present , whether the government administration department or experts and scholars in both domestic theorists and the practical field will turn their attention to government accounting .

  30. 记录经济业务一般是机械的和重复的工作,它只是会计领域的很小一部分而且或许是最简单的部分。

    The recording of transactions tends to be mechanical and repetitive , it is only a small part of the field of accounting and probably the simplest part .