
  • 网络Corporate debt;Enterprise debt;agency debt
  1. 过去两年,企业债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比大幅升高15个百分点,而企业存款几乎没有变化。

    Corporate debt as a share of gross domestic product has surged 15 percentage points during that time , while corporate deposits have hardly changed .

  2. 亨德利想到了一个我们所熟知的大规模杀伤性武器:信用违约互换(cds)合约对手方出售的实际上是企业债务的违约保险。

    Hendry has lit upon a familiar weapon of mass destruction : credit default swaps ( CDS ) in which a counterparty sells what is , in effect , bankruptcy insurance on underlying corporate debt .

  3. 正如世界银行(worldbank)昨天强调的,对投资者来说,最大的担忧是为那些脆弱国家的海外主权债务和企业债务提供的国际融资突然中止。

    The big worry for investors , as highlighted by the World Bank yesterday , is of an abrupt halt to international financing for the overseas sovereign and corporate debts of vulnerable countries .

  4. 非金融企业债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比,从2008年的约85%升至今天的约120%。

    The debt of non-financial companies rose from about 85 per cent of gross domestic product in 2008 to closer to 120 per cent today .

  5. 一开始,随着投资者寻求避险,信用违约互换(CDS)一种规避企业债务违约的保险形式价格暴涨。

    For a start , the price of credit default swaps , a form of insurance against companies defaulting on debt , went through the roof as investors took cover .

  6. 在此基础上,选用Cscore作为稳健性的替代变量,建立相应模型,实证检验稳健性对企业债务成本和投资效率的作用是否受到产品市场竞争的影响。

    It researches the influences of product market competition on conservatism . On this basis , using C_score as alternative variable of conservatism , we test whether competition affect the role of conservatism in debt cost and the efficiency of investment in a company .

  7. 国际金融协会的数据显示,2015年期间发达市场企业债务与GDP之比降低了0.4个百分点,降至87.4%。与此同时,新兴市场企业债务与GDP之比却增加了6.7个百分点,达到101.3%。

    Companies in developed markets reduced their level of debt to GDP by 0.4 percentage points during 2015 to 87.4 per cent , the IIF 's figures show , while those in emerging markets added 6.7 points to reach 101.3 per cent of GDP .

  8. 国际金融协会是一家代表全球银行和其他金融机构的组织,该组织称,去年新兴市场政府、家庭、金融部门和企业债务总额攀升了1.6万亿美元至62万亿美元,是其国内生产总值(GDP)的2.1倍以上。

    Total government , household , financial sector and corporate debt in emerging markets rose $ 1.6tn last year to $ 62tn , or more than 210 per cent of gross domestic product , according to the IIF , which represents global banks and other financial institutions .

  9. IMF法律顾问肖恩•黑根(SeanHagan)表示,葡萄牙的企业债务庭外重组(目的是绕开办事效率极低的法庭体系)出现了大幅增加。

    Sean Hagan , legal counsellor of the IMF , says that in Portugal there is now a big increase in out-of-court restructurings of corporate debt ( to circumvent the woefully slow court system ) .

  10. 关于中国最近面临的风险,IMF指出,尽管中国企业债务与国内生产总值(GDP)的比率已经趋于稳定,但政府和家庭债务仍在上升。IMF认为,中国政府可能需要在很长一段时间内采取强有力的措施来解决这个问题。

    the near terms risks , the Fund that , while the country 's corporate debt to GDP ratio has stabilized , government and household debt is still The IMF says the Chinese government may have to take strong actions over an extended period of time to address the issue .

  11. 化解国有企业债务的思路

    The Way to Resolve the Debt of State-owned Enterprise in China

  12. 减轻东北国有企业债务负担措施的探讨

    Discussion on the measures of reducing Northeast state-owned enterprises debt burden

  13. 企业债务融资的治理功能分析

    The Governance Functional Analysis on the Enterprises ' Financing by Debt

  14. 东北国有企业债务重组及财政政策研究

    Studying the Debt Restructuring and Financial Policy of Northeastern State-owned Enterprises

  15. 破产企业债务清算问题的一种有效解法

    An effective solution to the problem of debt clear in bankrupt corporation

  16. 不确定条件下企业债务的战略效应研究

    Study of strategic effect of corporate debt under the condition of uncertainty

  17. 直接收购企业债务,将危害整个银行业。

    Buying corporate debt outright would circumvent the banking sector .

  18. 企业债务融资与产品市场竞争关系研究

    The Study on the Relationship between Debt Financing and Product Market Competition

  19. 企业债务与产品市场竞争变量作用关系的一个模型

    A Model of Interaction between Debt and Competition Variable in Product Market

  20. 银行债权和企业债务问题的研究

    The research of banks ' loans and enterprises ' debt

  21. 中国中小企业债务融资策略探讨

    Discussion for the Debt Financing Strategy of the Small-and-Medium-sized Enterprises of China

  22. 浅议国有企业债务重组问题

    Preliminary Discussion on Related Problems about Debts Regrouping of State Owned Enterprises

  23. 企业债务期限结构是债务契约的重要内容。

    Corporate debt maturity structure is an important part of the debt contracts .

  24. 国有企业债务重组方式选择的博弈分析

    Analysis Based on Game Theory of Swap of Debt Reconstruction in State-owned Enterprises

  25. 外资并购中目标企业债务处理的法律分析

    A Legal Analysis on Debt-Arrangement of Target Enterprises in Transnational Merger & Acquisition

  26. 其导因是:1.企业债务沉重;

    The main reasons are : 1 . Heavy debts of the enterprise ;

  27. 业主限制了企业债务的个人责任。

    Owners have limited personal liability for business debts .

  28. 首先,过去5年,中国企业债务大幅增长。

    First , Chinese corporate debt has soared over the past five years .

  29. 企业债务融资结构:综述与启示

    Corporate Debt Financing Structure : Summary and Enlightenment

  30. 风险企业债务估值未定权益分析的两个公式

    Two Formulas of Debt Valuation About risky Enterprise with Contingent Claims Analysis and Comparison