
  • 网络The Enterprise Fund
  1. 它在2006年就预料到了这样一些趋势,建立了一个全球农业企业基金(globalagribusinessfund),对与食品相关公司进行投资,其中包括农场主、生物科技公司、设备制造商、食品加工商以及销售商。

    It anticipated some of these trends as long ago as 2006 by creating a global agribusiness fund to invest in food-related companies , including plantation owners , biotechnology companies , equipment makers , food processors and distributors .

  2. 拉丁美洲生物多样性企业基金;

    Biodiversity enterprise fund for Latin america ;

  3. 克里表示,美国还将为埃及提供六千万美元,作为一项新企业基金,支持埃及的企业家和年青人。

    He also said Washington will give an additional $ 60 million for a new enterprise fund to support Egyptian entrepreneurs and young people .

  4. 对此,政府应做什么、怎么做?企业基金会在其能力建设过程中与政府的关系如何?这两大问题成为亟待回答的现实问题。

    What about the relationship between corporate foundations with the government in its capacity-building process ? To answer these two questions become urgent and practical .

  5. 但在亚洲,不同的筹资模式陆续涌现(例如设立企业基金),以取代政府拨款和富有校友的捐赠。

    But in Asia , different funding models are emerging , such as corporate foundations , to take the place of the state and the wealthy alumnus .

  6. 2011年,嘉泰资本也在北京成立,北京一家共同基金和咨询企业嘉实基金管理公司(HarvestAssetManagement)为其提供了启动所需的种子资本。

    JT Capital , also in Beijing , was set up in 2011 with seed capital from Harvest Asset Management , a mutual fund and advisory firm in Beijing .

  7. eos正考虑将企业治理基金的理念推广至其他亚洲国家。

    EOS is considering expanding the corporate governance fund concept to other Asian countries .

  8. 一些颇有名气的公司(这些公司通常来自TechStars或YCombinator创立的新创企业孵化基金)有实力不买TechCrunch的帐。

    The buzzy firms usually ones coming out of startup incubators , like techstars or Y combinator have a bit more power to ignore the blog .

  9. 通过对企业年金基金的DB和DC给付模式的比较分析,分析了给付模式优化选择的依据与精算模型,并结合实例进行分析与比较。第四,中国企业年金的绩效评价指标及模型研究。

    By the comparative analysis on the annuity fund DB and DC payment patterns , we analyze the selection of optimal payment mode and actuarial model , and make the analysis and comparison with examples . Fourthly , the performance evaluation and model research on Chinese enterprise annuity .

  10. 英国政府还应该告诉银行,它们的企业发展基金(BGF)根本没有解决真正的股本缺口:现在英国需要的是在创业最初阶段提供支持的规模小得多的资金。

    The government should also tell the banks that their Business Growth Fund has completely failed to address the real equity gap : what is needed are much smaller sums to back very early-stage undertakings .

  11. 但在英国、法国和国际性机构,投资级企业债券基金仍是最受欢迎的选择。LipperFMI对国际性机构的定义是,从单一国家吸收的资产少于整体资产规模五分之四的基金。

    However , investment grade corporate bond funds remain the most popular option in the UK , France and the international segment , which Lipper FMI defines as funds that do not generate four-fifths of their assets from a single country .

  12. 我国企业年金基金运作模式的法律问题研究

    The Legal Researching about Operation Form of Fund Pension in China

  13. 科技型中小企业创新基金初探

    The Innovation Fund of Medium or Small Science and Technology Enterprise

  14. 我国企业年金基金财务综合评价的研究

    Research on Financial Synthetic Evaluation on Our Country 's Employer Fund

  15. 信号与企业年金基金管理机构牌照竞争

    Signal and Competition for Licenses of Occupational Pension Fund Management Institutions

  16. 麦凯表示:企业债券基金领域已出现爆发性增长。

    There has been explosive growth in the corporate bond sector .

  17. 但对企业年金基金投资运营的管理各国却各不相同。

    But the management of occupational pension fund varies in different countries .

  18. 企业年金基金委托投资效率的模拟实证分析

    A Simulation Empirical Analysis of Investment Efficiency of Out-side Management

  19. 梅尔文表示:当前的金融动荡突显了对企业治理基金的需求。

    The current financial turmoil underscores the need for corporate governance funds .

  20. 国外企业年金基金监管模式比较及启示

    A Comparison of Foreign Occupational Pension Fund Regulation Models and Its Implication

  21. 制度约束与企业年金基金管理模式选择

    The Choice of Management Model of Employer Pension Fund

  22. 企业年金基金监管法律制度研究

    Study on Legal System of Occupational Pension Fund Regulation

  23. 企业年金基金投资效益不佳等。

    The enterprise pension fund investment benefit is not good and so on .

  24. 中国企业年金基金治理研究

    Research on China Governance of Occupational Pension Funds

  25. 我国企业工资基金控制与整体经济

    Control over Wage Funds in China and Its Meaning to Economy as a Whole

  26. 第三节是企业年金基金受托人信赖义务,分为忠实义务和注意义务。

    The fiduciary duty of trustee is including duty of loyal and duty of care .

  27. 高职院校企业冠名基金的筹募与拓展研究

    Study on the Raising and Extension of Enterprise Naming Sponsorship Fund of Higher Vocational Schools

  28. 这是全美女性企业主基金会和富国银行集团一项联合调查显示的

    says a study by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners and Wells Fargo And Co.

  29. 鼓励多元化的投资,拓展企业重组基金的资金来源。

    Furthermore , government should encourage multidimensional investment and explore capital source of enterprise restructuring fund .

  30. 本文是基于云南省中小企业创新基金项目提高四缸柴油机增压器综合性能的研究及其产业化而展开的。

    This article is based on the item middle-sized and small-sized corporation innovation fund of YUNNAN province .