
  • 网络price sensitivity;Price Sensitive
  1. 首先,是价格敏感度。

    The first is price sensitivity .

  2. 如何降低消费者的价格敏感度,让其心甘情愿的掏钱购买产品,就成为企业所关注的问题。

    How to reduce the consumer 's price sensitivity is one of the important problems that managers are concerning about .

  3. 存储在消费者浏览器内的小型文字档案(Cookie)可能透露了他们曾经逛过哪里,并提供了估算他们收入状况和价格敏感度的信息。

    Cookies stored in shoppers ' web browsers may reveal where else they have been looking , giving some clues as to their income bracket and price-sensitivity .

  4. 家乐福(Carrefour)根据当地消费者的价格敏感度调整店内产品价格,同时提供一系列定价较主要品牌低20%左右的自有品牌产品。

    Carrefour adjusts prices in stores according to local price sensitivities and offers a line of private-label products priced at about 20 per cent below main brands .

  5. 中国企业参与国际竞争日益激烈,顾客价格敏感度下降,价格竞争空间越来越小。

    With the increasingly fierce international competition , Chinese enterprises are confronted with lowered customer price sensitivity and the smaller price competition space .

  6. 此外,本文还发现,网购市场上存在从众行为,且大多数网购者具有较强的价格敏感度。

    In addition , we also found the presence of herd behavior on the online shopping market , and the majority of online shoppers with a strong price sensitivity .

  7. 研究结果证实,对于不同类型的产品,影响价格敏感度的因素各不相同,企业可以通过提供不同的网站信息,以及增强网站互动性等因素降低消费者的价格敏感度。

    The result of study illustrated that the factor influencing price sensitivity has nothing in common with each other for the different kinds of products . Managers can reduce consumer 's price sensitivity by offering different web contents and interactivity .

  8. 然而,当顾客对交货期和对价格敏感度之比超过特定值时,供应链系统应在服务竞争力和最大期望利润间进行权衡来选择供应链交货期的决策权。

    However , when the ratio of delivery date and price sensitivity of customer exceeds a certain value , supply chain system should trade off between the service competitiveness and the maximum expected profit to select the decision-making power of delivery date .

  9. 随后,本文又证实了在国际因素的影响下,以PPI为衡量的中国通胀对国内产出缺口的敏感度在下降,而其对进口价格的敏感度则在上升。

    We then confirm that along with the globalization process , the sensitivity of Chinese PPI to domestic output gap is declining and to import prices is increasing .

  10. 苏州成品油零售量对价格的敏感度实证分析

    Practical Sensitivity Analysis of Retailed Sales of Finished Oil Products to Price

  11. 分析师表示,去年12月的数据突显出中国大宗商品买家对价格的敏感度。

    Analysts said the December data underscore the price-sensitivity of Chinese commodities buyers .

  12. 用户对价格的敏感度提高,同时赊帐销售对经销商的资金压力日益增加;

    Customers are more sensitive to prices and count sale distributors are faced with greater capital pressure ;

  13. 虽然美国人不像印度人那么喜欢讨价还价,但是在美国折扣日销量大涨的情况可以看出美国人对价格的敏感度。

    Though bargaining is not so ethical in Americaas it is in India , the rise in sales during discount-days clearly describes the price sensitivityof Americans .

  14. 价格的敏感度可能是个问题,更多的是公司对正确整合其产品,价格,服务,商户地点等方面的问题。

    While price sensitivity may be an issue , it 's more a case of companies determining the right mix of products , pricing , service , and store location , he added .

  15. 富有经济体对石油的依赖性较以前有所下降,因而对石油价格变动的敏感度也降低。

    Rich economies are also less dependent on ill then they were , and so less sensitive to swings in the oil price .

  16. 客制化服务品质数值为零时,制造商直销通路的零售价格和需求量不受价格敏感度影响。

    When customized service is irreplaceable , price-sensitivity can not affect retail price and quantity demand .

  17. 成品油零售行业的价格竞争较为常见,但对价格敏感度测量的研究工作并不多见。

    The price competition in retailed sales of finished oil products industry is much to seen , but study of measurement of price sensitivity is not often noticed .