
  • 网络PRICE FIXING;price-fixing;Price Monopoly;monopoly pricing
  1. 上个月,核实索尼在内存条市场的价格垄断问题,美国监管对该公司了调查。

    American regulators began investigating the company last month as part of an inquiry into allegations of price-fixing in the memory-chip market .

  2. 因为许多大型交易均以失败告终,而且几乎所有的参股企业都成了价格垄断诉讼的被告。

    Many of those big club deals were losers , and almost all of the participating firms currently are defendants in a related price-fixing lawsuit .

  3. 去年,中国反垄断监管部门曾突访微软(Microsoft)4个办事处、调查芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm),并称要就价格垄断处罚奥迪(Audi)及一些宝马(BMW)汽车经销商。

    During the past year , Chinese anti-monopoly watchdogs raided four Microsoft offices , investigated chip maker Qualcomm , and vowed to punish Audi and several BMW dealers for essentially charging unfair prices .

  4. 2002年4月,苏富比的主要所有者兼前总裁A·艾尔弗雷德·陶布曼(A.AlfredTaubman)因参与价格垄断被美国联邦法院判处一年零一天刑期和750万美元罚款。

    In April 2002 , a federal judge sentenced A. Alfred Taubman , Sotheby 's principal owner and former chairman , to a year and a day in prison and fined him $ 7.5 million for his role in the price-fixing scheme .

  5. 中国大宗原材料进口价格垄断因素的博弈分析

    Analysis of Oligopoly Pricing Game of Chinese Bulk Raw Material Import

  6. 反价格垄断法体系作为一个有机整体,是互相关联、衔接和配合的。

    Anti-monopoly law system is an organic body which is interrelated and cooperative .

  7. 从中石油A股上市事件看我国的价格垄断

    The Event of CNPC Getting Listed in A Stock Seen from Price Monopoly

  8. 价格垄断及立法规制

    Price - monopoly and Legislation Regulation

  9. 确实,天然气储备很集中,出口国可能会组织起来,进行价格垄断。

    True , reserves are concentrated and gas exporters might organise themselves to extract monopoly rents .

  10. 论经济性价格垄断行为&兼谈我国现有相关法律法规的完善

    On Economic Price Monopoly

  11. 反价格垄断法律规制对象有:垄断价格、固定价格、价格歧视和低价倾销。

    The regulation subject of the anti-price-monopoly law includes the monopoly price , fixed-price , price discrimination and price dumping .

  12. 因此,应针对其存在的漏洞和不足,借鉴相关国外立法,完善我国反价格垄断立法。

    Therefore , we should draw on foreign anti-price-monopoly legislation and perfect that of China in the light of its loopholes and defects .

  13. 他补充称,在价格垄断案件调查过程中的跨境合作意味着,犯罪个人和企业现在面临比以前更严重的后果。

    He added that cross - border co-operation in the investigation of cartels meant guilty individuals and companies faced greater consequences than ever .

  14. 在我国经济性价格垄断体现为滥用市场优势操纵价格的行为和价格联合行为。

    In our country the abuse of market advantages to manipulate prices or the behaviour of price union is the embodiment of price monopoly .

  15. 就价格垄断集团以及掠夺性商业垄断的最明显的情形而言,答案显然是肯定的。

    The answer is clearly yes with respect to overt price-fixing cartels and with respect to the most flagrant examples of predatory commercial monopolies .

  16. 我国认定纵向价格垄断协议时应采用合理性原则,并在豁免条件和程序上加以体现。

    The recognition of vertical price monopoly agreement in China should adopt principle in terms of reasonableness and demonstrate relevant implementation regarding exempt conditions and procedures .

  17. 由于行业协会深受计划经济体制的影响,本身具有浓厚的行政色彩,使一些行业协会的价格垄断具有行政垄断的性质,给司法实践造成了极大的困难。

    The trade association is affected by planned economic system deeply and in the nature of administrative monopoly . It is so difficult for juridical practice to regulate it .

  18. 因此,对中石油价格垄断性质的界定,是新出台的《反垄断法》和其他相关制度对其规制的前提。

    The clarification of the nature of such price monopoly becomes the premise of its regulation according to the newly formulated " Counter-Monopoly Law " and other correlated systems .

  19. 20世纪50年代以来,西方企业界出现的行贿受贿、弄虚作假、价格垄断、环境污染等管理伦理问题。

    Since 1950s , there had appeared ethical problems in administration , such as bribery , fraud , monopoly of price , environmental pollution , etc. in the circle of western enterprise .

  20. 出版产品价格垄断和对中小学教材出版发行权的行政垄断对出版产业发展造成了不利影响,应对其进行规制并引入竞争机制,破除垄断。

    Being harmful to the development of the publishing industry , the price monopoly of the publishing products and the executive monopoly of the textbooks distribution should be banished by means of introducing competition system .

  21. 虽然各国立法分类和理论研究都没有将价格垄断作为一般规制对象而单列,但并不能由此否认价格垄断行为具有相对独立性。

    Although every country has not classified and studied monopoly price as a general regulation subject in both theoretical research and legislation , but the relative independence of behavior of price monopoly cannot be denied .

  22. 假如投诉成立,消委会会为消费者和有关商户进行调解,解决争议。价格垄断(制造商之间的协议定价,尤指人为抬高价格者)。

    In resolving substantiated complaints , the council acted as mediator between consumers and the traders concerned . price-fixing ( setting prices by agreement among producers , esp so as to keep them artificially high )

  23. 英国的经验对中国审计市场发展的启示是:一方面会计师事务所的规模并不会引起价格垄断,增加上市公司的审计成本,因此在我国应该加大审计市场的集中度;

    This experience is helpful to foresee China 's development of audit market . On the one hand , the size increase of accounting companies should not lead to price monopoly and to increase the audit costs for the listed companies .

  24. 价格垄断是危害最大的一种垄断行为,由于价格及其形成机制在一国市场经济的运行中发挥着巨大作用,因此世界各国都通过法律手段对价格垄断进行严厉规制。

    Among various monopoly behavior in market economy , price monopoly is one of the most direct and serious . The price and its forming mechanism have great effect on the market economy ; governments all over the world therefore regulate price monopoly strictly by law .

  25. 寡头生产的产量比垄断大,价格比垄断高。

    Compare the quantity and price of an oligopoly to those of a monopoly .

  26. 在负荷刚性的发电侧电力市场中,市场成员(即发电商)可能拥有对价格的垄断控制能力。

    In generation markets with fixed load demands , the market participants might hold monopoly control power to settlement prices .

  27. 中国的外商直接投资(FDI)出现金融危机最严重时期以来的最大幅度下降。近期北京方面将越来越多在华经营的跨国企业列为调查对象,指控它们存在价格操纵和垄断行为。

    Foreign direct investment to China has fallen at the sharpest rate since the height of the financial crisis , as Beijing targets a widening array of global companies in the country for alleged price-fixing and monopolistic behaviour .

  28. 这种通过人为控制价格形成的垄断是垄断的核心和基本手段。

    Price manipulation is the core and basic method of monopoly .

  29. 论维持转售价格的反垄断法规制

    The Study of Resale Price Maintenance Regulated by Antitrust Law

  30. 基于需求价格弹性的垄断企业生产计划调整

    Adjustment of Production Plan for Monopolistic Enterprise Based on Price Elasticity of Demand