
  • 网络Price discount;Price Allowances;pricing allowance
  1. 过了那个日期,这一价格折让将不再有效。

    This price concession will not apply after that date .

  2. 他的条件不过是一点折让。过了那个日期,这一价格折让将不再有效。

    His condition is nothing but a little discount . This price concession will not apply after that date .

  3. 根据中国监管部门去年发布的规定,上市公司对外出售股权时,价格折让幅度不得超过市场价格的10%。

    According to rules issued last year by the regulator , shares in listed companies cannot be sold at more than a 10 per cent discount to their market price .

  4. 一些银行已经开始采取措施补充资本,但新股发行价较当前市场价格的折让高达30%-40%。

    Some banks have begun to recapitalise but at 30-40 per cent discounts to their current share prices .

  5. 此次配售价格的折让只有7%多一点,与近期亚洲配售的折让比例一致。

    The placement was done at a discount of just over 7 per cent , in line with recent Asian placements .

  6. 碧桂园(CountryGarden)上月末开始融资,配股价格有很大折让(也是31%),每15股配1股,共融资4亿港元。

    Country Garden began this run of cash calls late last month with a heavily discounted ( also 31 per cent ) 1 for 15 rights issue amounting to HK $ 400m .

  7. 企业通过价格折扣、折让方式向个人销售商品(产品)和提供服务;

    An enterprise sells commodities ( products ) or provides services to individuals through price discount or reduction .

  8. 他必须坚持他在制裁问题上的强硬公开立场,同时私下里向中国和印度而且只有这两个国家提出,它们应继续购买伊朗石油,但应较市场价格有大幅折让。

    He must maintain his tough public rhetoric on sanctions while privately signalling to China and India and only China and India that they should continue buying Iranian oil , but at a large discount from market price .

  9. 与伯克希尔-哈撒韦资产类似的Loews公司,价格有10%的折让。

    Loews , with similar holdings to Berkshire , is at a 10 per cent discount .

  10. 换股溢价理论上应该为零,但与经过数月交易猜测后达到的市场价格相比有一定折让。

    The share exchange , supposedly for a nil premium , is at a discount to the market price that had been reached after months of deal speculation .

  11. 每个基金单位售价为12.88元,较参考市场价格(即三日平均价格)折让5.25%。

    The units were priced at $ 12.88 each , representing 5.25 per cent discount to a reference market price ( being essentially a three-day averaged market price ) .

  12. 本文从贷款定价的原则和因素分析着手,提出贷款价格由核心价格、风险附加价格和可折让价格三部分组成,并建立了贷款定价数学模型。

    This paper make a mathematical model that loan 's price consist of core price and risk additional price and favourable price .

  13. 全球矿商与其最大客户中国去年就2009-10年度基准价格展开的谈判最终破裂,矿商拒绝在与日本钢铁制造商商定的额度上,给与中国更大的铁矿石价格折让。

    Talks between global miners and China , their biggest customer , on the 2009-10 annual benchmark broke down last year over the miners ' refusal to give China a bigger iron ore price discount than the amount agreed with Japanese steelmakers .