
  • 网络values differences
  1. 但由于两国国情及传统文化的不同,中美大学生价值观的转变过程中也体现了各自不同的特点:核心价值观差异、婚恋价值观的不同变化和个人自立的差异。

    But because the two countries of the union and the traditional culture of the undergraduates ' values is different , America and China process of transformation also reflected the different characteristics : core values differences , marriage values of different change and individual self-supporting differences .

  2. 研究目的–本论文探讨Hofstede所揭示的一些中西文化价值观差异是否源自古代–扎根在西方和中国的创世神话之中。

    Purpose – The paper aims to understand whether some contemporary cultural value differences between Western and Chinese societies as indicated by Hofstede have an ancient root in creation myths .

  3. 中西社交称谓词映射的价值观差异对比研究

    Comparative Study on the Value Difference in Western and Chinese Addresses

  4. 论中西方价值观差异及表现

    On Display and Difference of Value Outlook between China and Western Countries

  5. 两国的社会价值观差异巨大。

    The countries'visions of the good society are very different .

  6. 工作环境中中美员工文化价值观差异研究

    A Contrastive Study of Chinese and American Cultural Values in the Workplace

  7. 跨文化交际中中西方价值观差异对比研究

    Cross-cultural Communication in the Comparative Study of Western values

  8. 基于旅游者角度的中美文化价值观差异研究

    Research on the Differences Between Chinese and American Cultural Value Based on Tourists

  9. 中西方价值观差异的形成及其在语言中的体现

    The Formation of Value Differences in Chinese and Western Cultures and Their Reflection in Languages

  10. 价值观差异与翻译

    Value Differences and Translation

  11. 社交语用失误难以发觉和克服,是因为它涉及两种文化的价值观差异。

    Sociopragmatic failures are more difficult to find and overcome because they are concerned with values between two cultures .

  12. 中学生与其父母价值观差异维度的构建与特点研究

    Construction of Dimensions and Study of Characteristics on the Difference of Values Between Middle School Students and Their Parents

  13. 还探讨了在中西方文化背景下管理者价值观差异以及它对组织公民行为及员工留任的影响;

    The research studies the differences of MV between eastern and western cultural backgrounds and the influences thereof on OCBs and ER ;

  14. 本研究的目的在调查比较在中国各企业中,两岸经理人的工作价值观差异之处。

    The purpose of this study compared the investigation of all enterprises in China , manager of cross-strait differences in work values .

  15. 从而揭示出大学生在闲暇生活方面存在的问题:价值观差异比较大、闲暇时间利用不合理、闲暇道德的选择不理智、社会资源的利用欠缺。

    It reveals problems of leisure life in college students : much difference in value , irrational leisure time utilizing , irrational selecting of leisure morals , and deficiency of social resources utilizing .

  16. 经济全球化的进一步深化带动了我国跨国企业的国际化发展,同时,国际化发展也受到了全球化中文化价值观差异的影响。

    The further deepening of economic globalization urges the multinational corporations starting international development , at the same time , this international development has been impacted by the cultural values ' diversity of globalization .

  17. 我们在承认中西方文化价值观差异的同时,更要考虑到文化价值观的动态性特征,要看到中西方在文化价值观上的发展变化趋势。

    We admit such differences , at the same time , we should take the dynamic features of cultural values into consideration , giving emphasis on the development trend of Chinese and Western cultural values .

  18. 然而,许多网络营销工作者和市场策划人员在制定营销策略时,很少有从价值观差异的角度来分析网络消费者行为,没有充分注意到不同价值观的网络消费者的消费行为不同。

    However , most E-marketing professionals and market planners seldom analyze the online consumer behavior from the value differences when they make marketing strategy , without paying enough attention to the different online consumer behavior with different values .

  19. 文化差异的突出表现是东西方文化体系差异、民族传统文化差异;价值观差异表现在企业精神和企业文化理念两方面;企业管理差异则明显表现为权力距离方面的差异、管理者风格的差异。

    Cultural difference is the outstanding performance differences between Eastern and Western cultural system , national culture differences . Differences in values reflected in the concept of entrepreneurship and enterprise culture , two aspects ; Differences in corporate governance is evident from the differences of power , management style differences .

  20. 从古典概率思想看中西文化价值观的差异

    Difference values between Chinese and Western from classic probability ' thought

  21. 从民间童话看中西价值观的差异

    Differences of Values Between China and the West Reflected From the Folk Fairy Tales

  22. 重庆市中学生与其父母价值观的差异研究

    Study on the Difference of Values between Middle School Students and Their Parents in Chongqing

  23. 历史文化、心理因素、价值观等差异是俄欧不能最终融合的深层次原因。

    Differences in historical culture , national mentality and value system are by no means neglectable and actually these are deeply rooted obstacles in Russia-Europe convergence .

  24. 这种价值观的差异必然带来区域循环经济体系建设过程中的矛盾,而这种矛盾又阻碍了区域循环经济体系建设的进程。

    Differences in these values are bound to bring the contradictions in the process of regional circular economy system , which hinder the building of regional circular economy .

  25. 我们两个国家之间确实有差异:利益的差异,价值观的差异,在对待国内外问题的方法上的差异。

    There are real differences between our two nations ; differences in interests , differences in values , differences in approaches to issues both at home and abroad .

  26. 正是这些差异性导致了跨文化交际中潜在的障碍。其次,中美价值观的差异源于历史,哲学背景差异,有着深刻的历史社会根源。

    And these differences may lead to potential barriers in cross-cultural communication . Secondly , differences on value dimensions of Chinese and American culture result from different historical , philosophical backgrounds .

  27. 可得出奥运前后延边城市朝鲜族居民体育认知观的差异、体育价值观的差异以及体育审美观的差异。

    Can be drawn from differences in cognitive concept of the Olympic Games around the Korean residents of Yanbian city sports , sports values differences as well as sports aesthetic differences .

  28. 同时,中国也需要发展自己的跨国公司,进行国外投资,不过应该注意市场,文化及价值观的差异。

    Meanwhile , it is necessary for China to develop its own multinational companies to do investments abroad , but it should pay attention to the differences among market , culture and values .

  29. 本文随后通过台资企业中三个突出的冲突现象&忠诚度问题、薪酬问题和管理本土化问题,进一步说明两岸文化差异与员工价值观的差异是如何导致企业内部的跨文化冲突;

    Thirdly , by exploring the three representative across-cultural shocks in those enterprises & the loyalty of staff , salary problem and management localization , the paper analyzes how cultural differences induce the across-cultural shocks .

  30. 中西文化差异如从语言表象入手考察,其实质内涵是价值观的差异。因此,在外语教学中应注意文化导入的必要性。

    This article made a research on the substantive connotation of Sino-west cultural difference , the difference of concept of values through superficial linguistic features , and pointed out the necessity of introducing cultural difference in foreign language teaching .