
  • 网络aggregate price level;price level;general price level;general level of prices
  1. 固定汇率制度下资本不完全流动时的IS-LM-BP模型与开放经济下的AS-AD模型分析表明,在固定汇率制度下,资本流出对国内货币供应量有紧缩效应,并使价格总水平下降;

    Under fixed exchange rate system , when capital can not flow freely , IS-LM-BP model and AS-AD model analysis shows that out-flow of capital has a tightening effect on the domestic money supply , which depresses the price level .

  2. 供给冲击、价格总水平下降与货币量紧缩

    Supply Shock , The Alteration of General Price Level and Deflation

  3. 据国家统计局公布的数据显示,10月中国居民消费价格总水平(CPI),即衡量通货膨胀的主要指标,同比上涨3.2%,较9月回升0.1个百分点。

    China 's consumer price index ( CPI ) , a main gauge of inflation , grew 3.2 percent year on year in October , up from 3.1 percent in September according to the National Bureau of Statistics .

  4. 国家统计局日前发布了2012年3月的经济数据,全国居民消费价格总水平(CPI)同比上涨3.6%,一季度全国居民消费价格总水平比去年同期上涨3.8%。

    The National Bureau of Statistics of China has released economic data for March , indicating that the national consumer price index has risen 3.6 % year-over-year [ YOY ] , and the quarterly consumer price index has risen 3.8 % over the same period last year .

  5. 论价格总水平下降的总需求螺旋下降效应

    The Spiral Decrease Effect of General Demand under the Price Falling

  6. 居民消费价格总水平上涨约0.8%;

    The total level of consumer price was up by 0.8 percent .

  7. 居民消费价格总水平上升0.7%。

    The general consumer price level rose by 0.7 percent .

  8. 价格总水平的本质与演进轨迹分析

    The Nature of General Price Level and Its Evolution Analysis

  9. 论劳动生产率与价格总水平的关系

    On the Relation between labour productivity and Gross price level

  10. 市场价格总水平继续下降。

    The general level of market prices continued to drop .

  11. 国际市场对我国价格总水平影响的实证分析&基于货币和贸易传导路径

    Empirical Analysis of the International Market Impact on China 's Price Level

  12. 资本流动、货币供给与价格总水平&一个理论分析框架

    Capital Flow , Money Supply and Price Level : A Theoretical Frame

  13. 正常短缺尺度下的供求缺口与中国价格总水平的决定

    The supply-demand vacancy under normal allowance and fixing china 's general price level

  14. 价格总水平变动与消费需求变动的关系比较间接。

    The relationship between the changes of price level and consumption demand is indirect .

  15. 价格总水平基本稳定。

    The general price level will remain stable .

  16. 从通货紧缩的特征出发,用价格总水平作为衡量指标仍然是惟一可取的。

    Characteristically balancing the total prize level is advisable as the measuring standard of deflation .

  17. 劳动生产率变化引起价格总水平上涨的内在机制

    The Interior Mechanism of Changing Labor Productivity Leading to the Rise of Overall Price Level

  18. 所谓通货紧缩是指价格总水平的持续下跌的过程。

    Deflation refers to the process in which the general level of prices continues to drop .

  19. 一直以来,劳动价值论在金本位制下的价格总水平变动问题上有很好的解释力。

    Under the gold standard system , Labor Value Theory always well explains the general price changes .

  20. 企业间反需求状况定价行为:价格总水平的内在稳定器

    The Anti-Demand Pricing Conduct Between Firms Contest & An " Internal Steady Instrument " of Macroeconomic Price Level

  21. 由此说明,在纸币体系中,一定程度的价格总水平上涨是一种不可避免的经常出现的现象。

    Therefore , the rise of overall price level in a degree is an inevitable and recurring phenomenon .

  22. 这些充分显示了基于劳动价值论的价格总水平理论是价格总水平理论的发展方向。

    All of this show that the Labor Value Theory is the direction of the general price theory .

  23. 十五时期价格总水平变动趋势与调控

    General price level during the 10 ~ ( th ) Five-Year-Plan period : changing tendency and its controlling

  24. 防止价格总水平过快上涨,是今年宏观调控的重大任务。必须从增加有效供给和抑制不合理需求两方面采取有力措施。

    One major task for macroeconomic regulation this year is to prevent the overall price level from rising rapidly .

  25. 全国居民消费价格总水平比上年下降0.8%。

    The general level of consumer prices in China of the year was down by 0.8 percent over the previous year .

  26. 这种担心可以理解,但是我们也可以有把握地说,目前我国完全有能力有条件保持价格总水平的基本稳定。

    These worries are understandable , but we are confident to pledge that China is capable of keeping consumer prices basically stable .

  27. 相反,资本流入对国内货币供应量有扩张效应,使价格总水平上升。

    On the contrary , the capital flow has an expanding effect on the domestic money supply , which increase the price level .

  28. 价格总水平调控的价格手段主要有:重要商品储备制度、价格调节基金制度、保护价政策、价格监测制度、价格的临时干预措施和紧急干预措施。

    The policy of protected price ; the system of pricing supervision ; the method of price 's temporary and urgent interference measures .

  29. 市场物价基本稳定,全年居民消费价格总水平预计上涨1%。

    Commodity prices on the market basically remained stable , with the residents ' consumption price rising by 1 percent for the whole year .

  30. 根据经济增长的要求,在十五时期价格总水平的调控目标应为基本稳定、略有上涨,以4%左右为宜。

    So , during that period , the controlling target of general price level should be stable and moderate increase , be about 4 % .