
zhònɡ cái dānɡ shì rén
  • party to arbitration
  1. 国际商事仲裁当事人风险研究

    Study of the Parties ' Risk of the International Commercial Arbitration

  2. 仲裁当事人协议扩大司法审查范围是美国仲裁实践中的新问题。

    It is a new question in American arbitral practice that parties contract for expanding the scope of the judicial review of arbitral awards .

  3. 同意你委对申请仲裁当事人收取仲裁费用,仲裁费用包括案件受理费和案件处理费。

    I.We agree to your application for collecting fees from the parties concerned in arbitration cases , which includes case acceptance fees and case handling fees .

  4. 因而笔者从仲裁当事人的角度,以全新的视角探讨法院和仲裁庭的关系,认为法院对仲裁的支持与监督实质上是对仲裁当事人的司法救济。

    I have carried on the careful studies of the relation between court and arbitration with the brand-new angle in term of arbitral litigant , and thought that it is judicial remedy for civil and commercial arbitration for court to support and supervise arbitration in fact .

  5. 国际商事仲裁中当事人破产对仲裁庭管辖权的影响

    The Influence of Insolvency upon the Jurisdiction of the Tribunal

  6. 国际商务仲裁中当事人应如何选择证据收集规则

    About How to Chose the Evidence of Collecting Rules in International Commercial Arbitration

  7. 因此借助于司法救济对民商事仲裁的当事人来说具有十分重要的意义。

    So it is important for the parties of arbitration to resort to judicial remedy .

  8. 探讨出现这种现象的原因,提出和总结解决这个问题的办法,说明在国际商务仲裁中当事人选择证据收集方法应该注意的几个问题,当具有一定的现实意义。

    This article discusses the reasons of this problem , puts forward the solution and reminds the partners to pay attention to several issues on choosing the rules for collecting evidences in international commercial arbitration .

  9. 第六十八条涉外仲裁的当事人申请证据保全的,涉外仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交证据所在地的中级人民法院。

    Article 68 If the parties to a foreign-related arbitration apply for evidence preservation , the foreign arbitration commission shall submit their applications to the intermediate people 's court in the place where the evidence is located .

  10. 此处的仲裁协议当事人是指广义上的当事人,不仅包括仲裁协议表面签字人,还包括因仲裁协议的长臂效力而涵盖的实质当事人。

    The arbitration parties on agreement here refer to the parties in the broad sense . It includes not only the arbitration agreement signatories , but also includes the substantial parties because of the long arm potency of the arbitration agreement .

  11. 论国际商事仲裁中多方当事人同一争议之合并仲裁

    A Study on Consolidated Arbitration of the Multi-Party Dispute in International Commercial Arbitration

  12. 对于仲裁裁决,当事人应当履行。

    The parties shall implement the arbitration award .

  13. 其为仲裁事件,当事人得再申请仲裁。

    In case of arbitration award , the parties concerned may demand for another arbitration .

  14. 全文分五章进行阐述。第一章主要是阐述了仲裁员与当事人及仲裁机构之间的关系。

    Chapter One is focused on the relationships between an arbitrator and the parties and the arbitral institution .

  15. 第五十二条调解书应当写明仲裁请求和当事人协议的结果。

    Article 52 A conciliation statement shall set forth the arbitration claims and the results of the agreement between the parties .

  16. 在实践中,劳动争议仲裁阶段,当事人提起管辖异议没有法律依据。

    In practice , there is no legal basis for a party to file the objection to jurisdiction during the labor dispute arbitration .

  17. 或由法院或仲裁机构在当事人无约定时选择最应适用的法律。

    Another resolution is that courts or arbitration organizations may select the most suitable law if parties have no agreement in this aspect .

  18. 仲裁程序中当事人交付的仲裁费仲裁机构应在此事项提交之日起120天内将其结论提交各成员。

    The arbitration body shall present its conclusions to the Members within 120 days from the date when the matter was referred to the arbitration body .

  19. 对于非内国化仲裁理论是当事人选择适用程序法的又一发展,也是对当事人意思自治范围的扩大。

    For theory of delocalization arbitration is a development that the party chooses to be the procedural law , also is to expand the scope of party autonomy .

  20. 总之,国内的学者、法院、仲裁机构及当事人对于公共政策的一些问题依然存在着不同的程度的误解。

    In a word , the scholars , courts , arbitral organs and parties still have misunderstandings to a certain extent regarding the public policy in the recognition and enforcement of the international commercial arbitral awards .

  21. 然而社会经济活动是复杂多变的,教条式地要求参与仲裁活动的当事人与签署国际商事仲裁协议的当事人严格一致并无实际意义,也无法满足实际需要。

    Nevertheless , social economic life is full of complexity and diversity , hence , dogmatic requirements in strict consensus between parties engaged in arbitrational activities and parties concluding arbitration agreements will fail to solve the complex and changeable practical problems .

  22. 而大陆法系国家则认为仲裁员与当事人存在着某种合同关系,强调仲裁员的身份与一般技术人员一致之处,要求仲裁员承担仲裁责任。

    While emphasizing the similarity with the common technical staffs , the countries of the big continent system think there is a kind of contractive relationship between the arbitrator and his litigants , so he should be responsible for the arbitrate liability .

  23. 仲裁员根据当事人的协议以及善良和公平的标准进行裁决,裁决的执行也主要是依靠当事人对裁决者的信赖和道德观念的约束而自觉履行,不受法律的约束。

    Arbitrator solves the disputes according to the interested parties ' standard of agreement , fairness and kindness . The implementation of arbitration mainly depends on the interested parties ' trust in the arbitrator and their morality to fulfill the judgment . It is not restricted by the law .

  24. 就仲裁员与当事人的关系而言,主要有特殊身份说、准合同说和合同说三种观点,而其中的合同说又分为代理合同、服务合同、仲裁员或授权合同和特殊合同四种。

    As far as the relationship between the former two is concerned , law scholars and practitioners have three theories : special status , quasi contract and contract which consists of agency contract , services contract , arbitrator 's contract or contract of institute and contract of sui generis .

  25. 伦敦海事仲裁中的多方当事人争议仲裁程序

    Multi-Party Disputes Arbitration Proceedings in London Maritime Arbitration

  26. 第六条仲裁委员会应当由当事人协议选定。

    Article 6 An arbitration commission shall be selected by the parties by agreement .

  27. 曾处理过多起诉讼仲裁案件,为当事人挽回巨额经济损失。

    He has handled numerous litigation and arbitration cases and retrieved huge losses for the clients .

  28. 仲裁协议系指当事人在合同中订明的仲裁条款,或者以其他方式达成的提交仲裁的书面协议。

    An arbitration agreement means an arbitration clause in a contract concluded between the parties or any other form of written agreement providing for settlement of dispute by arbitration .

  29. 仲裁协议是表示当事人愿意以仲裁方式解决争议的契约,是仲裁得以进行的基础。

    Arbitration agreement demonstrates the parties are voluntary to take advantage of the mode of arbitration to settle their disputer ( or differences ) and is the basis of process of arbitration .

  30. 仲裁费由双方当事人在收到案件受理通知书或应诉通知书后,在指定的时间内预缴。

    The arbitration fee shall be paid in advance within prescribed time limit by the parties to the labor dispute after they have received the notification of acceptance or notification calling for response .