
  • 网络arbitral hearings
  1. 双方当事人在仲裁委员会审理争议案件时,得委派代理人保护自己之利益。

    The disputing parties may authorize attorneys to defend their interests during the hearings of a case before the Arbitration Commission .

  2. 与此同时,两家公司之间的仲裁正在审理中,双方都指控对方违反合同,并请求获得损害赔偿金。

    Meanwhile arbitration hearings are under way between the two companies , both of which accuse each other of contractual violations and have asked for damages .

  3. 以深圳市为例,目前,深圳市仲裁委审理的断供案件已超过所有案件的30%,达到600余宗。

    Tacking Shenzhen City as an example , at present , Shenzhen Arbitration Commission hearing the case has been broken for more than 30 % of all cases , reaching to 600 .

  4. 本文结合1969年之后国际法院和仲裁机构审理的一系列大陆架和海域划界案件,逐一分析大陆架划界的协议义务、自然延伸原则、等距离原则和公平原则。

    The author thoroughly analyzes the principles on the continental shelf delimitation , in conjunction with a series of cases tried by ICJ and the arbitral tribunal after 1969 . Namely , it contains the agreement obligation , natural prolongation principle , equidistance principle and the equitable principle .

  5. 还没有好呢!还有两个抗议在仲裁室未审理完呢。

    It 's not ready , there are two protest still on the jury room for hearing .

  6. 为避免在合资公司清算前仲裁案件已审理完毕并作出裁决结案,A公司需要合法地利用仲裁程序延缓仲裁案件的审理。

    In order to prevent the tribunal from making a judgment before the liquidation process was completed , company A needed to slow down the arbitration .

  7. 本案将在海牙由5名法官组成仲裁庭进行审理。中国拒绝参与仲裁,称本案系由菲律宾单方面提起。

    But China has refused to participate in the case , which will be heard by a five-judge tribunal in The Hague , saying it was unilaterally initiated by Manila .

  8. 但是,A公司新的投资项目一旦经审批机关批准后生效,则A公司违反了合资合同限制竞争的条款,因此为了保证新项目的进程,A公司需要加速仲裁案件的审理。

    On the other hand , once its new venture was approved , A was in breach of the original agreement 's non-competition clause , so company A needed to speed up the arbitration .

  9. 声明还说:“霍顿抗议的事情目前正在国际体育仲裁法庭的审理过程之中,因此国际泳联不对该事进行进一步评论,以防听证会受到影响。”

    The statement added : " The matter over which Mack Horton was allegedly protesting is currently under review by Court of Arbitration for Sport ( CAS ) and therefore it is not appropriate for FINA to prejudice this hearing by commenting further . "

  10. 第三十二条仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。

    Article 32 The arbitration tribunal will hold oral hearings .

  11. 按其规定,要求抵消的反诉一般都应接受,除非仲裁庭认为同时审理反诉会过分耽误对事实的判决,因而认为把反诉同主诉分开比较恰当。

    It simply states that the counterclaim for setting off is always admissible except only that the tribunal may find it appropriate to serve the counterclaim from the main claim lest a concurrent examination of counterclaim should excessively delay the judgment on the merits .

  12. 由这样指定的三位仲裁员组成仲裁庭来审理案件。

    The three arbitrators so appointed will from an arbitration tribunal to hear the case .

  13. 成立了一个仲裁委员会以按照仲裁规则审理和裁决该争端。

    An arbitration board was fomed to hear and decide the dispute according to the rules of arbitration .

  14. 很抱歉,希拉克行生,我们不同意用法国的常设仲裁机械去处理,还是临时仲裁庭审理比较好。

    I 'm sorry , Mr Chirac . We don 't agree with you to submit it to a standing arbitration organization in France . It 's better to submit the case to a temporary arbitration tribunal .

  15. 首席仲裁员与被选定或者被指定的两名仲裁员组成仲裁庭,共同审理案件。

    The presiding arbitrator and the two appointed arbitrators will jointly form an arbitration tribunal to jointly hear the case .

  16. 双方当事人逾期未能共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定的,仲裁委员会主任应立即指定一名独任仲裁员成立仲裁庭审理案件。

    Should the parties fail to make such appointment or entrustment , the chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall immediately appoint one sole arbitrator to form an arbitration tribunal to hear the case .