
yí biǎo bǎn
  • instrument panel;dashboard;console;board
  1. 他们没有意识到仪表板上的指示信号表明左引擎出现了严重问题。

    They had failed to recognise signs on their instrument panel indicating a serious problem in the left engine .

  2. 仪表板震松了。

    Vibrations shook the panel loose .

  3. 他转动着仪表板上的一个旋钮。

    He twiddled a knob on the dashboard

  4. 爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌

    The fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel .

  5. 安静,宽敞和越野却受累于其笨拙的体重,柔软的悬挂和俗不可耐的仪表板

    Quiet , roomy cabin and adeptness overshadowed by cumbersome curb weight , soft suspenders , and a tacky dash .

  6. “日期页眉”web部件在您的数字仪表板顶部显示当前日期。

    The date header web part displays the current date at the top of your digital dashboard .

  7. 实现此可见性的主要用户界面是Monitor仪表板。

    The principal user interface to enable this visibility is the Monitor dashboard .

  8. 在Monitor仪表板和数据库中查看数据

    View the data in the Monitor dashboard and database

  9. 您可以从ProcessPerformance仪表板中选中一个流程,以获得流程的概述,如图13所示。

    You can select a process from the Process Performance dashboard to get an overview of the process , as shown in Figure 13 .

  10. 这种信息可通过Monitor由仪表板轻松提供。

    This kind of information can be easily provided by Monitor via a dashboard .

  11. HealthCenter的Status透视图显示一个带有状态指示器的仪表板,每一个潜在的受限资源都有一个状态指示器。

    The Health Center 's Status perspective shows a dashboard with a status indicator for each potentially limited resource .

  12. 很多Web应用程序都包括针对每个用户的自定义主页,通常称为“仪表板”。

    Many Web applications include a customized home page for every user , often referred to as a dashboard .

  13. 出租车司机洪材道向他装在汽车仪表板上的GPS全球定位系统里输入一个地址。

    Taxi driver Hong Jae-do punches an address into his dashboard-mounted GPS navigator .

  14. 本论文对LED在民用飞机仪表板照明中的应用进行了探讨。

    This research is about the LED application of instrument panel lighting in commercial aircrafts .

  15. 请选择数字仪表板链接添加到outlook。

    Select the digital dashboard link to add to outlook .

  16. TeamPerformance仪表板用于显示各团队对其工作负载的执行情况的整体情况。

    The Team Performance dashboard is used to show an overall picture of how the various teams are performing with regard to their workloads .

  17. 要开始多维度分析,您需要向Monitor仪表板添加一个多维度小部件。

    To start the dimensional analysis , you need to add a dimensional widget to the Monitor dashboard .

  18. 利用VB绘制仪表板界面

    The Interface of Measuring Appliance Board Based on VB In-line Instrumentation

  19. 将数字仪表板添加到outlook中。

    Adds digital dashboard to outlook .

  20. 请键入有效的数字仪表板url,或单击“取消”。

    Type a valid digital dashboard URL or click cancel .

  21. AIXProfileManager将提供仪表板视图和运行时配置概要文件管理,可以对多个连网的系统进行管理。

    AIX Profile Manager will provide dashboard views and runtime configuration profile management over groups of networked systems .

  22. 通过运行一些包含在RationalInsight中的可用报告和仪表板来测试您的分布式安装。

    Test out your distributed installation by running some of the available reports and dashboards that Rational Insight includes .

  23. 您可以定义任何类型的操作,从发送一个email到更新一个仪表板。

    You can define any type of action , ranging from sending an email to updating a dashboard .

  24. 使用RationalTeamConcert的仪表板,团队还可以看到在某个特定状态的需求的数量。

    By using the Rational Team Concert dashboard , the team can also see the number of requirements in a specific status .

  25. Monitor提供了名为BusinessSpace的仪表板,它通过多个交互式可视化工具(称为小部件)为用户提供管理其业务的能力。

    Monitor provides a dashboard known as Business Space , which provides users with the ability to manage their business through multiple interactive visualizations , known as widgets .

  26. 您可以单击TeamPerformance仪表板中的某个团队名称,按每个团队来拆分任务工作负载,如图6所示。

    You can break down the task workload on a per team basis by clicking on a team name in the Team Performance dashboard , as shown in Figure 6 .

  27. 与TeamPerformance仪表板类似,该部分显示了一个饼图,按状态拆分实例,还有一个摘要显示正在进行处理的实例数量。

    Similar to the Team Performance dashboard , this section shows a pie chart breakdown of instances by state along with a summary showing the number of instances in progress .

  28. 您在ExtendedInsight仪表板上设置的工作负载集群阈值不会应用于其他仪表板。

    The thresholds that you set for workload clusters on the Extended Insight dashboard do not apply to other dashboards .

  29. 基于Fluent软件的汽车仪表板火焰处理喷枪的研究与设计

    Based on Fluent Research and Design of Flame Treating Spray Gun for Automobile Instrument Panel

  30. 无论您的企业是什么规模,组织中的RationalInsight用户都需要能够快速运行、反应灵敏的报告和仪表板。

    Regardless of the size of your enterprise , Rational Insight users in your organization need quick-running , responsive reports and dashboards .