
yí zhàng duì
  • guard of honor;guard of honour;honour guard;of the three services;colour guard
仪仗队 [yí zhàng duì]
  • [guard of honor;of the three services;colour guard] 手持仪仗的队伍

仪仗队[yí zhàng duì]
  1. 空军战友们为他的婚礼充当仪仗队。

    Fellow airmen provided a guard of honour at his wedding .

  2. 它在俄国仪仗队的护送下,极其庄严隆重地从房里捧了出来。

    It was carried from the room in great solemnity , escorted by a Russian guard of honour .

  3. Pumpkin将成为迪斯尼乐园感恩节仪仗队的大元帅。

    ( Laughter . ) Pumpkin will be the honorary Grand Marshal of Disneyland 's Thanksgiving Day Parade .

  4. 在第三步兵团(ThirdInfantryRegiment)的仪仗队公司测试新制服,大部分公司认为军官和士兵应该穿同一种颜色。

    and tested the new uniform on the ceremonial troop companies of the Third Infantry Regiment , a majority of which felt that officers and enlisted men should wear the same clothes .

  5. 11届CCTV模特大赛中最受欢迎的模特之一、现仪仗队女兵门佳慧将于9月3号,与其他50名仪仗队女兵一起首次亮相。

    A female honor guard , once one of the most popular models in the 11th CCTV model contest , will make her debut with 50 other female honor guard members in the Sept 3 parade .

  6. Pumpkin和Pecan将要进行一个激动人心的旅行:今天晚些时候,他们将飞向迪斯尼登上“火鸡一号”。Pumpkin将成为迪斯尼乐园感恩节仪仗队的大元帅。

    Pumpkin and Pecan have an exciting trip ahead of them : Later today , they will fly to Disneyland aboard " Turkey One . " ( Laughter . ) Pumpkin will be the honorary Grand Marshal of Disneyland 's Thanksgiving Day Parade .

  7. 仪仗队卫兵笔直地站在维托里奥·埃马努埃莱二世(KingVittorioEmanueleII)和儿子翁贝托一世(UmbertoI)宏伟的陵墓两侧,他们本应该保持沉默,但却常常要应付好奇的游客提出的各种问题。

    Standing ramrod straight at the sides of the massive mausoleums commemorating King Vittorio Emanuele II and his son Umberto I , they are meant to remain silent , though more often than not they end up fielding questions from inquisitive tourists .

  8. 一个青年仪仗队(GiovaneGuardia)开始形成,但队长乌戈·达特里(Ugod'Atri)说“人数一直不多”。达特里是一名退役海军军官,2003年被任命为队长以来,他一直试图增加仪仗队的吸引力。

    A youth honor guard - the Giovane Guardia , or the Young Guard - took root , " but they 've never been that numerous , " said Capt. Ugo d'Atri , a retired navy officer who has tried to broaden the appeal of the Honor Guard since he was named its president in 2003 .

  9. 两名仪仗队的士兵面无表情地望着前方。

    An armed honor guard of two soldiers stares somberly ahead .

  10. 一个仪仗队是由鼓乐队队长引领的。

    A marching band is led by its drum major .

  11. 这次到达给我提供了一个练习检阅仪仗队的机会。

    The arrival gave me another opportunity to practice the reviewing of troops .

  12. 他在总统的陪同下检阅了仪仗队。

    He reviewed a guard of honor in the company of the president .

  13. 这是国内最大的仪仗队之一。

    It 's one of the largest college marching bands in the country .

  14. 仪仗队走在前面。

    The guard of honor marched in advance .

  15. 秦始皇的仪仗队呀。

    The guard of honor of Qin Shihuang .

  16. 首长在广场上检阅了威武雄壮的仪仗队。

    On the square , the commander reviewed the powerful and grandiose guard of honor .

  17. 一般来说,仪仗队男兵高出10厘米,身材也更加魁梧。

    On average , their male counterparts are 10 centimeters taller and have wider bodies .

  18. 布什总统希望此行可以推进解决以色列和巴勒斯坦争议的努力。布什总统和夫人抵达特拉维夫,受到以色列军方仪仗队的欢迎。

    An Israeli military honor guard welcomed the president and Mrs. Bush to Tel Aviv .

  19. 为了欢迎轮船的到来,一支仪仗队步调合拍的行进着。

    To welcome the steamer , a long line of honor guards marched all in step .

  20. 俗称老卫士的美国第三步兵团是这所公墓的仪仗队。

    The 3rd US infantry , known as the Old Guard , is a ceremonial unit .

  21. 福特的母校,密歇根大学的仪仗队对他的遗体举行了致敬仪式。

    His body was greeted by the University of Michigan marching band , Ford 's alma mater .

  22. 在密苏里州大学,鼓乐队队长率领了一个多达300人的仪仗队。

    At the University of Missouri , the drum major leads a marching band of more than 300 members .

  23. 豪门望族的府第与城堡历历在目,仪仗队的士兵也还穿着传统服装。

    Where you can find aristocratic palaces and castles , as well as the traditional parades in national costumes .

  24. 沙特阿拉伯通过军事仪仗队和隆重的仪式欢迎美国总统布什的到访。

    With a fanfare and a military honor guard , Saudi Arabia welcomed the president of the United States .

  25. 人们蜂拥而至瞻望皇室人员外出时的仪仗队.蜂皇浆也含有大量的蛋白质和其它营养成分。

    People came in flocks to see the royal procession . Royal Jelly is very high in protein and other essential nutrients .

  26. 今天,仪仗队士兵的平均年龄在50到60岁之间,只有约5%年龄在30岁以下。

    Today , the average age of the guards is between 50 and 60 , and only about 5 percent are under 30 .

  27. 为了达成阅兵队列整齐,训练过程中,仪仗队女兵通过训练克服了男女之间的身材差异。

    To achieve orderly military marching , the female honor guards had to overcome the figure differences between males and females during the training .

  28. 从奥运会开幕式上每个国家的代表仪仗队到为奥运金牌获得者奏响的国歌都可以得知,这是毫无疑问的。

    That 's clear from the parade of nations in the opening ceremony to the playing of the national anthem for gold medal winners .

  29. 他们坐在镶金的马车上,缓缓进入温沙城堡,检阅了皇家卫队的仪仗队,然后和女王共进午餐。

    They were driven in gold-gilded , horse-drawn carriages to Windsor Castle for a review of the honor guard and then lunch with Queen .

  30. 为了吸引新成员,仪仗队放宽了要求,成员不必来自军方,逐渐对平民开放。

    Trying to attract recruits , the Honor Guard relaxed its requirement that members belong to the military , and gradually opened to civilians .