
tā shā sǐ
  • homicidal death
  1. 大量证据证明是他杀死她的。

    The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer .

  2. 他杀死了妻子,然后把她的尸体藏在厨房里,用砖堵死。

    He murdered his wife , and bricked up her body in the kitchen .

  3. 他杀死了那个敌人。

    He killed the enemy .

  4. 迫于无奈,他杀死了自己的绵羊来充饥。可是,风暴依然持续不停,继而又杀死山羊。

    then , as the storm still continued , he killed his goats .

  5. 我们的涉枪杀人数据来自日内瓦高级国际关系及发展学院(GraduateInstituteofInternationalandDevelopmentStudies)所属的瑞士非盈利机构“小武器问题调查”(SmallArmsSurvey),其中列明了2007至2009年间这些国家的涉枪他杀死亡率均值。

    Our gun homicide numbers come from the Small Arms Survey , a Swiss nonprofit affiliated with the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies , and represent the average gun homicide death rates in those countries between 2007 and 2012 .

  6. 帕里斯就对准阿奇里斯的脚后跟射出一箭,把他杀死了。

    Paris then shot an arrow at Achilles'heel and killed him .

  7. 他们想派手下的恶棍将他杀死。

    They tried to have him bumped off by their thugs .

  8. 她在拼命挣脱时把他杀死了。

    She killed him in a desperate attempt to free herself .

  9. 是出于怯懦,我不敢把他杀死?

    Was it cowardice , that I dared not kill him ?

  10. 他杀死的鲸我可数也数不清,法勒船长。

    Killed more whales than I can count , Captain Peleg .

  11. 他杀死提伯特一定有正当理由。

    He must have had a good reason to have killed Tybalt .

  12. 警方怀疑他杀死了妻子。

    The police suspected that he had made away with his wife .

  13. 你一定要找到那个寄生体并把他杀死。

    You must find the human vessel and destroy it .

  14. 一股仇恨涌上心头,他杀死了他的敌人。

    In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy .

  15. 所以他杀死她以得到所有的财产。

    So he kills her to keep the whole estate .

  16. 可怜的克劳德!强盗们把他杀死了。

    Poor claud ! The robbers made meat of him .

  17. 他杀死了阿摩黎王息红,因为他的仁慈永远常存。

    Sihon , king of the Amorites , his kindness endures forever .

  18. 但是他杀死她不是为了钱。

    But he did not kill her for the money .

  19. 他杀死很多跟随他多年的人。

    He massacred so many that have worshipped him for so long .

  20. 因此,他杀死了鹅,打开它。

    So he killed the goose and opened it up .

  21. 他杀死7个人之后,也结束了自己的生命。

    He killed seven people before taking his own life .

  22. 你在他杀死你之前逃走了算是吧

    So you ran before he killed you.Something like that .

  23. 大卫是个英雄,他杀死了歌利亚。

    David was a hero when he killed Goliath .

  24. 我一切都明白,只是不理解她为什麽把他杀死了。

    I understand everything except why she killed him .

  25. 我让他杀死我,哈利说,不是吗?

    I let him kill me , said Harry .

  26. 我不断地在设想能把他杀死而自己又不会被逮捕的种种办法。

    I kept thinking UN ways I could murder him without getting caught .

  27. 他杀死敌人的卫兵逃跑了。

    He killed the enemy guard and made away .

  28. 根据传说,他杀死了米诺托在克里特岛迷宫。

    According to legend , he killed the Minotaur in the Cretan labyrinth .

  29. 郡长误把罗宾汉当做盖伊,以为他杀死了罗宾汉。

    The sheriff mistook Robin for Guy , thinking he had killed Robin .

  30. 他杀死了敌人之后逃离了这个国家。

    He killed his enemy and fled the country .