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shì huàn
  • be an official
仕宦 [shì huàn]
  • [be an official] 指做官

  • 汝是大家子,仕宦于台阁 。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  1. 杜甫仕宦心态之研究

    Study on the Psychology of the Official Career of Du Fu

  2. 在庄园山水诗之外,谢灵运还有一些写于行旅途中或仕宦之地的山水诗,我们姑且称之为远游山水诗。

    Besides manor landscape poetry , Xie Lingyun has written some landscape poems in the travel and the official place , which are called expedition landscape poetry .

  3. 其为人谦恭厚道,大有祖父遗风,非膏粱轻薄仕宦之流。

    He is an unassuming , generous man who takes after his grandfather .

  4. 问汝平生功业,黄州、惠州、儋州&仕宦经历与苏轼思想的转变

    Official Career and Change of Sushi 's Thoughts

  5. 也即个人的仕宦行为决定了其家族的地位及维系时间。

    That personal behavior decided their family about the status and sustain the time .

  6. 他们的仕宦心态在其心态中占主要地位。

    Their officials as a class mindset has the main position in its mindset .

  7. 但是魏晋文人仕宦心态,少有研究者。

    But Wei the Jin writer 's officials as a class mindset , rare researcher .

  8. 第一章论述桓温的先世,桓温仕宦生涯及思想性格。

    The first chapter mainly discusses the ancestor of Huan , the political career andhis thought and character .

  9. 生命中不能承受之重&论中国古代知识分子的仕宦情结

    Heavy Burden One can 't shoulder in His Life on the official Imbroglio of Chinese Intellectuals in Ancient Times

  10. 三槐王氏家族是宋代颇具代表性的世家大族,本文着重从仕宦、婚姻、文化成就等方面分析了其社会状况。

    The thesis analyses the social conditions from the officials , marriages and cultural achievements of the Wangs in Sanhuai .

  11. 正确把握李东阳仕宦意识之变化,有助于对其做出实事求是的评价。

    Being aware of the changes of Li Dong-yang 's consciousness will be beneficial to our practical and realistic evaluation to him .

  12. 本文通过对渤海刁氏家族的仕宦与婚姻研究,得出北朝渤海刁氏处于次等土族地位的结果。

    This thesis obtains the result that Diao clan is inferior-class in the Northern Dynasty through the study of career and marriage in Diao clan .

  13. 他们一生中很少有机会迁徙,只是因为时事变革或者随亲属仕宦才移居别地,但这也是唐代移民的一种形式。

    They have little chance in life to migrate , but for the current social reform or their members of the household were in government .

  14. 姜、吴派词人因大多被排斥在仕宦之外,气质典型、性格内敛。

    Jiang Wu Pai person because of being mostly rejected in the officials as a class outside , the qualities typical model , personality are astringent .

  15. 总而言之,齐梁时期的文学与政治的关系并不紧密,导致这样的原因跟当时的政治环境、时代风尚、仕宦制度、文人特质和文学观念都有一定的关系。

    The reason is related to the political environment , the fashion of the period , the official system , litterateurs ' personality and literary concept .

  16. 它的形成实受家学&仕宦文化的影响,体现出传统的文化精神。

    The formation of such feelings results from the then cultural mechanism of pursuing official career , which is reflective of the traditional spirit of culture .

  17. 隐逸是一种针对仕宦而产生的概念与行为,它在中国传统文化中占有不可忽视的地位,对士人阶层乃至整个中华民族的心理都有着极为广泛而深刻的影响。

    Recluse is a kind of notion and behavior resulting from the official system , which influence the scholar-officials , even the Chinese psychology widely and profoundly .

  18. 这一现象主要是因为诗人经历了仕宦生活后,从心理上对田园生活有了新的认识,获得了新的美感。

    This phenomenon was due to the fact that many poets experienced the hierarchy in political arena , and they gained the cognitive identity toward the idyllic life style .

  19. 第一部分通过事实性的叙述,从李贽的出身、李贽的仕宦与交游、李贽的学术阅历三个方面来梳理李贽的生平经历。

    The first part is aimed at sorting out the life of Li Zhi from the aspects of his birth , his officialdom and friendship , and his academic experience .

  20. 明清以前泰山旅游活动,主要是帝王的封禅祭祀活动,至唐以后,文人仕宦游览泰山者逐渐增多。

    The emperor 's fete is the main tour-activity of Mount Tai before Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty , after Tang Dynasty , more and more esquires tour Mount Tai .

  21. 赶考科举的经历和长期的仕宦生涯,令丁宾结交到众多从朝廷到地方的各级官员,可以利用的社会网络十分广大。

    The experience of participating in Civil Service Examinations and long political career contributed him to associate with numerous officials ranging from central to local and have an extensive social network .

  22. 仕宦低谷期,江淹在仕途和家庭两方面受到了严重的打击,而此时又是文学创作上的最高峰,并取得了巨大的成就。

    The trough of officialdom , Jiang Yan in both career and family by a severe blow , yet the literature on the highest peak , and has made significant achievements .

  23. 通过对中古房氏家族仕宦情况的研究,阐明房氏家族只是望族而不是士族的原因,为进一步研究房氏家族打下基础。

    The paper clarified the clan of Fang is only a prominent family with researching offiical of Fang in Chinese Middle Ages , and laid foundations for further research of Fang .

  24. 谢氏仕宦、爵位地名的变化,反映了其家族江左发展的地域轨迹;

    Xie Family 's development locus on the southern bank of the Yangtze is indicated by the change of place names related to Xie Family members'offical career , title of nobility ;

  25. 博的学识,虽然此后度过了30年的仕宦生活,经历了风风雨雨,但是他作为书法家,仍然发挥了自己的创作天赋,直至88岁高龄去世。

    Although braved a lot of storms in his 30 years of political career in later part of his life , he has still explored his creative talent as a calligrapher and scholar .

  26. 由于梅尧臣的境遇在宋人中具有代表性,故此可以认为,宋人普遍的仕宦经历对于造就宋诗的整体风貌也产生了类似影响。

    Because Mei Yaochen was a typical example of poets in the Song Dynasty , it can be inferred that public service experience had great impact in shaping the styles of Song poems .

  27. 江淹仕宦之路,先后经历了仕宦徘徊期、仕宦低谷期、仕宦显达期,三段不同的经历对其文学创作产生了重大的影响。

    The official way of Jiang Yan , has experienced a period of wandering , trough , and hilltop period . Three different experiences on the literary creation have had a significant impact .

  28. 因此家族组织、家族的仕宦状况、婚姻圈、交游网以及经营地方,也相当重要。

    Therefore , the family organizes , the condition of the family to be a public official , the marital circle , the friendships as well as managing the local society , also were quite important .

  29. 此章分为三个部分。第一节为旷达超然的名士风范,分别从淡薄仕宦、不拘世俗和道心遗外物的游仙情怀两方面展开研究。

    This chapter is divided into three parts , The first section is broad-minded celebrities aloof demeanor , respectively , from the weak officialdom , secular and informal channels of foreign objects left heart immortals feelings two aspects studied .

  30. 司马光的诗歌内容主要侧重于抒发个人的情怀,他的诗歌所反映的主要思想内容有:批判现实与同情人民,乐天知命与中和适意,仕宦之痛与自我追求,以史为鉴与道德评判等。

    His poems mainly express his personal feelings and the major ideological content includes : criticizing realism and sympathizing the people , happy-go-lucky and harmonious thoughts , official pain and self-seeking , taking warning from history and moral judgement .