
  • 网络inside out;inside and out;inside-out
  1. 和茶一样,热汤也能让你从里到外暖洋洋。

    Like tea , a hot soup can warm you from the inside out .

  2. 清官文化从里到外,从诞生到成型,都与儒学有着不可分解的渊源。

    Honest and upright official culture from the inside out , from birth to the shape with the origins of Confucianism has a non-decomposable .

  3. 上周我试驾了一辆价值66400美元的K900,它搭载了一部5.0升V8发动机,还安装了先进的电子系统,从里到外的感觉都与其它20000美元以上的车型截然不同。

    I drove a $ 66400 K900 last week , powered by a big 5.0 liter V-8 and loaded with advanced electronics . Except for the badge on the hood , it was indistinguishable from cars selling for $ 20000 or more .

  4. 每一个女人都想要从里到外彻底地了解那个他。

    Every woman wants to know her man inside and out .

  5. 她是一个从里到外都非常美丽和善良的人。

    She 's just a beautiful person inside and out .

  6. 这个机器从里到外我都很了解。

    That 's one machine I know inside and out .

  7. 从里到外的法式风情,不禁让人更有渴望深入探索,充分领略这般非凡的魅力。

    The pervading French flavor in the hotel invites further exploration for its special charm .

  8. 从里到外,这部影片到处充斥着好莱坞式的标签。

    Inside and out , this film has the " Hollywood " brand all over it .

  9. 现在,乃缦走在回叙利亚的路上,他整个人从里到外都被洁净而且更新了!

    Now Naaman was returning to Syria , clean and new on the inside and the outside !

  10. 上帝更眷顾我的那个弟弟,从里到外,他都比我要出色得多。

    God smiles on my little brother , inside and out , he 's better than I am .

  11. 在你的每个镜子上都贴上标签,说:“我从里到外都是美丽的。”

    Put a sign on each of your mirrors saying ," I 'm beautiful inside and out . "

  12. 每晚必锁从里到外钥匙挂在办公室的墙上

    Locked , every night . Inside and out . Keys are left on a hook in the office .

  13. 我们将从里到外,挖地三尺搜索这个地方。

    Look high and low . We 'll search this place from top to bottom and leave no stone unturned .

  14. 水星,最小的行星之一,曾经被期望从里到外都是一颗冰冻星球。

    Mercury , one of the smallest planets , would have been expected to be really frozen all the way through .

  15. 这个机会也给你提供了从里到外,从下到上了解这个公司的优势。

    This opportunity also provides you with the advantage of learning about the company from the inside-out and the ground up .

  16. 你可能什么也看不懂或记不得,但当你在读它的时候,你自己就在变化,从里到外。

    You might not understand or remember everything , but when you read it , you will be changed , inside and out .

  17. 通过相图分析还可以发现,干燥中内部湿分的迁移不仅是一个从里到外的过程,到了一定的干燥阶段,也同时存在由外到里的干燥现象。

    A strange drying phenomenon that moisture transfers not only from inner to outer , but also from outer to inner of porous media is observed .

  18. 因此,如果你要去海滩,别忘了戴个帽子加本书,从里到外保护你的头。

    So if you 're headed to the beach , don 't forget a hat and a book , both to protect your head . - Karen Hopkin

  19. 复合管从里到外由氧化铝陶瓷层、金属过渡层、白口铸铁层、碳原子扩散层、球墨铸铁层组成。

    From inner to outside , the composite pipe consisted of alumina ceramic layer , metal transition layer , white cast layer , carbon atom diffusion layer and nodular cast iron layer .

  20. 结果表明,棉株依螺旋模式从下向上、从里到外开花,平均横向开花间隔期为5.7d,纵向间隔期为2.3d。

    Environments had rather great effects on average intervals , where the average transverse flowering interval was 5.7 days and the lengthways interval was 2.3 days .